“Chosen” From The Battle For Earth

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9 months ago

looks like chosen 2 is up!! i cant get it until this weekend but if anyone could answer this for me: is Coco/One still disgusted and hating what she’s doing at the end or has she fully given in and enjoying it? (you can put it in a spoiler tag. use the [+] button to do that

David Walcott
David Walcott
9 months ago
Reply to  jonny

Haven’t purchased it yet and The trailer is not fully loading! Soon all will be revealed!

9 months ago
Reply to  David Walcott

ah hope someone can answer that soon lol

9 months ago

hey TBFE, do you think it might be possible to get an update on some of the stuff you’re working on? dying for SST 3

9 months ago
Reply to  randy

It feels like it would make a very good Halloween release for sure

9 months ago

Hey there TBFE not really sure if you guys answer questions on here or maybe somebody could tell me I bought two videos from y’all along time ago The Broker and Shadowing Super Fan they both had Starli bush I guess she calls herself Stella there. Is she retired or does she still do videos for y’all?

9 months ago
Reply to  Alex

Don’t take this as an official answer, since I can’t give one, but if I remember correctly (just from being a part of this community for way too long), she retired and went into nursing quite a few years ago.

9 months ago
Reply to  bbsucks

Aw damn really wanted to ask TBFE to do a video with her I had an idea to maybe do Shadowing Super Fan part 2

Last edited 9 months ago by Alex
9 months ago
Reply to  TBFE

OK, so do I just need the forget the part 2 idea OK, so do I just need the forget the part two idea I haven’t really seen anyone? Do shadow wing in a long time if I wanted to do it, is there anyone y’all might be able to suggest? And seeing how this is a discussion, maybe people on here could give me an idea of who they would want. I kinda wrote the script back during the Covid shut down so it’s been a while. I just never had the time to actually do anything with it.… Read more »

depo man
depo man
9 months ago
Reply to  TBFE

that’s fair… do you have the contact of the site owner (guessing you work closely with them to post your content here?)

basically, we deserve an outlet to complain about being silenced somewhere. not fair to you to do it on your post or any other producer’s post, but if not there, then where?

its egregious that someone can ask for people’s money and simultaneously silence them.

Rye is a joke and a coward.

D_Hoffryn avatar
9 months ago
Reply to  depo man

There are a lot of older Rye threads from the time before the comments were routinely turned off. Post your complaints there.

9 months ago
Reply to  depo man

You “deserve” this as an outlet to complain? Does anyone deserve to see your complaints? Find Rye’s email and spam him directly if he has affected your life that deeply. There is more to this site than having a vendetta against a producer.

Last edited 9 months ago by mouse
9 months ago
Reply to  TBFE

totally fair

so hey, let’s discuss TBFE instead! …… any chance of Super Sex Toy 3 releasing tonight?

James Madison
James Madison
9 months ago

I’ll be completely honest it seems like all the talent from TBFE is leaving I enjoyed a lot of their older stuff with Amber Mcalister Stella Rye Blair Williams Halsey Raye and Layla Ryan Bella Roland Ashley Lane, but I never really bought any always found them for free the talent. Seems limited anymore. Kayla’s OK so is Ophelia although I find her voice to be annoying Coco is good but I feel like she’s the only one they really use. And it’s always the same. My other problem is and this is just me the guy Jesse Dean. There’s… Read more »

James Madison
James Madison
9 months ago
Reply to  TBFE

Sure I’ll definitely do that for you. No problem. Anything I can do to help your company maybe in the future you could respond to peoples emails when they want to do a video but if it means that much do you to get your name out there I’ll go ahead and send the links that I have to everybody and tell them the sites where they can get it for free instead of paying so much and getting so much less in return oh by the way for future reference maybe instead of attacking people that have had issues… Read more »

9 months ago
Reply to  James Madison

You are a parasite sir.

James Madison
James Madison
9 months ago
Reply to  TBFE

you want to make up for past mistakes I encourage that you want to extend an offer to work with me and do a video in the future I respect that I have however, do not wish to work with you at this time I’m sure a lot of the people that you have working with you and for you are great and the work that they’ve done in the past is pretty good. Some of it still good now. And while I admit, I said some critical things those are my opinions you don’t have to like them, but… Read more »

Last edited 9 months ago by James Madison
Sugarcoater avatar
9 months ago
Reply to  James Madison

James, your post was difficult to read due to the bad grammar and was presented in a caustic manner. TBFE’s response was appropriate based on your hard to read post with some odd point about free content. The post came across as coming from an ass. You may not be one, but your post reflected the attitude and mindset of one. My suggestion is you come across as critical and present your opinion with the humility of understanding you are–like all of us here who are not producers–one potential customer and nothing more. You come across as someone whose opinion… Read more »

James Madison
James Madison
9 months ago
Reply to  sugarcoater

Hmmmm I could’ve sworn in fact yes I think I did indeed say that I wasn’t discussing this anymore that I really did not have the time or want I applaud and appreciate that you stick up for them, but I don’t consider you worth my time or someone worth talking to and I’ll say to you as I did to them. Have a good day.

Sugarcoater avatar
9 months ago
Reply to  James Madison

Then why did you take the time to read and post this? Lol. That, you have to admit, is both funny and ironic.

9 months ago
Reply to  sugarcoater

Sugarcoater can you read? Are you an idiot who can’t comprehend English? I find that funny and ironic hahaha. One last time so you can understand. This conversation is over Done Finished

9 months ago
Reply to  Alex

Alex is James Madison? *confused*

9 months ago
Reply to  TBFE

Yeah, I don’t even know what you guys are Yeah, I don’t even know what you guys are or what your company does but not funny I don’t know if you guys are in it with him or what’s going on but the James Madison email is a school account, which is affiliated with James Madison high school, and Ashworth University and this one that I’m messaging from is my personal business account for investment opportunities so stop using my name. The Alex is from my phone, James my computer, so of course they have the same IP address I… Read more »

9 months ago
Reply to  Alex

I am now deleting these accounts I have copied and sent the messages from this forum site for whatever TBFE is to campus security, investigations and legal, I have also given them my roommates name they’ll find out if this is some sick practical joke between him and you people if any of my personal financial or investment information is stolen or missing I will take legal action which is what I’m in school for by the way I don’t know when these messages started, but I would like them to stop

9 months ago
Reply to  Imagineer

Yeah hi I got an answer to that question my roommate used my computer and used the James Madison which is my school email that I set up he told me he was borrowing my notes for some papers that he had to do and then he borrowed my phone and he’s been messaging from this email which I use for business accounts I have I do apologize. Sincerely, for everything that my roommate John might’ve done I don’t even know what the hell this thing is I just Know that I have to delete a bunch of stuff off… Read more »

Alex, I mean James, I mean Alex, I mean James, I m
Alex, I mean James, I mean Alex, I mean James, I m
9 months ago
Reply to  Alex

This is one of the most embarrassing things I’ve ever seen. I’m cringing.

9 months ago

Yeah goodbye you people are crazy bunch of freaks and weirdos

9 months ago
Reply to  Alex

what happen next

9 months ago
Reply to  Alex

get help man.

9 months ago
Reply to  Alex

This story is rock solid and everything checks out, logically. On behalf of our community, I apologize to you for having to deal with the harassment of having people respond to posts your roommate John has written that don’t actually trigger any messages to the phone you must now throw out because it’s contaminated with uncleanable browser history. Someday someone will invent a factory reset for these infernal gadgets. I hope we have not distracted you from your business opportunities or criminal law degree. If that doesn’t pan out, may I suggest an alternative path in technology. Getting a phone… Read more »

9 months ago

any new releases coming? (from tbfe lucia and rye)

9 months ago
Reply to  joeey


9 months ago
Reply to  Jmt

i think they meant tonight lol

9 months ago

ya this would be a good night for a new release!

9 months ago
Reply to  ted

i was hoping for SST3 to finally drop tonight, ive been waiting until the whole thing is out before i watch the first 2 that i already bought

David Walcott
David Walcott
9 months ago
Reply to  lom

Whenever it comes should be awesome!! A Super Puppet!!

9 months ago

anything releasing tonight from tbfe / rye / lucia???

9 months ago

I’m surprised this isn’t getting much rave. This is another masterpiece from TBFE. It reminds me of Liberation with Lily Lou — both are excellent films of psychological perils. Kayla’s performance really shines here. Her portrayal of an underpowered heroine exposed with her inner fear is packed with vulnerability and authenticity. Bravo!

YugoVang avatar
9 months ago

what happen next

James Madison
James Madison
9 months ago

I’ve been trying to get Tbfe to do a video for me for some time but every time I message I get no answer so I gave up and had videos made by other people that turned out great

9 months ago

2021 was such an amazing year for TBFE

..its been a year long drought of releases that fit in the must buy category for me

9 months ago
Reply to  therealdon

I think this one is definitely in the mist but category

Skirtfan avatar
9 months ago

I get the impression there is a higher percentage of combat in this than is normal for TBFE. Is that right? It’s also nice to see a movie that doesn’t end with a penis scene. I like the look of what has been done instead.

9 months ago

Fantastic! Can’t wait for next part! BTW, I hope nothing has happened to Coco. Her twitter/X page has been deleted.

Last edited 9 months ago by Droxillian
9 months ago
Reply to  Droxillian

I noticed that too.

9 months ago

Does anybody else think that a Coco superheroine being bimbofied would be incredibly hot?

9 months ago
Reply to  Jj

hoping that super sex toy 3 is exactly that !

i wish theyd release a full series before doing others 🙁

David Walcott
David Walcott
9 months ago
Reply to  laura5

Could be SST 3, let’s hope so.

David Walcott
David Walcott
9 months ago
Reply to  Jj

Also Coco’s Twitter is back seems to on and off.

jeqtreqt avatar
9 months ago

Kayla in that mask tho

Notthebees avatar
9 months ago

Honestly , thanks for pushing out so many movies , we appreciate it . The faster you push them out the faster my pie monster custom comes out , and I know the heroine community is very excited for it

9 months ago
Reply to  Nic cage

There should be a superheroine called Pie Maiden and her job is to deliver pies and make sure they don’t spill.

Notthebees avatar
9 months ago
Reply to  phopho

That’s gold Phopho, gold !

Hual avatar
9 months ago

seems very promising but I gotta wait for the next sale, price has gone beyond the 50 dollar mark as I’ve seen and my budget is low right now…

9 months ago

first: thumbnails still do not work on this site. you can no longer click a thumbnail and it opens up a larger version of the pic. this has been mentioned in so many posts for the past couple months but the new owners dont seem to be listening

second: tbfe, why do your posts not include a link to actually download the movie? there is no link to SHGM or even your own website lmao. dont you want people to buy it?? lucia forgot it in their pretty bird 2 post too

Hual avatar
9 months ago
Reply to  ryan

new site owners should actually do something about this, this is not TBFEs fault or anyone elses, but it still sucks…

9 months ago
Reply to  TBFE

Great movie bro !!!!!

David Walcott
David Walcott
9 months ago
Reply to  James

An this is only part 1!

Hual avatar
9 months ago
Reply to  David Walcott

is that so? How do you know?

David Walcott
David Walcott
9 months ago
Reply to  Hual

On the TBFE main page it says Chosen I

9 months ago
Reply to  TBFE

Links trigger virus software on every click.

D_Hoffryn avatar
9 months ago
Reply to  Redmountain

There’s nothing wrong with those links.

9 months ago
Reply to  D_Hoffryn

I get virus warnings on those links and then the site doesn’t even open.

9 months ago
Reply to  TBFE

I think it’s just my antivirus protection being extra protective lol. I will send some screen grabs though.