“Kevin Likes When Jane’s Back is Crunching 2” from FemaleKicks.com
Clip includes choking, camel clutch, over the knee backbreaker, sleeper dragon and other wrestling holds.

Full HD (1920-1080)
Product length: 11 minutes
Language: Russian with English subtitles
Custom clip request:
It will be the second part of my first custom with jane vs Kevin with backbreaking move.
The video opens with Jane making some stretching move. But we see her a little in pain after her last match
– Kevin will come and say to Jane « « Hi my dear, almost broken and back to the Fight club as I can see »
– Jane will say angry « you were luck last time asshole »
– The man “stay polite, it was not enough last, you will see what I’ve prepared for you now” and the match begins
– Kevin will dominate all the 10 minutes match with the backbreaking as listed below (Please follow the order of the scenes) and destroy Jane
– when he does the wrestling holds, Kevin has to maintain the position during 10-15 seconds each time showing the impression he wants to fold Jane at the maximum and break Janes’s back. I’ve added more scene because I would try a faster rythm
We will have the below dialogues (1 dialogue by move) during (the order of the dialogues are not important, the 3 can be before the 1) :
1) Jane : “You are funny”
The man : “really and this move is funny too”
Then, the man bend her a little more and jane scream
2) Jane : “I feel nothing from your move”
The man : “Really ? and what now ?”
Then, the man bend her a little more and Jane scream
3) The man : “Impressive, you were not so tough last time”
Jane : “Because you think are ?” and Jane laugh a little
growl and bend a little more and we hear a cracking bone sound louder this time
4) Jane : “You really think you can break me ?
The man : “I don’t know but I can hear your bones craking as the las time, don’t you ?”
5) the man :”I’m sure you have never been in difficulty like now”
Jane : “I’m not in difficulty, I will break free and kick your ass”
The man : ” If you can walk again after that”
Jane “That what ?”
Then, the man bend her a little more and Jane scream
Jane will show the impression she is in deep pain in her face but she will moan only and not scream a lot. Jane is supposed to be a trained fighter after the last time so she has to show she is resisting to the pain.
The video will finish wih Kevin doing the same move as scene n°7(backbreaker) and we will hear big cracking sound and Jane finally knocked out.
6) I would cracking bones sound. The most important is really the backbreaking holds but also the fact that the man keep the pressure during 10-15 seconds for each hold.
For the camera during the wrestling moves, the camera has always to show Jane’s face and her body bending in the same time in order to always show his face in pain but also her body bending (as the photo Camera angle example).
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I also enjoy when Jane’s back is crunching.
I like when Jane’s back is crunching also.