OUT NOW! NGC Championship: Dreamweaver v Curse

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Dexter Jackson
Dexter Jackson
5 years ago

Bought it and love the new actress. Action could have been better and I hated the ending but oh well. Hope to see her against Comet Girl!

RobHinx avatar
5 years ago

I want to add my voice to the bravos for this because it’s more than a bit special. We’re getting a more of a sense of the world outside the ring with every release. Here, the MC calls the ring “…a ring time forgot”. I’ve got an image of the building that contains the ring, spinning all by itself in space (the ring at the end of the universe?). Also when the MC calls for Dreamweaver’s opponent, he calls for “the worst person available” and exclaims “jackpot” when Curse appears. Curse is excellent as always, in fact I think this… Read more »

Dr_Mabuse avatar
5 years ago

Whoa. I thought the early reviews must be embellishing a bit on how good this new girl’s performance is, but no… she’s utterly incredible. And I mean, “impossible to believe how good she is” incredible. She looks fabulous, her “traditional” acting is great, and her combat skills are very good for a newcomer, but I think the thing that makes her such a tremendous talent (IMO) is that her peril acting is consistently pitched at a compelling level. What I mean is that when she’s suffering at the hands of Commander Curse, her level of distress rises as she’s worn… Read more »

TimCaine avatar
5 years ago

Cool video. Interesting power for the heroine. The actress playing Dreamweaver is excellent. So, I’m going to skip right to my big complaint. Can somebody please inform NGC where a woman’s hips are!!!!!! That belt would be great if it was worn like any of the actresses who played Catwoman in the 1960’s. But instead her belt is worn as if it’s a brassiere. Seriously, why is she wearing her belt around her lower chest. Put the belt around her hips and make like 20 more videos with her. All in all, great film… despite the weird location of her… Read more »

Dr_Mabuse avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Tim Caine

Um… yeah. I’ve gotta admit, I thought the same thing. As I recall, Dynamite Doll’s belt was real high on her torso the first one or two times she appeared, then it got looser and hung lower on her hips. It looked much better IMO.

Jeff avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Dr_Mabuse

I do enjoy seeing belts higher up the waist but I do agree this one seems a bit too much. I don’t recall DD’s belt being that high though, I’m sorry

RyonaKing avatar
5 years ago

my current expression after watching: https://imgur.com/a/8DaEuxf

what a performance. Dreamweaver was audibly tired as you can hear her panting throughout the match. she sells everything SO WELL. the writing for the episode was also really interesting. there’s only one ending this time, but that ending was so funny. I can’t wait until fights some of the other heroines so that she’ll influence them with her great acting.

side note: this is something I think I should have mentioned a long time ago, but is there a way to remove that boxing spit thing from the corner? it’s really gross lol.

5 years ago

Wow! Just wow!
IMHO this is the best material NGC put out in ages, and certainly the best one in the Championship series so far. Absolutely stunning actress in nice bodysuit costume, good acting, never feels half-hearted, and good coreography, the punches actually connect, unlike many other movies where they are visibly several inches short. As an added bonus the heroine has an unusual/interesting superpower. Top notch material. Dreamweaver in now my top favourite NGC character/actress hands down. More of this please!

5 years ago

What a babe. Rebook and shoot more content at once!

Mr.Bleh avatar
5 years ago

Just watched this.
Great introduction for the new heroine.
Interesting power she has. I actually had to watch the ending twice because my attention got called away just long enough to leave me confused about what had just happened.

Dr_Mabuse avatar
5 years ago

My comment above was inspired by Dreamweaver wearing what is essentially (unless I’m way off) Angel’s original costume. It’s a great costume and she looks great in it, but Angel’s been gone awhile and she retired that look even earlier, so a lot of time has passed for people to forget. Heck, Comet Girl still wears a costume inspired by Suki Deluxe, who she was “impersonating” when she first appeared, and that wasn’t long after Suki was gone. As for Shadowstar specifically, I’d never suggest casting someone new to play the same woman. That actress was irreplaceable. The Fail-Safe Sisters… Read more »

clutchking avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Dr_Mabuse

Agree with a lot of what was said here.

Would love to see the Shadowstar costume brought back on a heroine with a different name (a la Dreamweaver), even though nobody can compare to the original, of course 🙂

Even a photo shoot with the Lady Victory or Deceptress actresses trying the suit on could be intriguing….

Dr_Mabuse avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Dr_Mabuse

Everybody knew where that second paragraph was going, right?

clutchking avatar
5 years ago

Either way, would love to see it back in the rotation! It’s a classic.

Wrecker avatar
5 years ago

I wholeheartedly agree. She’s a gorgeous young lady and her acting was amazing! Some of the best reactions (physical and vocal) that I’ve seen in a while. This girl is in a class with Bluebird and Celestia in spite of being fresh out of the gate. I hope that we get to see very many more videos with her. Also, props to Cmdr Curse. He ALWAYS does an amazing job and he’s one of the most intimidating villains out there. Is it just me, or did he seem even more malevolent than usual? Great work all around on this one!… Read more »

5 years ago

Yeah, I think I will buy this one. That outfit is my favorite! Hot model as well. I hope it is packed with beat down action.

RyonaKing avatar
5 years ago

Just by the trailer, it looks like the actress is giving it 100%!

meyrin8492 avatar
5 years ago

That girl in that bodysuit, amazing! Granted I’m a sucker for a full bodysuit like this but this girl really has the body for it. Can’t wait!

Dexter Jackson
Dexter Jackson
5 years ago

Oh man! Isn’t that the same actress that plays Comet Girl? She’s super hot. Buying that for sure!

Dexter Jackson
Dexter Jackson
5 years ago
Reply to  Dexter Jackson

I meant the one who plays Lucy Zillion.

5 years ago
Reply to  Dexter Jackson

Looks a little bit like her, but Dreamweaver is a new girl. For sure.
Extremely hot. Can’t wait to see what she brings to the table.

Dexter Jackson
Dexter Jackson
5 years ago

Then I am really hoping for a Dreamweaver vs Comet Girl match! She looks enough alike to be her sister.

Mr.Bleh avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Dexter Jackson

She was in a couple of photo shoots recently, but this is her debut in a video as a heroine.
The characters you mentioned are portrayed by different people.

Dr_Mabuse avatar
5 years ago

My money’s on Dreamweaver. I believe she can get reach the morning li-iiiiiiiiiite!

Dr_Mabuse avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Dr_Mabuse

I’ll show myself out.

But seriously, I agree that this new actress looks spectacular. I’m also glad to see this costume make a return, and I can think of a few other costumes that have been collecting dust since the actress/character who wore them left the scene (Shadowstar, Dynamite Doll, Powerstar) and could be reintroduced. After cleaning of course. No one should have to wear a dusty costume.

Mr.Bleh avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Dr_Mabuse

What I’m wondering is how well the characters would be received, if played by other actresses.
So, like Shadowstar. Obviously, the original actress isn’t coming back, but would a different actress be as well received, playing the same character in the same outfit?

Mr.Bleh avatar
5 years ago

I suspect your suspicions about the actresses are correct, which is why I questioned the concept. I’d forgotten about that aspect of the FSS’s universe, though. Thanks for the reminder! …anyway might be something to experiment with. You had/have a stable of incredible actresses, none of whom could ever really be replaced, but I wasn’t looking at the idea from that prospective. More like how once we identify a character as being portrayed by a certain actress, how those two become very solidly intertwined with each other in our minds. I know if I were to run into any of… Read more »

clutchking avatar
5 years ago

This is true, I’m likely far more attached to the actress and her portrayal of the character than the costume itself.

“Shadowstar is actually one of the most beautiful people I’ve been in a room with”

For my money, she is the most gorgeous actress to step in front of your camera, and that is saying something! <3 <3 <3

RobHinx avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Dr_Mabuse

You beat to the Dreamweaver lyric Dr!

Party On!

Mr.Bleh avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Dr_Mabuse

LOL! Good one, Doc. 😀

PunchJonny avatar
5 years ago

That actress looks absolutely stunning

PunchJonny avatar
5 years ago

Looks pretty good

Don1987 avatar
5 years ago

Oooo cant wait

5 years ago

Well then.