“Betrayed” from The Battle For Earth

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David Walcott
David Walcott
11 months ago

Part 2 pleeease.

11 months ago

Where is layla rylan???

D_Hoffryn avatar
11 months ago
Reply to  Son


11 months ago

taking a while for the post for that new TBFE vid!

waiting to find out what kinda ending it has as the descrption doesnt say.

whats going on with super sx toy 2 tho???

ZOMWS avatar
11 months ago
Reply to  ryan

The post had gone up, I remember seeing it not long after SHG released it. For some reason it’s gone now though. Unsure why

Nic cage
Nic cage
11 months ago
Reply to  ryan

Did it they upload it here like 2 days ago , now it’s gone . It was called the hard way I believe

Nic cage
Nic cage
11 months ago
Reply to  TBFE

Thanks Tbfe . I know your website so I was fine , but was just waiting for the reviews . And the weird arguments that usually come along with it lol

David Walcott
David Walcott
11 months ago
Reply to  ryan

Gut feeling Super Sex toy 2 or Betrayed 2 by the end of the month.

11 months ago
Reply to  David Walcott

It won’t be betrayed 2, tbfe said there’s 2 movies coming out before part 2 comes out. One movie has already released since that statement, so hopefully it’ll be the one ofter the next release.

David Walcott
David Walcott
11 months ago
Reply to  Ferrari93

Painful waiting part 2?

11 months ago
Reply to  David Walcott

Oh yes haha, the first part ended on such a cliff hanger

Mr.Bleh avatar
1 year ago

I noticed at the beginning of the video, there was a picture of Bella Rolland as Blue Swan.
Is that a hint that she might be back, or has she retired for good?

D_Hoffryn avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Mr. Bleh

The images of the missing heroines are taken from older TBFE films. It is not a hint at anything. But to the best of my knowledge, Bella Rolland has not retired. So she might be back at any time. But it’s expensive to hire her for a custom, and I guess that is at least one reason why it hasn’t happened for some time. I actually considered casting her for this one for a moment when it was clear that Layla Rylan was not available anymore. But the movie was already expensive enough without the additional costs that choice would… Read more »

Mr.Bleh avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  D_Hoffryn

Thank you very much for the explanation.
I had made an assumption, based on her lack of presence and what some of her social media seemed to alude to.
Clearly, I was wrong.
Appreciate your time.

David Walcott
David Walcott
1 year ago
Reply to  D_Hoffryn

Great she is still around, she was awesome in The Collector as was that movie.

phlfan avatar
1 year ago

My impression is that Coco is still one of the best–if mot the best–selling actress for TBFE.

1 year ago

This video totally sold me on Ophelia. Not that I had anything negative to say about her before. I was just kind of neutral. I would buy videos she was in if the plot/content seemed good but not necessarily strictly because of her. And certainly she would never be a reason to NOT buy a video. But after this one, I think I’m a big fan and she is a reason to consider buying something just because she’s in it. It just seems like she gets it. The line delivery. The facial expressions. *chef’s kiss*

Omni024 avatar
1 year ago

Wow, I missed what was going on, but I get the gist of it. Here’s my take on it: I never want anybody, be it a model or otherwise to feel ashamed of their job. Coco’s job is to star in these videos and to provide us with a form of entertainment ( that yes, some of us like to fap to.) She does a good job which is why she’s requested more often than not. She bares her soul ( as well as her tits) for our viewing pleasure. So it’s very cruel to make comments on how a… Read more »

David Walcott
David Walcott
1 year ago
Reply to  Omni024
Nic_ cage
Nic_ cage
1 year ago

Any chance the doc guy who funded this can give us a teaser for part 2 ? Any perils or small plot you can give us

D_Hoffryn avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Nic_ cage

Well, I know you will be disappointed by this, but there is no pie stuff in part 2. But if you’ve watched my other customs, you might have an idea of what to expect. Most of the fighting was in part 1, part 2 has a lot of explicitly sexual stuff and humiliation. And there is a plot twist I won’t spoil.

phlfan avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  D_Hoffryn

Sounds good on all accounts. This is far more attractive to me than the alternatives in part 1.

phlfan avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  phlfan

Sorry, thought comment was for Super Sex Toy. Really like his description, though.

Nic_ cage
Nic_ cage
1 year ago
Reply to  D_Hoffryn

No pie scene ! Well I like what I see already , can’t wait for the twist

1 year ago
Reply to  D_Hoffryn

Sounds brilliant, can’t wait for it to drop 😀

David Walcott
David Walcott
1 year ago
Reply to  D_Hoffryn

Sounds awesome, thanks for the info.

11 months ago
Reply to  D_Hoffryn

Any more info for part 2 and what to expect, to give us a little taster of whats to come? I really can’t wait to watch it haha

D_Hoffryn avatar
11 months ago
Reply to  Ferrari93

According to Allen’s statement there will be one other release before it, so I guess we have to be patient. And if I gave you any more details, it would probably only make the waiting worse. 😉

11 months ago
Reply to  D_Hoffryn

Haha i thought i’d try 😉

1 year ago

Does coco have any way of buying content like onlyfans or anything?

bob jones
bob jones
1 year ago

Coco looks bigger. her body now is basically at the perfect weight how i personally like it. i like the scenes where a costume slips and pussy is hanging out or tits. i’d love to see a movie with that as a theme throughout. all the fighting you know these superheroine slutty costumes wouldn’t stay in place but they always do perfectly in the comics. would be great to see like them taking a punch and when they get knocked back their tits flop out. good example is hands of man 1 adriana chechik. but then it was just a… Read more »

Hual avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  bob jones

that is a very unique kink you describe there – but I like it 😉

phlfan avatar
11 months ago
Reply to  Hual

Me too!

depo man
depo man
1 year ago
Reply to  bob jones

i dig all of those suggestions… something new and a diff angle to approach humiliation and defeate

Lynda Carter's Boobs
Lynda Carter's Boobs
1 year ago

What happened to Redwing Coco? Is this girl her older sister?

1 year ago

Fun fact: Redwing was released 9 years ago.

Sugarcoater avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  bbsucks

This is NOT fun, this is making me feel old! I recall the impact she made from that very first video. She has to be one of the top five superheroine peril models of all-time.

phlfan avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  sugarccoater

Was Redwing Coco’s first appearance on TBFE? If not, which video?

Sugarcoater avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  phlfan

I believe it was. That’s when I first saw her. I was following TBFE and Rye and a few others at the time, and I had not seen her in any superheroine video prior to that one.

phlfan avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  TBFE

Great intro. She didn’t do topless till Redwing II

1 year ago

will there be a pt 2

phlfan avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  TBFE


phlfan avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  TBFE

Keep in mind, too, we don’t know what the sales figures are. A vid or an actress could get several raves here/appeals for more of the same, but that doesn’t mean it’s selling well.

Damien Woods avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  TBFE

King shit

partisan59 avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  TBFE

Why would people insult these lovely women? They are.beautiful and give excellent performances. Sure the content isn’t always to my personal taste but the ladies always give it a great effort on both the physical and sexual parts. kudos to all of them.

1 year ago

could the mods here actually do something about the bodyshaming comments for the actors? no reason for that stuff here

1 year ago

If you think about it, how rare is it to have a community of people who are connoisseurs of a particular kind of art—the art that is more about dramatic storytelling than pornographic visuals? In some ways, we are a cultural phenomenon. We wouldn’t have gathered here on this forum like this twenty years ago, discussing filmmaking of such high caliber with people from all cultures and continents on this strange globe. We should be grateful for being here. Of course, we have differences in our kinks and desires, but let’s appreciate each other. We are the reason this genre… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  TBFE

For years I was ashamed of my love for SHIP films. But as I became more open about my kinks to friends, I realized how normal it is (or should be) to love this subgenre of porn and filmmaking. It truly is a diverse subgenre with people of varying tastes, similar to any other genre of filmmaking. The quality of the films you and many other producers make is light-years beyond what might be categorized as parodies. They are legitimate narrative films that often feature unique and compelling dramatic setups. As an aspiring writer-director in LA, I wholeheartedly appreciate the… Read more »

heroinehunter avatar
1 year ago

Not a ‘fight’ guy. That’s all these films are really. It’s sooooo tedious. And the bondage always looks like a 5 year old tied up the babysitter. You can practically drive a car through those loops. Would love to see some real bondage in one of these videos for once – zfx shockwave style!!

1 year ago
Reply to  Heroinehunter

You like heroines but not fighting? That’s kind of dissonant isn’t it?

1 year ago
Reply to  snow

Some people like chocolate and hate strawberry.

Sugarcoater avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  phopho

That’s just propaganda by Big Chocolate.

Sugarcoater avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  snow

Perhaps it’s that fighting is not necessary if the super heroine is already defined as a super heroine and therefore the fighting is just extraneous material. Not saying that’s for me–I like seeing the super heroine dominating and then having the tables turned, but that’s just me–but I understand the desire to focus more on the humiliation and sexual elements.

1 year ago

Ophelia is freaking hot. That legs and that body in that outfit is lovely! But Coco again ? Really? She is getting older, assume it!

depo man
depo man
1 year ago
Reply to  MicLoffler

hey now, be careful, you’re not allowed to acknowledge the passage of time here…

Sugarcoater avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  TBFE

Coco getting older is just Coco becoming even better in her superheroine portrayal. I recall her arriving on the scene in the first Redwing video (great find by TBFE!) and being completely impressed. She has only continued to do so; may she continue for years to come.

darious avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  sugarccoater
darious avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  darious

You hit it in the nose!!! Sine people don’t know how to appreciate greatness…that only gets better with age

darious avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  MicLoffler

Just wait until somebody says the same about you….Karma is (fill in the blank)…

D_Hoffryn avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  MicLoffler

Actually I think that the fact that Coco’s a little older than Ophelia adds another layer to the dynamic / rivalry of the characters they play in this film.

ME92 avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  D_Hoffryn

It’s starting to get weird that I always agree with you, lmao, but so so true.

partisan59 avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  MicLoffler

Coco was, and IS smokin’ hot and one of the best perfomers in the genre.

1 year ago

Man is this old

1 year ago

Ophelia as the dominated, finally!!! Just rewatched her Starshot and gosh, her acting skill is in her own league.

Sugarcoater avatar
1 year ago

Love the curly look to Coco’s hair–there’s just something about that style that adds an extra element of sexiness to one of the genre’s very best.

randomgenx avatar
1 year ago

Will always love Coco , but anyone else playing Sunder besides Amber M. will never quite seem right to me .”sigh” miss that girl.

Nic_ cage
Nic_ cage
1 year ago
Reply to  randomgenx

Speak for yourself . This ain’t the 50’s most men like curvy women. Everyone likes to see a good ass jiggle not some toothpick

Sugarcoater avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Nic_ cage

Ironically Nic, you wrote “speak for yourself” and then proceeded to speak for “everyone”. Isn’t that just a little bit…hypocritical?
But to your point, what is the purpose of discussing tastes? I would anticipate no one’s tastes will be altered by someone else’s praise or criticism of the subject matter. Apart from just voicing our preferences, there isn’t much value to posting what type(s) of bodies we prefer as the videos being made are primarily commissions anyhow.

depo man
depo man
1 year ago

this wouldve been an easy buy for me if Sunder was played by someone else…. Coco had her day, was a legend, but that day has passed

the other 2 were perfect casts

David Walcott
David Walcott
1 year ago
Reply to  TBFE

Coco is timeless, For me the best Actress in so many ways, not surprised she’s always in demand, never get tired of seeing her, looking forward to more great movies !

Nic_ cage
Nic_ cage
1 year ago

Will there be a part 2 or another Ophelia sub video ?

D_Hoffryn avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Nic_ cage

There will be a part 2.

Nic_ cage
Nic_ cage
1 year ago
Reply to  D_Hoffryn

Same cast ?

D_Hoffryn avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Nic_ cage

Same movie.

ME92 avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  D_Hoffryn

I got my pre-order ready, lol.

Nic_ cage
Nic_ cage
1 year ago
Reply to  ME92

They better release it sooner than later or else we riot

D_Hoffryn avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Nic_ cage

I am pretty sure that Allen will finish and release it as soon as possible, but it seems that he has several othter projects to take care of as well and a long shoot coming up this month.

carter_heroinewatcher23 avatar
11 months ago
Reply to  D_Hoffryn

When will it be released?

11 months ago
Reply to  TBFE

I can see why you got rid of the future release section of your website now XD I mean, you even stated that there’s 2 video’s coming out before p2 is released lol

1 year ago

This was an instant buy for me (mainly due to ophelia being in it) i didn’t even watch the trailer, as i knew it’d be a good one. The story was brilliant, kudos to whoever customed this movie. The whole slave collar part was very hot to see, especially knowing that it made her powerless and her reaction when she realised the predicament she was in. The villain (not sure what her name was) was an excellent dom, i wish we’d have seen more of her having her way with ophelia, though this may happen, as it sounds like there… Read more »

1 year ago

The day has finally come !!!! Thank you ever custom bought this and thank you Tbfe . I just told my boss cause I have Covid so I can watch this

Nic_ cage
Nic_ cage
1 year ago
Reply to  Hairman

This is nic cage by the way I put my wrong username , to excited

ME92 avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Nic_ cage

The truth is out 8 )

1 year ago
Reply to  Nic_ cage

I would love to actually believe Nic Cage is a really big SHIP fanboy and he’s really spending his Friday night consuming top tier content like this

D_Hoffryn avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Hairman

You’re welcome.

Nic_ cage
Nic_ cage
1 year ago
Reply to  D_Hoffryn

Take a bow

Supersluts lover
Supersluts lover
1 year ago

Oh my god it’s so refreshing coco with dildo and fucking that cute chubby Ophelia from behind I wish it was McKenzie but that’s ok no we got something’ new content after so long time they done something different,costumes ,characters all are good

Last edited 1 year ago by Supersluts lover
1 year ago

How is Ophelia chubby?

SnidelyW avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  33sp

She’s not. She’s just a tad thicker than a few of the other girls, and I think the fact that she’s so pale can fool the eye. But she also has a fit-looking midsection. I think she’s just a bit more athletic than some of the others, and everyone looks big next to Kayla. For what it’s worth, Ophelia is a new favorite of mine. I think she’s absolutely hot as hell.

ME92 avatar
1 year ago

I don’t know what I’ve been waiting the longest for… Ophelia, or Adrianna Rogue on the receiving end of a F/F lead flick (we were close with Ophelia before but that was a beat EM up kind of vid and I wanted something more like this you could say) and oh boy was this instant buy as soon as I realized it was Ophelia’s turn. Not only that, but to see Coco as a villain was a refreshing taste as well. Expectations and hype aside, I liked it. Sure, I would have wanted a longer flick and for it to… Read more »

D_Hoffryn avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  ME92

I’m glad you liked it. And with regards to your wish for “a longer flick […] to go a bit further in the sexual aspects”: This movie actually shows only half of the story. (So if some people didn’t like the ending, that’s probably because it is not the end…)

On the side note: In my opinion Ophelia’s tattoo works really well for a heroine (it’s one of the few that does) and for a villainess (who makes her victims kiss that ass).

1 year ago
Reply to  D_Hoffryn

Are you saying there’s a part 2?

D_Hoffryn avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Ferrari93


1 year ago
Reply to  D_Hoffryn

Excellent, I can’t wait to see that one 😀

ME92 avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  D_Hoffryn

This for sure had your fingerprints all over it and every custom you make are always amongst my favorites (might be because of the f/f aspect alone that makes me buy all of them, but still, lol). The premise of the story reminded me of last year’s flick with Mckenzie from Lucia that you also made. Might as well start slapping your name on these and you wouldn’t even need a trailer xD Will be anticipating what more you have in store for sure ; ) And yes, totally. I’ve seen that exact tatoo somewhere else before though but I… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by ME92
1 year ago
Reply to  ME92

What other video’s has he customed? I’d like to see some of the others.

ME92 avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Ferrari93

Liberation from TBFE is one… Guardians of Justice from Lucia is another. The former is pretty good but the latter is still easily in my top 3 SHG brand videos of all time.
So whenever I see this name tied to a custom, I know it’s gonna be fire (as I am an F/F enthusiasts myself). There might be more but those are the ones I remember/know of.

Last edited 1 year ago by ME92
Nic_ cage
Nic_ cage
1 year ago
Reply to  ME92

Guardians of justice is top 3

1 year ago
Reply to  Nic_ cage

Any sneak peak of what to expect from part 2? :):):)

1 year ago
Reply to  ME92

guardians of justice was an excellent movie, probably my all time favourite to be honest.

D_Hoffryn avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Ferrari93

Cool! Then I’m pretty sure you’ll like the second half of this one as well. “The Collector Alara” was the first custom TBFE produced for me, so if you schould have missed that one, I’d recommend to check it out.

1 year ago
Reply to  D_Hoffryn

You did that one too? That’s another one of my favourites haha. I can see what ME92 was on about. Keep up the good work sir.

Nic_ cage
Nic_ cage
1 year ago
Reply to  D_Hoffryn

Are you serious lol the collector is my second all time favourite lol

depo man
depo man
1 year ago
Reply to  D_Hoffryn

damn! the collector is a top 5 for me, for sure… wish that villainess showed up again, she was amazing

also liked Liberation too!

how do you track who commissioned which video? would be curious to see you’re library good sir!

Nic_ cage
Nic_ cage
1 year ago
Reply to  depo man

Ya whatever happened to the girl in all leather in the collector . She was great and would love a part 2

ME92 avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  depo man

How do you track? Hmmm… Usually I find out who ordered a project in the comments, and in Guardians of Justice’s case, I paid extra attention, then I saw the same name in different comments on other vids and they usually lined up with my thoughts, so then I paid even more attention when another custom by the same name came up, lol. Other than that, you can’t really but such a feature would be wild, haha

Last edited 1 year ago by ME92
depo man
depo man
1 year ago
Reply to  ME92

each post has tags – of the actress, producer, etc.

they could add a tag for who commissioned the film going forward, that would be cool so you could just click on that to see their full library of films

1 year ago
Reply to  depo man

As someone who has commissioned 17 videos over the past many years, I would absolutely love this. I think it’d be cool to see all of my stuff in one place, linked together by a tag. I do see an issue with it, though. In my case, while my videos are all meant to play to the things that I really want to see, I do get a huge charge out of other people liking them. It makes me feel like a fancy hollywood writer, and I do enjoy taking in feedback (to some degree) about what works and what… Read more »

depo man
depo man
1 year ago
Reply to  bbsucks

fair point, i guess at that point, the person who ordered the custom could request that it be tagged or not be tagged?

thinking about it more, its a shame some of the peril elements aren’t tagged too. Granted that could become a huge list and isn’t super straight forward, but i guess in general, tags could be leveraged more than they are

depo man
depo man
1 year ago
Reply to  bbsucks

curious btw what some of your commissions have been? 17 is a lot but maybe name some of the more notable / favorite ones?

1 year ago
Reply to  depo man

That actually sounds like a fun thread on superheroineforums (for anyone who has gotten a bunch made). I may make one there at some point.

Don’t want to go too deep into the topic of other movies on this particular thread. It’s always fun to see feedback and reactions to the video you had commissioned and always a little disappointing when it’s just people talking about other unrelated things they want to see, other movies, or just fighting with each other. haha.

1 year ago
Reply to  bbsucks

As long as you don’t start putting in, the face in a cake thing, then you won’t have any complaints from me, the movies you mentioned are stella.

saxman314 avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  D_Hoffryn

I was not aware The Collector Alara was commissioned by the same person. That information just sold me on this video. It doesn’t look like my cup of tea, but Alara was so good I will take a chance. Granted, I was nuts about everything with Bella in a WW outfit…

SnidelyW avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  D_Hoffryn

I confess I haven’t watched this one yet, but we should chat about customs sometime. I have one in the bank with Allen (Kill Craig) plus a second with Allen and my first with Lucia in the production pipeline. I’m very curious to compare notes/experiences.

SnidelyW avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  TBFE

I know better than to rush art. I would however love to see the early screen caps

1 year ago

Muy buen trabajo de la batalla por la tierra, solamente le ha faltado su desnudez completa, puesto que con ese detalle sin duda hubiese sido la película perfecta♡

1 year ago

I finally get to see Coco as the dominating bad bitch! YES!

1 year ago

you either die a hero, or you live long enough to become the villain.

saxman314 avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  TBFE

Not sure if joking… there’s been some success on that front. Paris Dylan and Alex David are the biggest ones I know of in the genre that made that transition.

Manuel waisman
Manuel waisman
1 year ago

Quien interpreta a Sunder

1 year ago

overall solid movie with a meh ending. hope to see some more corruption vids soon

also kinda sad that this is just postponing part 2 of super sex toy lol. wish they’d release all parts of a series before a new one

1 year ago
Reply to  paul

How is the ending?

ME92 avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  paul

The only problem with that however, is if it’s a series that carters to let’s say only half the potential user base. Then imagine it’s a 4 parter like the other series we just had. For those that are really into it, 4 months in a row with that story would be awesome, but for those that decides to skip it, that’s 5 months without a vid that they’re interested in buying. In a dream world we would get 2 releases a month, 1 to continue that series and 1 with something new but I don’t think that is sustainable… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  ME92

Another thing to note – I’m pretty sure these videos are released, for the most part, in the order that they’re received. So the timing of part 2 probably depends a lot on when the person who wrote/funded it placed the order to TBFE. Assuming it took them a while to polish the idea and raise the funds, coming out with the videos one after another might not even be remotely possible.

I say all of this 0 knowledge of any timelines or specifics around the making of this series.

ME92 avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  bbsucks

Yeah that’s true, some vids are quicker to edit and release as well for sure.