“Patriot Girl” from TheRyeFilms
Patriot Girl (TheRyeFilms.com)
Patriot Girl volunteers to help out a wounded soldier heal his body but ends up falling into an elaborate trap to steal her powers! Patriot Girl doesn’t have any memory of the procedure after she wakes up. Dr Saron explains his true intentions just before his creature attacks!

Patriot Girl is now in a fight for her life and she is slowly worn down by combat and chloro attacks. Sarons Creature (formerly General Locke) physically dominates the gorgeous heroine until she can no longer stand.
Patriot Girl awakens bound and helpless as the Doctor and his creature ravage her. Patriot Girl is forced to cum over and over with no hope of escape while her violation is filmed for the Doctors pleasure!
This movie contains beatdowns, groping, forced orgasms, sim sex, forced bj, low blows, back breaker, bear hugs, KO’s, topless nudity, slapping, belly punching, hair pulling, chloro attacks, cradle carry, and more!
Purchase this video at SHG-Media
Does patriot girl die
No pantyhose, no debooting… pass on this
whats up with shgmedia?
been down all day and it says to check back in an hour
It’s been saying that for quite a while. Waiting for it to come back on. Last night it had notice for the last chapter of ODW, with no details–these to come later.
It’s up now and fully restored, including the last chapter of ODW.
always so weird to me that vids go up with no pics. def not buying until then lol
gotta see a pic or 2 of how she looks at the end
The photos and trailer are up on tbfe website. Shg just hasn’t updated it yet
I love the fabrics they use for their costumes, but would love to see other colours other than ren and blue, most of their heroines use that lately!
Maybe but I like it.
In case you don’t know I saw that costume that Alicia was wearing online shop and think about making some like that she wear but not doing boobs window in middle of suit.
I surely love that costume that Alicia is wearing.
How long are the chloroform scenes? Do they result in a ko?
Excuse me, when can I see the militarized heroine, female soldier, wearing combat clothes,I’m tired of these superheroes
Excuse me, when can I see the militarized heroine, female soldier, wearing combat clothes
You mean like Cammy from Street fighter or a girl using actual military uniforms with boots and loose clothes?
Actually thought this was quite different from Rye’s previous releases. Obviously same bones but the camera shots, sex positions, slow mo and costume were each unique enough aspects that I didn’t feel like I had just bought a remix of other Rye films.
In particular the long slo mo shots at a higher frame rate, the below the head with hair hanging camera shot and the choke outs more than justified the purchase for me (even with the jump in price)!
People always talk about productions not being creative enough without any ideas for elements that other could implement so how about this . A gun used by a goon or villain where it shoots like a black soft material with magnetice properties and when the victim tries to use it in any way they have no affect on the person they’re attacking and whatever part was used their force is generated back and bounces back . It could be like black latex looking balls like balloons perhaps.. the goon throught a film using it could use multiple against the heroine… Read more »
I personally quite like that idea, it’s something that’s not been done before (to my knowledge) and could work really well, in my opinion. The only issues there might be with it is, how can it be done practically? Is it too niche? And you’ll obviously need someone to fund it and is happy with that general creative direction
Unless there’s a rich superheroine fan it ain’t happening imo
Oh definitely! Like the original post said, it was just a random idea they had because of people saying productions aren’t being creative enough
I just wish the fight segments feature much more facepunches to Alicia, as she is VERY GOODA at selling punches being thrown at her face/head, making her very long hair fly very beautifully from the hits’ whiplash. For some reason this is a fetish element that is always lacking in this videos. I could do less with porn explicit sex (except blow jobs) and more with Alicia taking face hits, please.
Yeah, i know, if i want that why don’t i order my own custom then? If i could i would.
hey can anyone spoiler tag the ending for this one? always make my purchases based on the type of ending
From what I can figure out, it ends with Patriot Girl alive but she loses her powers and becomes the slave of one of the villains.
it is amazing she looks just like Alicia Silverstone in her younger days.
Ence her stage name.
I’ve been studying this genre for um, research and think I found the perfect new actress for Rye, Lucia and the high end producers. Her name is Alex Coal. She’s got the face, the attitude and ass for it.
Any thoughts?
I’m going to guess that you haven’t seen she’s already made some fantastic appearances? She’s been in multiple Alex Bettinger videos and also SHL. I believe in Zatanna: Feud of Zatara and Carnal Urges. Both definitely portray the, research you’ve been doing perfectly
Alex already does a ton of heroine movies. Some for SHL like Carnal Urges and a bunch for Primal. (Check out the pretty amazing “Nightwing and Batwoman – Enslaved Sluts to the Mindflayer” and “Amazon Sisters – Trapped in the Chamber of Lust”
i love, love her hair up with glasses look. gets me every time!
I could not agree more!
ok people have stated that no one comes up with new ideas not done 1000 times… i have an idea, not sure how it can be done or afforded because you have to pay people and its a bit unique. going to have to find an actress like pamela voorhees or even saggier breasts. the ratio of size/volume of boobs is not as important as the length. someone like codi vore would be perfect. scenario… supergirl wearing a loose halter top allowing massive under boob to be seen as she bounces around crazy. the model will be using boob tape… Read more »
That sounds like a terrible idea. I don’t like it.
It is… a bit niche…
That actually reminds me of superheroine stories found on the net in the late 90’s. Something like that seems to involve a level of epic and FX not ever seen in these types of videos. Although not impossible. There always seems to be a caveat. If that level of epic and FX then no nudity. Or nudity but not the level of epic and FX etc etc.
well first the criteria was “different”. all these videos generally are the same, but with different costumes, different sets of TITS. cape walks in on baddies, they fight…they get her weak spot…over power her…then fuck her. sometimes nudity, sometimes not. so there’s that. then theres the factor i like girls with big tits. and just in my opinion too many of these super chicks got tits too small, or at least for supergirl. that’s why i really like pamela vorhees. she finally got at least 1 good video with a natural, huge titted for supergirl and powergirl. actually several but… Read more »
One big problem with this is the number of crowd scenes. As a custom this would cost you a fortune.
Personally I would change it to Pamela voorhees as powergirl and her power centre is her boobs so that’s why she maybe had the big window to protect it but not expose it and have a similar arc to that primal film omega weakness exposed or the joslyn Jane v ry chase video where once stimulated her libido could go up and become in superheroine porn terms “sluttier” and becoming weak and you could have it where a goon unexpectedly triggers it like the primal vid however she has more resistance but as she is fighting the goons she is… Read more »
Alicia in Batgirl ❤
How long is the bj? and how messy?
That costume looks amazing
It would be so ideal if she was in one of your videos
I second that! Especially if she can be inside the Uninvited series..
Yo, I just dropped a comment cause I liked the costume and wanted to send my respect to another director. Please stop commenting on his post about how you want me to do shit. Respect his film release, thanks.
There seems to be a lot of goodies in this one (Alicia, civilian/superheroine outfits, pantyhose, chloro, bondage, the infamous bondage swing harness,…) Should be great ! 🙂
I agree the preview is full of goodies as you mentioned. I couldn’t determine pantyhose but hope it is!!
No pantyhose are shown in these thumbnails.
I bought the video and unfortunately there’s no pantyhose 🙁 The rest of the video is good though 🙂
What kind of ending?
From what I can figure out, it ends with Patriot Girl alive but she loses her powers and becomes the slave of one of the villains.
Does this one have a Bad Ending / Permanent Ending?
cuurious about this too!
How was she injuried?
Alicia looks amazing. I love her costume and the colours are great!
This looks great!
For anyone who’s had a custom done with Rye, how long does it tend to take for him to reply to emails?
message me at Theryecustoms@gmail.com
I do get a lot of inquires and am guilty of long awaited responses. I am not doing very many customs this year but send over your idea and ill take a look. If you have already sent over your idea send it over again.
Oh, I guess I used an old email 🙂
I grabbed the one from your site.
Ill send to this one instead, thanks
Great add to have the heroine in sexy street clothes before changing into hero outfit. Adds to the character, back story and a sexy look that shows the super hero as a normal everyday babe.
Alicia is gorgeous and great, but is there anything in this video we haven’t seen 10,000x already?
Rye continues to just mail it in
What would you personally like to see happen?
something, anything, resembling creativity and effort
Fund a custom
Where do you see the lack of creativity and effort? The stories? The sexual elements? All of the above? Personally, I find that across the industry the stories and dialog are often fairly similar but the sexual elements tend to break the most ground. Lucia Films may be a major exception.
Also FWIW I’m finally in a place in life where I can commission customs so I will be trying my best to shake things up in some fun ways.
I can understand anyone not being able to afford a custom. They are expensive.
But you are asked in a free forum what you would like to see happen (that hasn’t “been seen 10,000X already”) and you got nothing.
Not. one. idea.
famines in diverse places…..
No original ideas, no creativity any more.
do you ever leave comments that aren’t dumb as shit? u cant even give an answer when someone asks what you want
I’m really impressed with level of physical action considering the accident she had last year. I found about her accident on her twitter page. She healed up nicely.
This was actually filmed pre-injury, from what I recall. But yes, she did recovery very nicely. The film Rye and I put out in October, Fallen Angel, was filmed after her recovery, and she didn’t ask us to take it easy on that shoot!
Yeah you’re right. Previews for patriot girl were released back in march 2021. Alicia looked great in Fallen Angel and I’m excited to see her as Batgirl soon
Will there be full nudity in your next film?? Because it would be nice to see a full nudity superheroine film of Alicia…
What?! How did she get hurt? And what did she hurt?
I wont share details without her permission, but I can say it wasn’t work related, and that she has now made a full recovery.
Does Alicia C Moon have a twitter account? Is it private or is it possible to follow her?
Her IG account is dakota_moon_ On IG, she has a link that shows her other accounts, including Twitter.
Sure she will and getting feel better hopefully soon
Great to finally see this video Rye. Any future Alicia productions in the works?
She is my favorite superheroine actress of all time!
I’m sure that you’ll be glad to know there will be! LeeCarl posted a picture of Alicia as batgirl with the date March 2023. She’s also easily one of my favourites!
I’ll probably get it cause of Alicia , and the new outfit . I’ll have to mute some parts though because those monster sounds throw me off. Reminds me of left 4 dead