OUT NOW: NGC Championship: 4-Way Elimination

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PunchJonny avatar
5 years ago

Great video!!! I do have a question as well, when is the video with Dreamweaver coming out, she looks incredible.

RobHinx avatar
5 years ago

Lots of fun and games in this one. Dr.Mabuse and Darkwrath have done great jobs describing the action, I want to focus on the character and story aspects that I think make this release special. At first when I saw the previews I wondered, who’s going to be the bad girl? Reluctant opponents can be interesting (think of Bluebird vs. Athena) but, in my opinion, the championship works best when it’s light vs dark, good vs bad (Dominator vs Celestia or Commander Curse vs Virtue). So, who’s the villain in this? Almost everyone! Candy Race enters first (making her debut… Read more »

Dr_Mabuse avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Rob_Hinx

A lot of what you’re hitting on here is what I was writing about below with regard to how the heroines’ attitudes have changed over time. I’d thought about the possibility (likelihood, really) that their 7D keepers were manipulating the heroines’ personalities. Sister Fate refers obliquely to such things, and Miss Freedom appeared to have been “influenced” after her final defeat by the Dominator. SF also made a cryptic reference to Starshot being “immune” in the Bid for Capture episode, which I’ve been thinking might mean that she’s not susceptible to such influence. Maybe it helps explain why she’s such… Read more »

RobHinx avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Dr_Mabuse

Fascinating thoughts Doctor. It occurs to me that the heroine’s change of attitude might be organic; Candy might blame Wonderstrike for her (Candy’s) capture, Starshot might regret throwing her lot in with Celestia and so on…although I do suspect the 7D have something to do with it, maybe they’re just bringing out resentments that the heroines try to keep hidden. It would be interesting to know more about what goes on outside the ring (I think we may find out, perhaps indirectly as the story progresses). Wonderstrike going bad? Yeah, that’s possible. It’s significant that in ‘Candy Crush’, Alaric said… Read more »

kained avatar
5 years ago

Starshot is the best. Long may her losing streak continue.

Dr_Mabuse avatar
5 years ago

I was expecting this to be a fantastic video and sure enough, it’s a fantastic video. I won’t address who won, but l will say I was right (well, one of the many things I wrote earlier was right.) With four dazzling heroines in the ring, I wasn’t sure who I was going to be most excited to see. I’ve been quite high on Wonderstrike recently, especially in the Championship, Candy Race has become one of my absolute favorite heroines, Deja Vu is an amazing talent, stunningly beautiful, and a relative novelty, and Starshot is Starshot. Nevertheless, I agree with… Read more »

Darkwrath016 avatar
5 years ago

This video right here is what NGC’s all about for me. A four way heroine battle involving four wonderful ladies resulting in some quality fight sequences, enjoyable heroine in peril sequences and near non-stop action. Everyone involved in this fight is good in their own way but Candy’s the real star here which, given all the talent in that ring, one of ‘em being *Starshot* , is really impressive. She in my mind is singularly the most underrated performer in the NGC roaster because I’ve seen her in six videos now and in all six of them, including this one,… Read more »

chris494 avatar
5 years ago

They’re all gorgeous women but I’m particularly looking forward to seeing Starshot and Deja Vu get to grips with eachother.
I’m glad they kept her in the original Silver catsuit.

Dr_Mabuse avatar
5 years ago

Saints preserve us, I didn’t know how much I needed this in my life. I was expecting to see Candy Race fight Deja Vu next, because Deja Vu is in the “Coming Soon” panel on the website and Candy is the “Featured Fighter” even though she’s yet to appear in a Championship video. Adding Starshot and Wonderstrike is an unexpected, and tremendous, bonus. Of course, Starshot is the absolute best, and I’m very high on Wonderstrike recently, especially in the Championship. Deja Vu is still a relative newcomer, since she’s only been in a few videos so far, but has… Read more »

Dr_Mabuse avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Dr_Mabuse

Damn, this looks so good.

And more of Lucy Z in the Shadowstar costume as well. The original video was a must-have IMO, with Virtue and Lucy modeling different heroines from their respective stories. Fantastic as it is to see the Shadowstar and Dynamite Doll costumes again, seeing them on Lucy is extra-fantastic.

5 years ago

DejaVu = Instant buy.

Darkwrath016 avatar
5 years ago

The previews for this keep on getting better and better. Really looking forward to Friday. Three of my four favorite NGC heroines are squaring off in the ring and looking really good.

Also, Deja returns to action. God I miss her. It’s been far too long since she’s been action and even longer since she’s appeared outside the ring. Really hoping that NGC has some stuff planned with her for future releases.

JadeOwl avatar
5 years ago

My money is on Deja Vu.

Darkwrath016 avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  JadeOwl

I feel as though if powers are allowed, which Wonderstrike’s wonderblast makes clear, there’s very little reason why Deja shouldn’t win. She can literally go back in time and correct not only her mistakes but any chances of her being eliminated.

At the same time, kind of hoping that Starshot can get a win here. She desperately needs it. If Wonderstrike wins though I’m rioting.

RobHinx avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

I agree with you about Deja Vu, if powers are allowed. If they’re not I think Starshot could take it; she seems like the best ‘ring’ fighter.
Although Candy Race might be a good outside chance bet.