“Exterminated” from The Battle for Earth – Starring Bella Rolland

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redmanx avatar
3 years ago

Reading the blurbs it seems Scorpia appeared in an earlier movie fighting a villain called Wrath, but I cant find it in TBFEs archives; anybody know anything about this movie?

shfyd avatar
4 years ago

Been waiting a while for this video so got it as soon as it was released and am not disappointed.

Bella is excellent. She is beautiful and sexy with a great body. She sells the peril very well and takes the blows as if she is really being hit or tortured.

My only complaint is that she was defeated and dominated too soon. I kinda like the heroine to be fighting and spiting defiance more.

But otherwise money well spent.

4 years ago

Cool vid!

SumoLegend avatar
4 years ago

I don’t care what peeps thought about this, i haven’t seen it yet but the pictures look hot, Bella looks hot, the vid looks hot, I’m hot. Money spanked away on buying it, done.

joyito avatar
4 years ago

many are only interested in the low blows in these productions, but I am more interested in the humiliation and submission of the heroine, and this is one of the best productions in this regard, even so, I would have liked a more exaggerated violation, that the actress begged for mercy and cried out in pain with the penetration, and that the rubber penises were fatter, that covered her entire mouth, and of course a little more blood, some of the actors in these productions already had experiences in porn gore, I would like something like that but in this… Read more »

Depo Man
Depo Man
4 years ago

Bella looks super hot and the production quality looks top notch. But…. I dunno. Everything else just feels the same. Same set. Same villains we always see, etc. Same formula I bet too – let me guess, she starts out cocky and in charge and then the villains gain the upper hand. A bunch of punches later and we have simulated sex. I dunno, for me, the videos that interest me the most at this point have unique sets, and unique set-ups (think Lucia’s photoshoot or toxicity videos for example). I’ll wait until someone does a video with Bella that… Read more »

Bobb avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  Depo Man

I mean I dislike a lot of videos that come out, but at the end of the day most of them are customs adhering to the customers orders. As the saying goes “if you want something done right you gotta do it yourself”.

4 years ago
Reply to  Depo Man

I dont like Lucia ones, too much effects, sci-fi bs, corny dialogue and plot. Like why dont i just watch dc and marvel movies instead, when they do it much better?

4 years ago
Reply to  Mangy

Marvel? Watchu talkin bout Willis? Please tell me where Marvel has extended peril (much less sexual peril).

Sugarcoater avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  Depo Man

It seems the parameters for the videos are the people paying to have a specific script made by the producers, the limitations of each company’s set, the productions costs and the limited customer base. But perhaps the one matter that is most limiting is that the video is always a superheroine in peril genre. The plot has to follow a superheroine establishing her character, then being defeated. And the superheroine must be attractive in a way that makes her peril enticing. This all has to be done in about 30-45 minutes while allowing for a variety of extended peril sequences.… Read more »

Depo Man
Depo Man
4 years ago
Reply to  sugarcoater

I totally agree with you on the variations – especially the types of restraints or items used against the heroine. You mentioned slime, that’s a great example. I personally would love to see the use of more nets, or body cocoons to capture the heroine, etc… I’m not suggesting wholesale changes/variations, but a slight change here and there could go a long way… hopefully our thoughts are considered!

saxman314 avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  sugarcoater

I don’t think it has to be all that fresh or unique, to be honest. It’s nice when a producer does something new as long as it’s still true to the genre, but first and foremost, this is a fetish. That means that we really wanna see the same shit over and over and it’s all good. Personally, if they were ALL variations on Supergirl or Wonder Woman it wouldn’t bother me in the least. Likewise if they all followed the same basic setup and plot. Long as the chemistry is right.

joyito avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  sugarcoater

I do not know if all the videos are commissions or if there are their own productions, but it shows that they try to cover what most want to see (it is logical to have more sales), but it is true that they could experiment with other fetishes, I would like to See an arrogant heroine who defeats some enemies until she faces the leader who mentally dominates her and turns her into a sex slave, but that she remains in a trance not that she enjoys group rape, and that they make more sperm effects, most of them the… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  sugarcoater

I have studied these videos for awhile. Yes, you start with establishing or exalting the superheroine, show her using her powers and display her strength, and you need to definitely show their high levels of pride and cocky attitudes and poses. It also helps if they rough the villains up a bit also and are mean to them, then you need to have the moment of depowerment, where the Superheroine looks down at her hands with a wide eyed and shocked face and says something to the effect of “Oh my God…my powers???…NO!!” Then after this, starts the abasement or… Read more »

Sugarcoater avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  SGwillfall

Good point about this: “I think SG is picked on in this genre the most, because she has the most to lose, dresses skimpily or sexy, maybe the most powerful, but also the greatest weakness of being brought to nothing by a little stone.” There is something intriguing about a mere rock causing an ultra-powerful superheroine to lose all her strength and powers. I understand your point about the heroine being stripped by other fully-clothed women. It’s like the psychology of prison in having the new prisoners stripped naked while guards stand by. That said, I love the idea of… Read more »

Bobb avatar
4 years ago

Bella is pretty good in this. The one critique I’ll say, and I’d say this is a common “mistake”, is that she sells low blows the same as anything else. Other then that she did quite well. One small thing she did that I liked was she had her arm in a submission and continued attempting to favor it as the fight went on. Even a few minutes later when she was crawling on all fours she kept favoring said arm and even looked like she was trying to crawl without it. Not sure if that was intentional on her… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Bobb

Yes – I’ll add (because I didn’t want to be ‘that guy’ by myself) that I found her reactions to be the same (same pitch, same delivery) throughout a lot of the video. A lot of actresses do it though, it’s not an easy skill to match dynamics with the flow of a film. She’s fantastic and this film is fantastic so this is just 2 cents. There are 5000 other reasons why it’s a great film and performance. Keep it up.

Sugarcoater avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  rover

Interesting point about the reactions. So this may be way too much work to pull off, but the folks at TBFE seem to pay close attention to detail and work hard on the quality of each video so perhaps it’s feasible. What about recording various verbal reactions and then dubbing them in after the video? The actress could record a number of different reactions to punches and kicks, then those different reactions could be dubbed in to fit the action. As the sound is quick, it might not take much to add it in. And it wouldn’t need to be… Read more »

4 years ago

oh good another snuff film, yay

4 years ago
Reply to  holierthanthou

Do you call every movie and show a “snuff” just because someone dies in it? shut up

4 years ago
Reply to  Polly

Well no, but when the film’s point is the beat down and murder of a person yeah, that’s snuff.

4 years ago

How’d you guys manage to get gal gadot for this?

4 years ago

Bella is incredibly sexy. The Psylocke outfit is my favorite alongside the WW/WG outfit and Bella looks amazing in it!

4 years ago

I would very, very much like to see a whole “Exterminated” series featuring different heroines. Count me into commission one of those once filming resumes!

rangerian avatar
4 years ago

$49.95? Seriously?

Many of us are in Covid19 lockdown with reduced income. Got anything for the rest of us?

Sugarcoater avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  rangerian

If it helps, TBFE has sales so maybe hold out until then. Sorry to hear about the reduced income.

senordescartes avatar
4 years ago


Beard_Hunter avatar
4 years ago

i read Bella Rolland i purchase

MAV avatar
4 years ago

the girl, action, and AOH scene look good >:)

4 years ago

Awesome! Been looking forward to this one forever.

Sugarcoater avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  Drzod

Random and pointless detail so forgive me, but I find it hilarious that two people felt the need to down vote someone writing that they were looking forward to this video. God forbid someone express happiness at the release of a video! The internet is illogically and humorously petty.