“Arachnedame: Sound of Thunder” at UltraHeroix.com

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MassEffectman avatar
2 years ago

This was great!! I enjoyed Arachnedame and her stunning performance! My only complaint is that the chloroform scene wasn’t that much convincing to me like Mike said and it was short. But I love chloroform scenes, I a big fan of those as well, I hope you are planning to do more chloroform scenes in the future. Also, will the beautiful actress planning to do more of Arachnedame in the future as well? That would be great! Would love to see more of her and lots of facedown scenes of Arachnedame. Great Job again.

3 years ago

Really GREAT!!! I enjoyed the whole movie very much~Especailly with lots of KOs which I think the more the better!

Hope I will see next Arachnedame video soon.

Dr_Mabuse avatar
3 years ago

I really enjoyed this! The heroine is great looking and her spirited acting is really fun. I especially liked how well she played the (extensive) scenes in various states of weakness and confusion. It really leaned into the comic book inspiration, with the heroine vocalizing her thoughts, and I liked that too. Wonderful to have so many KOs (and the varieties) but I also really loved how much time she spent dizzy, dazed, and struggling helplessly, clearly at the villain’s mercy. Nice villain take too (on the underrated old-school Spidey villain Shocker, IIRC). I also got the other ArachneDame video… Read more »

Dr_Mabuse avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  UltraHeroix

Great news! I’m looking forward to it. Spider-man is my favorite also and has the best rogue’s gallery, IMO. The FX for her webslinging and his vibration powers were excellent as well.
The ArachneDame actress is great, and based on the first video she’s more than capable of a great chloroform scene. My guess is the ladder-bondage may have made this one a bit precarious? Any bondage is good bondage, though.
Any chance of some hypno or mind control in the future? As my moniker suggests, evil hypnotist is my brand.

Dr_Mabuse avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  UltraHeroix

Thanks, I’ll check those out.

3 years ago

no unmasking scene? 🙁

majcvd49 avatar
3 years ago

Bad news first: If were being entirely honest, the chloro scene sucked man lol didnt even hold the cloth over her mouth and nose, barely any struggle, and she just kinda no-sold it till the half hearted pass out. Hopefully you can rectify this in the future.

Good news: some of the other ko’s were pretty solid and the girl looks great. Cant say my money was totally wasted. Just gotta work on the chloro stuff.

majcvd49 avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  UltraHeroix

Thank you for accepting feedback in a calm and measured way. Doesent always happen on here.

Depo Man
Depo Man
3 years ago

Gorgeous actress and costume! Gonna have to pick this up

3 years ago

One of the best costumes you all have done and this actress looks incredibly skilled in the action department. Just wish the ladder bondage was a bit better looking, it looks like she could easily slip out of that, but that’s a small thing. Will be picking this up because it looks packed full of KOs on a sexy heroine.

3 years ago

Love how she’s rocking these black tights and chelsea boots!

majcvd49 avatar
3 years ago

Great to see chloroform making a return! Wish there was some footage or pics of it though, so I can gauge the quality of the scene. She looks great and this seems to be a buyer for sure.