“Geneva” Starring Layla Rylan from The Battle for Earth

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SkatingJesus avatar
4 years ago

Another very nice movie, would have been perfect if Layla has accepted a topless scene. But still a very good and entertaining movie!

4 years ago

Can’t I buy it through Paypal?

SkatingJesus avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  honggo3

You can, I paid with paypal as well.

shfyd avatar
4 years ago

Big fan of Layla so this was an instant buy. And Layla did not disappoint with her performance. She looked hot and sexy throughout. Storyline was a little hard to follow, but Layla in the belly dancer outfit was simply erotic. Great lap dance and then excellent defeated scene with her all wet and moaning.

Thanks TBFE for another great heroine fix

Mr.Bleh avatar
4 years ago

Man, how does she do it? Layla always looks so good. Always pleasure to see her again.

SumoLegend avatar
4 years ago

Oh for heavens sake TBFE, stop it, thats more money spanked buying another amazing looking vid. Bit like London Buses, Nothing comes along for a while then all of a sudden, bang, 2 come along at the same time, pay day needs to come soon if you release another!

J man
J man
4 years ago

God damn it TBFE. Last weekend I bought Sanguinius, it was awesome and I thought ” won’t be buying anything else for a while” then exterminated came out and it looked so darn good I couldn’t resist. Watched it about forty times in two days. Then I thought ” well that’s definitely all I’m buying for a while” then you bring out possibly the only thing that would make me change my mind this looks AWESOME

4 years ago
Reply to  J man

How is Sanguis? Was interested in picking it up because the model has a very Alex David-style body type (aka my favorite look on a woman).

J man
J man
4 years ago
Reply to  uhzoomzip

It’s good. Pretty much straight up domination from the villain, which is what I’m into. The actress is HOT! very curvy and sells the peril well

4 years ago

Is SHG Media the only work that she does??

Rizo avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  Nemo456

You’re definitely ruling my wallet this weekend

4 years ago
Reply to  Nemo456

Layla, if you really are the one who made this comment, you really are the coolest.

Sugarcoater avatar
4 years ago

Layla is incredibly attractive and in great shape; can’t go wrong with practically any of her videos. I would definitely like to see more of her in sexual peril, but I understand the limitations. That said, this is my favorite Layla video and features some good sexual elements:


4 years ago
Reply to  sugarcoater

I agree. Denial is amazing!

4 years ago

Layla is so god damn gorgeous and perfect man I hope she never goes the route of getting any work done. She’s literally perfect. Always enjoyed her in the videos she’s starred in.

4 years ago
Reply to  Theguy

Hasn’t she already had work done? Honest question.

MAV avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  Rover

Her face and overall body has looked amazing for a long time but I think she may have had some modest breast implants put in. I would have bought this if there was an AOH scene. Layla (who does not appear to be the one posting with that name here) sells torture action great.

4 years ago

Rock’s barber shop was closed I take it?

Darkwrath016 avatar
4 years ago

I’m a simple person. I see Layla, I buy.

But seriously, I’ve been waiting far too long for this. It’s a god damn tragedy that she doesn’t appear in more TBFE films. She’s easily one of the best heroine in peril performers in the entire genre.

Bobb avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

I imagine it’s because she’s PG only, which I totally understand, but man I wish Layla was as overexposed as some of others I see all the time on here.

I could type a whole bunch on what I think about this, but honestly it’s simple. It’s Layla. She’s the best. That’s reason enough. The way she begs for her life is soooo good. Request her more people!

alan44 avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  Bobb

can you tell me in what videos does she beg for her life I am curious

Darkwrath016 avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  sammy

She does it in this film sammy and it was a pretty well done sequence. She also does it in “The Veil” and “The Understudy” both of which are TBFE products.

Darkwrath016 avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  Bobb

I’m with you Bob. And I get the whole PG only front combined with TBFE doing solely customs means that if you, as a potential customer wants to see a film made and you’re paying top of dollars for it, you damn well want to see a woman naked with heavy r-rated action. But I figured given how good she has been in the past, she’d at least have twice as many videos to her name as she does now.

Enduro avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

Hi..You make an assumption that all customers want R-rated action. Each and every individual has their own preferences and some would rather see material which is sexy and suggestive rather than full hardcore. If I were to invest in a custom (once that lottery ticket comes up) I would most likely disappoint the R-rated crowd. There’s room for all opinions and tastes..Plus it’d get very expensive if every offering hit the spot..

Enduro avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  JayZee

As a side note…It will be interesting to see the ratio of like/dislike for my post…

Damien Woods avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  Bobb

Traditionally if a model doesn’t have a twitter or any internet presence it kind of becomes impossible to reach out to hire them.