Heroineburgh Episode 13: Empire State Human (Heroine League & Frija)
Now available: Episode 13 from Heroineburgh..featuring 17 amazing heroines!
Episodes 11-13 conclude Season One.
Heroineburgh is a PG-13 live-action superheroine video series based in Pittsburgh, PA. The first season (13 episodes) creates an entirely new universe, revealing the origins of 20 superheroines who gain their powers from a dark-energy meteor bombardment. In this concluding episode to Season One, they form a League to battle forces arrayed against them in the city and across the nation. The superheroines represent various ethnicities, professions, sexual orientations, subcultures and neighborhoods in Pittsburgh, with many real locations used for film shoots. Action, comedy, drama and combat, all in the finest spandex and tights!
Season One with all 13 episodes is now on sale at HEROINEBURGH (http://www.heroineburgh.com) in the Video Store. Price is $7.99 each, and the videos range in length from 25 to 40 minutes, with an average of about 30.
Here is the trailer for Episodes 11-13. A short description of Episode 13 follows below, as well as stills and behind-the-scenes shots.
Angela Schwarzwald is a German immigrant who parlayed gyms and nutritional supplement stores into the multi-million dollar empire, Black Forest Fitness. With her assistant Marlena Merzbauer, she has ambitions to become the most powerful woman in the city and an influence in the Republican Party. Infused by the meteor’s dark energy, she wakes up with the strength of forty men and realizes her dream is a reality. Meanwhile, petty burglars Penny and Dwight Fuchs have also acquired superpowers and dubbed themselves The Fox and The Hound (Fenneca and Canis). Their next caper finds them invading Angela’s office, but will the entrepreneur successfully defend her domain? And when Angela fashions her superheroine persona as Teutonic uberfrau Frija, will her membership in the new Pittsburgh Heroine League spark a leadership conflict with the mighty Latina heroine Poderosa?
This episode concludes Season One of Heroineburgh, and features 17 of our heroines. And that’s not counting four guest appearances from other superheroine productions that you will recognize! Three of these productions regularly post on Heroine Movies. To find out who our guest contributors are – and big thanks are due to them for their generosity – you’ll need to purchase the video.
Theme: Entrepreneurship, Superheroine League
Elements: 17 Tight Costumes, German Heroine, Caped Heroines, Masked Heroines, Villainess in Tights, Heroines in Tights, Erotic Transformation Sequence, Costume Reveal, Super Strength, Super Tough Skin, Female on Female Combat, Female Domination, Knockouts, Belly Punches, Face Punches, Transformations, Wind Powers, Light Powers, Laser Powers, Ice Powers, Teleportation Powers, Sound Powers, Sonic Scream Powers, and Guest Appearances from Various Superheroine Productions.
Episode 13 is now on sale at HEROINEBURGH (http://www.heroineburgh.com) in the Video Store.
Below you’ll find some stills from Episode 13, as well as some looks behind the scenes.

Angela is thrilled with the financial predictions for her new product line!

Heroines assemble!

Dysphoria, Canis, Mesmera and Devorra break out of prison, along with several other supervillains.

Fenneca just ripped open the ventilation grate with her super strength. The heist is going well!

Vendetta pokes the unpredictable beast that is Red Gina. Not a good idea!

Poderosa gets a solid belly punch in during her battle, but Frija will retaliate!

Dwight describes to Fenneca about the simple costume he’ll wear to complement her sexy outfit.

Jinniyya blasts Red Gina with her mighty wind power.

Angela revels in the power of her jacked-up steroid cocktail.

Etherea confronts Arctica about which heroine should assume the leadership of the League.

Arogya checks the results of the genetic sequencing on the DNA of herself and Chlorina.

Lunessa fires her knives of light at Darbouka.

Fenneca tries to overpower Frija with the newfound strength of her Silver Fox powers.

Devana reports in from her adventures pursuing gangsters in Serbia.

Frija and Poderosa contend for the leadership of the League in a test of sheer might.

Members of the goth superheroine trio Dark Dominion squabble amongst themselves. Pictured are Arcana, Etherea and Lunessa.

Fenneca knocked unconscious on the floor. But is she playing possum?

Officer Fallon O’Shaughnessy (aka Fianna) addresses the assembled heroines.

Cybrina defends herself against Spectrina’s lasers with her electrical force field.

Angela discovers that she can bend a metal bar with great ease. She has the strength of forty men!

Vendetta challenges Fianna to a clash of warrior skill.

Arctica blasts Etherea with an subzero gust. Time to teleport!

You wouldn’t like Red Gina when she’s angry..and transforms!

Spectrina, Arctica and Vendetta discuss their issues at the Heroine League meeting.

Lunessa springs into action with all the other heroines.

Frija and Poderosa contend for the leadership of the League in a test of sheer strength.

Officer Fallon transforms into Fianna to protect the Mayor.

The heroines rush into action after hearing about the prison break.

Vendetta delivers a belly blow to Fianna with her escrima.

Frija confronts the criminal duo in her corporate domain.

Captain Moyers alerts Fianna about the prison break.

Dwight and Penny go over the blueprints of their target.
Behind the scenes shenanigans!

Dwight (Alexi) and Penny (Lara) relax between takes, planning their heist at the hideout.

Jessica (Red Gina) goofs around and Kristin (Jinniyya) gets into the spirit.

Sarah, Alexi and Lara prepare for the fight scene in Angela’s corporate headquarters.

The gorgeous Nupur is our new Arogya for Season Two. But first she makes her cameo debut in Episode 13.

Dwight loves Penny. Partners in crime…huggin’ and squeezin’!

The table is set for the Mayor to address the inaugural Heroine League meeting.

The Episodes 11-13 premiere at Coffee Buddha starred live-action appearances by Jinniyya and Poderosa!
Want a Heroineburgh T-shirt? We have four designs available, including this latest one featuring Arogya, Poderosa and Frija from Episodes 11-13 as well as Darbouka who debuted in Episode 10. All sizes available – simply inquire at info@heroineburgh.com.
Coco makes a cameo in Heroineburgh Episode 13. Now that she’s retiring and we will miss her incredible work (TBFE’s Redwing is a high point for us) we figured it was OK to mention it. She does a short ‘Skype’ clip as a heroine from the Luciaverse (aka Portland). Also making cameos are heroines from Ultraheroix (NYC), SpandCity (Chicago) and Superhero Project (Sydney), all during the Heroine League’s meeting scene. Thanks so much to Coco and Lucia, and best wishes on whatever you pursue in the future. Heroines Assemble!
This is a great video. We’re totally spoilt for choice with the number of heroines on show here. It rounds the season off perfectly and gives a glimpse of what’s to come (hopefully very soon). Great work Heroineburgh!
These look fantastic! Really love how much work you put into this project. Looks like you guys are having a blast~!
Thanks so much Lucia! Your projects are also incredible. I hope those who purchased Episode 13 got a pleasant surprise.
Well, I’ve got it ! Good issue. My favorite heroines are: Poderosa, Vendetta, Jinniya, Lunessa, Fianna, and X-Machina. The new Arogya looks cool… and villains are also very interresting ! All the characters and storylines are very well thought and built ! I can’t wait wait for the next episode. I hope it won’t be too long.
The new Arogya actress (Nupur) can’t wait to be in a full episode and fight her battles! Episode 14 will hopefully be ready in about a month. We’ll also have one more post on HM before then about a couple of current developments.
Thank you for your answer. I’m gonna be patient and and I’m gonna wait.