“Reality Bites” from The Battle for Earth

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YugoVang avatar
1 year ago

what is going to happen to her next

1 year ago
Reply to  YugoVang

Fuck off

2 years ago

Wow coco is back..i would like to mia malkova for one last ride…

2 years ago

Is it just me or do others also feel that the frequency of releases from TBFE as well as Rye and those major producers have slowed this year?

2 years ago
Reply to  22sp

TBFE has been steadily releasing each month. It does seem Rye has slowed down over the last year or two. Lucia releases pretty steadily.

HolyMolyDude123 avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  22sp

Once a month is pretty standard. TBFE and Lucia are still doing once a month for the most part like always. The Rye has been semi retired for years so he has slowed significantly.

2 years ago
Reply to  22sp

TBFE released 8 videos in the last 5 months, and 5 videos in the previous 3 months — their normal pace if you look over their history. And they’re pretty steady.

HonestFish avatar
2 years ago

Just wondering but do you guys have anything coming up with Kayla? don’t mean to detract from the all the Coco goodness but you guys are the only studio I see with her!

2 years ago

This Is ICONIC. I was almost ready to pass the crown to Lucia Films and then TBFE comes in with a flick that is HOT HOT HOT. Coco is a legend, hottest body even better with the extra meat shes put on. TBFE started dominating the modern SHIP era with COCO in Redwing, this flick proves that the pairing is still the best out there

wizkid247 avatar
2 years ago

Coco is back! Amazing! This solely prompted me to try to buy it. Wait, I have to send a check in? WTF? Pass. I wait to find it for free. Ok. Watched. Immediate reaction: if I would have paid money, I’d be pissed. Coco in her outfit looked amazing and the fighting was great. The villains start having their way with her, trash. So they start taking her doggy style and the guy covers her entire ass with his hands as well as not showing her nice rack. The camera angles are crap, you’re wasting time with Coco. Go view… Read more »

D_Hoffryn avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  wizkid247

Imagine a car thief writing an angry open letter to some car manufacturer, complaining that the model he stole (because he thought it too complicated to acquire it legally) is not what he wanted and that they should study the products of Asian companies.
This forum is amazing.

Sugarcoater avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  wizkid247

You have to send a check in? No you don’t. Use your PayPal account. Of course, that means you have to use your own funds and it seems you prefer to steal from others and then have the gall to complain that what you stole was not up to your standards as an amateur viewer of videos.
Go troll elsewhere kid.

2 years ago
Reply to  wizkid247
blackjebus avatar
2 years ago

Please bring back Coco’s Spectre!

2 years ago
Reply to  blackjebus

That’s from Rye

Sugarcoater avatar
2 years ago

Hope the very minor suggestion isn’t too high maintenance, but any chance of customizing a smaller mask for Redwing? The bottom portion of it covers a bit too much of the heroine’s beautiful face (imho).

KOBEBRYA8j avatar
2 years ago

It doesn’t seem to have unmasking

blackjebus avatar
2 years ago

I wish more of the defeated heroines would show more disgust/shame when their attacker creampies them. Like, the heroine has been bested and humiliated and the villain totally degrades them by giving them a creampie. That would be interesting to see.

shfyd avatar
2 years ago

This was a very classy production, made that much better by Coco’s awesomeness.
Very well thought out story, with the naked Coco unconscious in a pool….the eroticism gets ramped up early. The cockiness of Red Wing as she battles her way through the various tests just takes the temperature higher and higher.
The final contest when her power suit gets zapped leaving her powerless…..no longer the cocky dominant heroine, is just icing.
Loved it. Coco has lots none of he acting talent and her new look is visually stunning.
Worth every penny spent!

phlfan avatar
2 years ago

Back on the Sale thread, someone mentioned a vid with Coco (I think as Wonderous Woman–not sure) and a gorilla. Couldn’t find anything on this. Is this an upcoming release? Anybody know anything about it?

Hual avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  phlfan

would like to know,too

2 years ago
Reply to  phlfan

It’s from an Instagram post I saw, looked like Rye films imo


Like last time coco did a wonderous woman film with some sasquatch zombies it was rye. Seems like he would dooer.

2 years ago
Reply to  Cocopuffs

can you kindly send his insta link?

2 years ago
Reply to  Jmt

I don’t want to because it’s probably a personal account I found.

SnidelyW avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  phlfan

I think that was actually Arielle. She tends to get commissioned to do these over-the-top customs that involve all kinds of crazy stuff. I think there was a guy dressed as Batman in there too. (Also, she shot one of those customs the same weekend she shot mine.)

2 years ago
Reply to  SnidelyW

It wasn’t. It was coco. And the actor with the shaved head from “reality bites” taking a smoke break dressed as a gorilla.

shzam avatar
2 years ago

Will say this is a return to form for TBFE for me. Not that the last couple of releases haven’t been good but I’ve personally felt a little burnt out on them for they’re sameyness…. on top of that they’ve been a little steep price wise compared to the other producers on this site. This release however has reinvigorated tbfe for me. The content was great, unique set, story and look (that cover photo is amazing and while we dont quite reach that level in the film we do get some unique color grading). Coco looks freakin phenomenal, much better… Read more »

redmanx avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Shzam

Agreed almost 100%! Redwing takes a tremendous beating and the fight action is excellent, my only niggles are based on my personal fetish likes; first Redwings boots are clunky and I prefer my superheroines in highheel stilettos lol; second I would have loved to have seen Redwing fully immersed into water, a tank or large tub, and to be pulled out dripping wet. Apart from that its one of the best from TBFE Ive seen.

saxman314 avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Shzam

Pretty sure the cover photo is a screengrab from the video that’s had the background cut out and replaced.

2 years ago

Does the title happen to have anything to do with the studio logo you put at the beginning of all your films?

2 years ago

Balance to the force, there is

saxman314 avatar
2 years ago

Coco is hotter than ever!

yugioh33 avatar
2 years ago

I Love Coco Is Sexy Hot Amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Notthebees avatar
2 years ago

Does anyone know what happened to opheila ?

2 years ago
Reply to  Nic cage

She was just ion two recent releases from TBFE. She was a heroine in Ninja Nitch and a villainess in Maxima opposite Layla Rylan..

2 years ago
Reply to  mjk

Ninja Bitch

Notthebees avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  mjk

She never posts on social media

2 years ago
Reply to  Nic cage

I agree. We need an Ophelia and Coco movie

phlfan avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  clb

Super yes to that!

Math expert
Math expert
2 years ago

Kinda curious about Arielle WW, any clue when it’s gonna be released? Thanks a lot

2 years ago
Reply to  Math expert

Been wondering about that as well. Super hyped.

2 years ago

Anyone have her IG ?

Omni024 avatar
2 years ago

Coco beware. Your tits are being groped again.

Sugarcoater avatar
2 years ago

Coco as Redwing—one of TBFE’s best superheroines—is always a welcome surprise!