“Raising The Bar – Part 1” from Action Cosplay

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3 years ago

Bought the video, here’s my personal thoughs abou tit: The good: The camerawork, the editing and the performances of the actors are all top notch. In particular i want to praise the peformance of the actress who plays Marvelette. I consider her to be one of the top most iconic characters of the NGC/Actioncosplay superheroines family. The actress is simply brilliant in her acting job. The fight is very well done, especially when facepunching happens to Marvelette, this actress has always been fantastic in her fight choreography in all her videos. And i’m one of those who do like the… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by HM
Darkwrath016 avatar
3 years ago

This may be an unpopular opinion but does anyone else find Nemesis to be kind of boring as a villain?

Dr_Mabuse avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

Yeah, I agree. He doesn’t have much flare, and so far his only real characteristics are that he’s in all black and can beat anybody. Sometimes he’s a mercenary, taking out a heroine on hire, but sometimes he’s just there for the challenge (although nobody is a challenge for him) or the pleasure of humbling someone. It’s not clear what his motive is in this video and I’m hoping there’s more to his story in part 2. He seems to have a lesson to impart to Marvelette, but at first the lesson appears to be that she’ll never be a… Read more »

Dr G avatar
3 years ago

No worries ! I’ll never get sick of seeing Celestia & Wonderstrike !

Dr_Mabuse avatar
3 years ago

I take the point, and appreciate your discussing all the circumstances surrounding the character and his appearances. Even though I agreed with Darkwrath’s comment (so far; I can imagine Nemesis being more than what he seems) a big part of me doesn’t care a bit that he’s not the most compelling villain ever. This is the guy who squashed Spectrum and Majesty (what a great duo they are!) in the “Gauntlet” Championship video and humiliated Wonderstrike in “Dark Mercenary”, both top notch videos (this one’s pretty darn great as well.) I’m not suffering.

3 years ago
Reply to  Dr_Mabuse

A masked villain like Nemesis, i their point is to bring a lot of giref to a heroine in a no-nonsense and brutal manner. They serve as counterpoint to the more flamboyant villains. I also think this kind of villaisn should be the ones where whenever an heroine has to face them, they should be their most dangerous adversaries. Their lack of personable traits IS THE WHOLE POINT, their mystery makes them more dangerous and hopefully also scary. They are the Godzilla Threshold type villain, where the story indicates that now things are going to get really, really serious for… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

I have an unpopular opinion to your unpopular opinion 🙂

I love nemesis. To me he is the perfect mercenary type. Not really evil, more amorale. In it for the paycheck as it were, and a great excuse for a one side. There’s a few more heroine’s he needs to beat before he can retire.

That said! Its definitely more satisfying storywise when trickery or betrayal are used to defeat the heroine

Darkwrath016 avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  Jantor

Feels like your unpopular opinion to my unpopular opinon means that your unpopular opinion is actually a popular opinion 🙂

3 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

Yeah? Well, you know, that’s just like uh, your opinion, man.

Sugarcoater avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  Bert

You’re never wrong when you quote The Dude.

BigZee avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

I always thought that two wrongs don’t make a right.

3 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

The dangers of the double negative.

3 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

No, not really. A mystery villain always has it’s place in a comic book influenced story. One would say, it is imperative one such exists. And the more powerful he is, the better. It’s one of those tropes that would be noticable by their absense, if you know what i mean.

Darkwrath016 avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  Deckard

Well I guess people like him then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Boring wasn’t quite the term I wanted to use to describe him because his theatrics or lack there of isn’t the problem. Personally I think he’s flawed as a concept because the beauty of a one sided beatdown is that both the heroine and the audience don’t neccesarly expect it to happen. However whenever I see him on the screen I know what’s going to happen. There’s no chance for the heroine to establish themselves. There’s no real fight. There’s no chase in the hunt. And NGC being a continuity only compounds… Read more »

Dr_Mabuse avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

I’ve come around a bit on Nemesis in the course of this conversation. I still think he’s lacking a bit conceptually, but so far he hasn’t appeared in the ongoing story and I gather there are no plans to introduce him there. Outside of continuity, his invincibility and obscure motives don’t matter to me so much. Some great comic book villains are virtually unbeatable, but my favorite example, FF foe Galactus, had a clear motive (to consume the Earth) and even if Reed and clan couldn’t defeat him, knowing his goal allowed them to thwart him, so there were still… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Dr_Mabuse

Yes. Good points.

3 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

For me knowing that a heroine is going to suffer a one-sided beatdown because she is about to face off against an invencible villain is actually thrilling to me. The anticipation of something that you know will happen can also be thrilling if the thrill is in the suspense of how it will happen this time. In fact i often based my purchases of F/F videos in the previous knowledge that a favorite heroine of mine will be on the receiving end of a beatdown. The thrill then is in the execution. I see F/F fights as a sort of… Read more »

Darkwrath016 avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  Deckard

That was pretty well put to be honest. It now makes me wonder why I can’t see things that way when it comes to Nemesis?

3 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

You never know, you might later change your mind. Or not.

Sugarcoater avatar
3 years ago

That costume is simply fantastic!

Sugarcoater avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  sugarcoater

And the model is quite hot too 😉

3 years ago
Reply to  sugarcoater

I can’t get enough of her. Especially when she takes puches to the face, she is a genious selling them.

3 years ago

Marvelette has fantastic arms.

3 years ago

Few things are prettier than to see Marvelette in peril and taking facepunches. The actress is amazing.

Last edited 3 years ago by Deckard
Dr_Mabuse avatar
3 years ago

I’m very glad that the plotline of Marvelette’s corrupt deal with Falcone has carried on, while still allowing for some videos where it doesn’t come up (her run-ins with Gen Z and Feline Fury). I also appreciate that Marvelette is still very ambitious, trying to walk the tightrope between remaining faithful to her benefactor while pursuing heroic success. And her line in the voice-over introduction that “even Miracle Maiden” would be proud of her for busting a room full of mob bosses is dripping with resentment at the heroine who misidentified her when last they met. It’s funny to me… Read more »

Dr_Mabuse avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  Dr_Mabuse

PS: I just watched the members gift for this week and sure, it’s cool to see Shadow Fox again, but wow I can’t wait for Malicia/Feline Fury to return. She’s so deliciously wicked.

Dr G avatar
3 years ago

This one is a definite buy !

3 years ago

This looks awesome, but Ill hold off until part 2 before purchasing I reckon.

Any chance there is 2 part, or even 3 part Celestia vs Nemesis in the works? 🙂