Kandy Crisis Special: Chained

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kfs326 avatar
4 years ago

I like what NGC commented, having to show superheroine strength first which then dramatically heightens the subsequent ‘beat down’ part. The key to drama is conflict. Wonder Sienna is beautiful, and would definitely like to see more one on one battles with her, she’s absolutely gorgeous in that outfit. May I suggest a classic ‘de-booting’ sequence with her chained or tied up spread eagle and struggling like the original WW show with Linda Carter.

Valik avatar
4 years ago

Wonder Eden looks amazing. The biggest drawbacks are a few. First she has zero screen prescence. She doesnt sell what limited peril there is at all. No moans or groans,nothing shes just “there”. Second is the length of these videos which IMHO are always far too short. Another model who can sell the peril in that WW costume would be great for a solo video.

4 years ago

Are customs possible with Kandy Crisis? I’d like to do a more peril based one with these girls 🙂

4 years ago

This was great. I could watch Wonder-Sienna and Super-Eden do a jigsaw puzzle for twelve minutes and it would be worth fifteen dollars to me. But both girls do indeed get into a lot of trouble in this video. “Realistic, bone-crunching combat” has never been my favorite thing, but that’s not what this clip is about: it’s all about the girls’ expressions. I love how Eden goes down fast and hard against a superior opponent, while Sienna holds her own for a bit, kicking back mightily before the goons finally render her helpless. Some people like total domination, some people… Read more »

mid2018 avatar
4 years ago

Wonder Sienna is really something. Love that high cut leotard on her, really exposing the shinny tights underneath her!

Dr_Mabuse avatar
4 years ago

I saw a few responses here before I got a chance to watch this video, and based on those comments I was concerned that the girls weren’t going to get into much trouble. But once I watched it, those concerns seemed unfounded. They don’t get totally dominated for the length of the video, but once the chains appear (which is pretty quick) they’re at the Andromedans’ mercy for a significant amount of time. When you include the lose ending, I felt like the peril content was just fine. Was it out-of-the-park great? No, and I’d really look forward to a… Read more »

Jacques avatar
4 years ago

I can’t say that I was impressed with the combat, pretty tame stuff as compared to awesome choreography of the KAK and KAF videos. You won’t see the acrobatic moves, sustained action, expertly delivered blows, etc.
Also, Eden is sort of MIA in much of the film, which for me was a disappointment. If you want to see the girls in peril, I suggest you check out the KAK/KAF sites, there are at least two videos that may satisfy you.

Beast avatar
4 years ago

I think the problem is that KAK girls always wins in their videos. Thats the build up . We know that these girls are strong. KC is the only chance that we have to see these girls on a peril scenario. So maybe thats the reason why people wants to see everything in one single video. Also the videos are not so frequent as in NGC. I pretty happy to have the oportunity to see Eden taking some punishment. I cant ask for more but i understand the gripe. I also prefer some build up before the beatdown.

Mike J avatar
4 years ago

I don’t think it’s just this video. When Kandy Crisis for started, it was really good because people who had passed on KAK videos due to the lack of peril finally got the peril. But since those first videos with the Hit woman the videos have slowly just gone back to being KAK videos for the most part with a lose ending added.

NikkiAddams avatar
4 years ago


Darkwrath016 avatar
4 years ago

Poor NGC. Here I am in one post arguing for a different set ups in their openings and then everyone else on this post wants the heroines to be beaten from start to finish. SHIP world is tough. There’s just no pleasing any of us.

Ryonafan avatar
4 years ago

Are there any photo sets from this film?

HonestFish avatar
4 years ago

Not to beat a dead horse but I’m in the same boat. I really enjoyed the first kandy crisis videos. They gave a good balance to the kickass kandy videos. One had the girls owning and the other had the girls being overwhelmed. Some of the recent Crisis videos have been more like Kandy videos in superhero costumes. I would rather see the girls fighting each other like in kickass femmes than to see more Kandy stuff. (Ie like The video with Eden vs Sierra). It’d be awesome if some of the other girls were in them too although Sierra… Read more »

HonestFish avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  HonestFish


Mike J avatar
4 years ago

Man, Kandy Crisis needs to go back to its roots. The hit list days. If the Kandy girls took those types of beatdowns in these videos I’d buy every single one without hesitation.

4 years ago

Just here to echo what everyone else has said, I love these models, but I’d love the video more if they got their asses kicked throughout.

TimCaine avatar
4 years ago

Okay, so I was pretty sure this one was going to be disappointing, but I bought it because I’m a huge fan of Sienna. And have you seen Sienna in that outfit? … Seriously? I had to buy. After buying it, I have to say it was better than I expected it to be. The heroines dominate most of the video, as expected. But each heroine gets about a 90 second beat down during the regular part of the video. The video ends with Wonder Sienna turning the tables and saving her bestie. In addition, the alternate ending has Wonder… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Tim Caine

Thanks for the detailed review! How many KOs are in the “lose” ending?

alan081 avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  Tim Caine

Bought and really liked but let me echo and underline Tim, especially these points: – No offense to Eden, but I would have loved a video that was just Wonder Sienna. – More one-sided beatdown. Longer more variety of movies. I wanted to see her picked up, knocked down and picked up again. – I prefer the villains to simply overpower Wonder Sienna. I always like my heroines up against insurmountable odds. They are facing somebody or somebodies who are just plain more powerful. With the “chains” thing it was okay, but it made it look more like the heroines… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Tim Caine

So maybe 3-4 minutes of “peril” in a 12 minute video. What I figured, and why I normally pass on these even though they are “SHIP”

Valik avatar
4 years ago

Girls look good as always but like a poster says these tend to disappoint in the real peril, and at under 12:00 how much can really happen?

4 years ago

Oh, I am so looking forward to these goons putting the hurt in these lovely superheroine beauties! Here’s hoping for some terrific helpless peril, with great use of the chains!

TimCaine avatar
4 years ago

I have to agree, I’ll be waiting to hear how much peril occurs. I’ve been burned by this before.

One question: Are there any plans for Sienna to be on the losing side of a one sided beatdown? Or has that ever happened?

mitch123436 avatar
4 years ago

What gorgeous models. Reminds of the 80s and 90s. Now there are too many chunky models covered with tattoos.

RyonaKing avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  Mitch1234

Hear, hear!

4 years ago

Really want to get my hopes up for this one but the last time we had one with the two Kandy Supergirls, they were hardly in any peril and the film was 90% girl power. I’ve been hoping we’d see the super Kandy girls on the receiving end of some extended peril, so I’ll wait to see what others say before buying.

Krishnam Jhunjhunwala
Krishnam Jhunjhunwala
4 years ago
Reply to  Redmountain

Me too, would want to see more Peril in this one, awaiting reviews now….

Skirtfan avatar
4 years ago

Looks like a missed opportunity to me from the trailer 🙁

Mike J avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  Redmountain

One could hope, but I doubt it from the trailer. Doesn’t look like much peril or any KOs. Doubt I’ll buy this for a two minute lose ending. If there even is one.

4 years ago

Top models, as always.

4 years ago

What’s the ETA

4 years ago

Any cradle carries in this?