Rye & PH 50% off Flash Sale!

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1 year ago

Any reviews on the new Rye film?

shzam avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  33sp

I really liked it 🙂
Great set up, lots of dialogue and outside/driving shots which help set it apart.
Alicia as always is great, concept is a continuation of “Enthusiastic Participation” if you liked that series this will be a winner for you.

Having said that is what you probably expect of a RYE release with what I assume is the custom producers kinks (slow mo, ahegao expression, focus on choking which I like).
8 or 9 out of 10 for me but I am a WW and Alicia stan.

1 year ago
Reply to  Shzam

Thank you!

Dr G avatar
1 year ago

It looks like Rye just released a new film on SHG with Alicia C Moon as WW.

phlfan avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Dr G

Yes, but few details, no stills, no trailer. Waiting till posted here. If possible, Rye should include fuller material on SHG. Looking forward to finding out more.

Condor 418
Condor 418
1 year ago

Off topic but what kind of money would it take to get Alexis Monroe back? We should get some insane funds together to beg for her return, I think her Supergirl Parolee is my all time favorite

Sugarcoater avatar
1 year ago

Is it just me, or are Skyfire’s gloves distracting in a bad way? I think I see what Rye might have been trying to pull off–and I like the idea–but the gloves used just don’t seem to pull it off. And again, maybe it’s me but Skyfire looks like she was in the midst of washing dishes when she flew off to take on these villains.

1 year ago
Reply to  sugarcoater

I actually like those bulky gloves. They add to the idea of this Rookie heroine who is powerful but is trying to hide her insecurity by wearing gloves that are more protective than necessary!

Damien Woods avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  33sp

I like the gloves personally, though I haven’t seen them in action as I didnt buy the film

1 year ago

Not gonna lie. Skyfire Rookie Mistake is amazing. The actress is beautiful and her descend from a cocky over the head heroine to a weak little girl is fantastic. The bit she said “no man has touched me” really draws a beautiful contrast with how she gets manhandled.

1 year ago

hey everyone. could someone please share how Skyfire Rookie Mistake ends? is she killed, corrupted or beaten down and defeated? on the verge of purchasing it.

1 year ago
Reply to  lovesupes

she keeps getting raped with forced orgasms with no end in sight

1 year ago
Reply to  Skip

That’s good 2 know! Thanks! I’ll probably skip this one as I was also waiting to find out if it were a corruption or permanent end, which I prefer. Rye, if your reading this, I know you’re getting a lot of shit lately (and I dont like the AI stuff either tbh!) but I just wanna say that Eternal Prison is probably the best video in this genre ever followed by Parolee 4 (especially part 3 for both of them). honestly Parolee Alpha Girl (Directors Cut) probably comes in right after that actress in Eternal Prison sells the perm end… Read more »

AI is garbage
AI is garbage
1 year ago

i see that rye did another AI art set and of course the comments are off again. probably to avoid anyone pointing out how hilariously overpriced his pack of stolen artwork is

1 year ago
Reply to  AI is garbage

Just wanted to point out that AI art can’t have copyright. It’s impossible to own it. Just in case anyone came across any that they liked and wanted to share it freely with everyone, doing so is both legal and moral.

Mako avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  AI is garbage

Isn’t selling AI “Art” a little like getting someone to paint you a picture then you pass it off as your own work?

Wait, scratch that. That’s EXACTLY what it is.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mako

Wouldn’t the analogy be more like an architect designing a building and having construction workers build it? People have no issues paying the architect for their design.

I haven’t used AI art, but I have read descriptions of the process and it seems fairy arduous and challenging at the moment.

1 year ago
Reply to  AI is garbage

I think Rye did not invent this idea. There are MANY places selling AI generate art online and they were doing it a long time before him. Its a ‘thing’ these days, at least for now. Not sure why all the hate though.. No one has to buy it.

1 year ago
Reply to  steve

Couldn’t agree more. I actually recently invested in some subscriptions to generate my own AI art and, to me, that seems like a better investment. It’s more fun, engaging, produces the same end results, and is actually cheaper than the pack.

That being said, the pack existing for sale on a website doesn’t hurt me at all. It hasn’t knocked on my door or excessively dialed my phone. It’s pretty easy to ignore.

1 year ago
Reply to  bbsucks

What.. you dont have a gun to your head with someone telling you that you HAVE to buy it? 😛 Kidding of course … but gosh.. you would think so with the tone of some of the other comments. I too have been playing with some of the AI services and it IS fun and engaging.. Been getting a real kick out of it. I am looking forward to seeing where it all goes over the next few years. I suspect Rye is having fun with it to… Might be a nice change for him from the 24 years of… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  steve

“not sure why all the hate though”

its been explained numerous times over the past year in many different places: AI art steals from other actual artists, without giving profit. it’s fucked up to then profit off of that.

the fact that no one has to buy it doesn’t make it immune from criticism.

1 year ago

a few people have asked for more info on Skyfire and no one seems to be answering yet.

can anyone at least put in spoiler tags what kind of ending it has? i want to buy it but $40 is a lot with no info. please help

1 year ago
Reply to  hexxer

rye clearly doesn’t want our money. oh well,if they cant respect their fans (in an extremely niche genre), no reason to spend money on them

1 year ago
Reply to  superman

Oh, I’m sure he wants our money. What he forgot is, even in this “extremely niche genre” there are other guys doing what he does (many better and/or cheaper). That’s exactly why a little good will from the audience can make the difference between having a loyal, supportive fan-base and having to do 50% off sales to pay the bills.

1 year ago

Thank you folks for opening up this old post into a Rye discussion post. I totally understand his rational behind closing the comment section. But reading people’s review of the videos, especially how they’re profoundly impacted by the videos, are half of the joy of coming here.

I’m on the fence to purchase Starfire. For those who have bought it, could you share more thoughts please? Thank you!

Sugarcoater avatar
1 year ago

I guess this is the new “all things Rye” discussion board for this site. It is a bit frustrating not being able to read commentary on a product when we were once able to do so. Not sure if it’s due to criticism being unwanted or a lack of interest in consumers’ opinions, or perhaps some other reason, but this is disappointing. Preventing feedback seems like a concern that the feedback would be less-than-positive. Regardless of the circumstances, as a Rye fan, this change is depressing. The new animated material seems quite promising, and I would support Rye by purchasing… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  sugarcoater

Your post seems to assume that a producer has to cater to (mostly) feedback. If Rye wants to keep producing and turn off comments that’s at least far preferable to being driven away by the negative comments, I suppose.

1 year ago
Reply to  snow

Not sure where you get that assumption from. I think many are disappointed that a feature a producer had for over a decade recently removed it and thus made it a bit more challenging for potential customers to share their thoughts and reviews. You’re creating a false choice of either no comments and Rye continues to produce or comments and Rye quits. Speaking for myself, I would say I’ve been pretty damn supportive of Rye with my comments and expenses; and to balance that point, Rye has produced a ton of material I have been grateful to purchase. Voicing disappointment… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  snow

cool but when you allow comments for a decade and then turn them off, your gonna be rightfully criticized for it (and the lack of transparency when asking $40 of your customers)

and because he turned them off, its now going to old posts or posts of other creators.

1 year ago
Reply to  snow

Well, actually they DO have to. That’s what far to many entertainment companies are forgetting. If you want us to give you money for your video, it’s your responsibility to make videos we want to see. Part of that is listening to feedback.

1 year ago
Reply to  JetRanger

When the Beatles transitioned from clean cut boy band to hippie experimental band, they also forgot that it was their responsibility to listen to critical feedback about their new sound and create records that the market stated they wanted to hear in order to maximize sales. Sometimes in a creative field, you just have to make stuff that you know you’d like and hope the audience (that liked the stuff you made that you liked in the past) are on the same page. You’ll always pick up and lose people along the way. You can never make a thing that… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  bbsucks

Great example. Couldn’t agree more.

1 year ago
Reply to  bbsucks

Except, the Beatles changed their sound because they weren’t getting the audience they wanted. When they found out the audience liked the new stuff, they stuck with it. Also, never confuse art with commercial products. One is the fulfillment of a personal vision, the other is providing a good or service to the consumer.

1 year ago
Reply to  JetRanger

And you think Rye or any of these other producers aren’t doing these things to fulfill a personal vision? Do you actually think they’re just cranking out a good or service because the money involved in this genre is that good?

I doubt anyone is getting rich off of superheroine peril. I don’t want to speak for anyone, but I imagine most of these people are doing this because they enjoy what they’re making. I would bet that most of them don’t think of the end results as a “good or service.”

1 year ago
Reply to  JetRanger

“Well, actually they DO have to.”

Spoken like someone not in any type of creative field.That entitled statement is the death of anything creative.

“If you want us to give you money for your video, it’s your responsibility to make videos we want to see.”

Just two minutes reading the forum on this site will prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that it would be impossible to make a video that everyone wants to see.

1 year ago
Reply to  Meerkat_Man

It seems the dividing line is between a creative artist producing original work not listening to critics and a business going by the motto “the customer is always right”.
In this case, there seems to be a bit of both.
As for The Beatles, one might also assume the decisions made were researched and planned—their producers probably figured out what fans wanted and were drawn to, then subsequently made the band conform to that. But now I’m going down a rabbit hole of Beatles history…

phlfan avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  sugarcoater

Assuming that people’s comments are the same as what they want may not be accurate; that is better reflected by what sells. Often some actress is frequently praised in the comments by a couple of fans, while her videos don’t sell that well.

Sugarcoater avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  phlfan

Not disagreeing with you as the circumstances might well be so, but at the same time I don’t know how any of us could know without the actual sales numbers (which only those associated with the various production companies would know).

phlfan avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  sugarcoater

True. But basically, we do not know why the producers/creators make the decisions they do. I doubt we ever did, unless one of us had communications with any of these fellows. We can only see the results and make our own decisions as to how to spend our money.

1 year ago
Reply to  sugarcoater

Totally right. Realistically, it’s not all one way or the other and there are nuances where you take a little bit from both approaches. I was leaning hard towards the opposite direction of the comment I was replying to, to make a point that’s it’s not necessarily as simple as it was made to sound.

1 year ago
Reply to  Meerkat_Man

Wow, just wow. On the strength of one brief comment you felt qualified to pass judgement . . . and you call me entitled!?!

1 year ago
Reply to  JetRanger

This feels like it’s delving a little bit into “internet argument” territory where people are arguing just to try to win. I totally see your perspective on this and do agree that if something has been done to make you want to not spend your money on a producer’s video then indeed you don’t spend money and they in turn don’t get that money, which can mean whatever that means to them. But I still also think your entire premise of this movie genre being like a consumer good that follows a normal business model is maybe isn’t as accurate… Read more »

1 year ago

why exactly is Rye not allowing comments on their new posts and giving minimal information about the videos they expect people to drop $40 on?

im not gonna spend that money if u cant communicate or allow people to discuss the video (positive and negative)

Skirtfan avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  ziggy231

Has anybody looked into the animated movie or photo set of Superior Girl recently posted by Rye. I cannot justify spending nearly $40 on an 11 minute animation and what I saw in the trailer did not appeal to me either. The photo set looks more interesting but I would need to see more examples before forking out nearly $40 again. The set allegedly has 100s of photos, but all we see in the ‘trailer’ is 11 photos very similar in look. I cannot make a decision on that to buy. I would need to see a better cross section… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by Skirtfan
1 year ago
Reply to  shbeater

i would have but like the other post said, rye isnt communicating with people at all but they expect fans to drop a ton of money non-standard stuff like an animated video or AI garbage (which is just stealing other people’s art)

phlfan avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  shbeater

I’d also like to see more, especially samples of nudity, hits, and sex.

1 year ago
Reply to  phlfan

bro you said you bought it in a comment below and someone asked if you could sy what kind of ending it is. could you?

1 year ago
Reply to  shbeater

I bought the photos. I like them but was hoping for more. I wouldn’t mind seeing a comic with this stuff but I doubt that is going to happen.

If I could get a refund but would have to return the photos, I would do so.

HolyMolyDude123 avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  ziggy231

Then do not buy his product? At this point we all know what we are getting with Rye content. He basically created the genre and has changed very little over the years. This community is full of people crying about the same things over and over, I do not really blame for just skipping it.

phlfan avatar
1 year ago

These are for: Skyfire–Rookie Mistake, but there wasn’t a space for comments there.
Very good; the group grope was a great idea.
Who was the actress? I hope we’ll see her again.

ZOMWS avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  phlfan

Her name is Fiona Sprouts and we definitely will. She’s in some of the images above on this post. She did also post on instagram wearing patriot girls costume, so hopefully we see them in the near future! I thought the same thing about the group grope

Last edited 1 year ago by ZOMWS
1 year ago
Reply to  phlfan

can you say what kind of ending it is? (corruption, turned into a willing happy slave, death, etc.)

no idea why they’re not properly marketing the video or allowing comments to discuss it

1 year ago
Reply to  phlfan

agreed with above. can you say what kinda ending it has?

ZOMWS avatar
1 year ago

Anyone seen the new teaser for SilverBat: Prey? Alicia’s looking incredible in that costume!

1 year ago
Reply to  ZOMWS

Where can I see that trailer? Can’t find it anywhere. Can someone post a link? Thanks in advance!

Last edited 1 year ago by Siggi80
shzam avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Siggi80

Assume they just mean the images on Lee Carl’s insta

1 year ago
Reply to  shzam

Ah ok, checked that and saw the images, very promising 🙂 – Thanks for the help!

Spacebabe avatar
1 year ago

Ughhh… looks like I missed the sale.. 🙁 sigh….

Dr G avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Spacebabe

I think the sale is still on. The full Patriot Girl movie is selling for $ 34.98.

Victor avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Spacebabe

The sale is still on.

Last edited 1 year ago by
Elevete avatar
1 year ago

We need the new trailers!

1 year ago

Can’t wait for these new releases!

Mnite83 avatar
1 year ago

Is the sale going on now? I feel like I’m still seeing the regular price on the website.

ZOMWS avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Mnite83

Yeah. I believe the sale is still going on. I think patriot girls regular price is $65

1 year ago

Loving that Batgirl suit! Looking forward to that vid!

Uh avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  F L

Yeah! Would love to know when is it coming out!

ZOMWS avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Uh

All that’s know is that it’s scheduled for March. Big month as we get two different batgirls in the same month. Just have to count down each day until we get the full thing 🙂

1 year ago

can ne1 link to the vid in the post? i cant find it. trying to buy

ZOMWS avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  don

Which vid? All the images above are teasers for currently unreleased videos

1 year ago

New actress? what happened to the Rye UK film that was promoted ages ago?

ZOMWS avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  steve

I believe she is yes, Supper6 pointed out the new actress is Fiona Sprouts. I had asked the same thing a while ago, I’m hoping it’ll be the same situation as patriot girl. Promotional images were released and we heard nothing for around 2 years and then they released it out the blue

phlfan avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  ZOMWS

I saw some stills for a great Supergirl vid she was in. Anybody have a url for that?

1 year ago
Reply to  steve

RYE UK are dead and buried, I’m so tired of waiting for any news for any of their projects. All they do is release false updates, teaser photos of future videos and you wait a couple years and then nothing. Yh very annoying cos they made lots of good peril stuff but yh it is what it is

ZOMWS avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  yolho

Well anyone who was interested in patriot girl was in the same position and that video finally released. I’m optimistic but I’m not holding my breath for anything soon. We obviously haven’t seen the video teased with Villains United UK superverse actress, the blonde actress teased in that same post or an update to the eye of the beholder or doomsday UK series but like you said. It is what it is, just have to hope one day we’ll get something

Last edited 1 year ago by ZOMWS
Dr G avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  ZOMWS

Eye of the Beholder 2 has been cancelled. Rye and Rye UK refunded me the money that I had contributed to it. They tried to hold on as long as possible hoping to make it but I guess things didn’t work out. Maybe in the future they will try again. Unfortunately I don’t have any news about the other Rye UK projects.

ZOMWS avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Dr G

Wow I didn’t know that! Thanks for the information and that’s a shame to hear. Just out of curiosity, did they cancel it a while ago? Or was it only something they announced to contributors recently?

Last edited 1 year ago by ZOMWS
Dr G avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  ZOMWS

They e-mailed me in January 2023. Not sure when they decided to cancel it.It was good that they refunded me though. 🙂

ZOMWS avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Dr G

January 2023! Wow that was recent. I thought you was going to say sometime in 2022 and that’s good to hear. Hopefully we’ll get an update to the Rye UK projects that might still be being made in the near future. Very excited to see these projects teased above though

Last edited 1 year ago by ZOMWS
1 year ago
Reply to  Dr G

Thanks for letting us know, it’s a shame they cancelled it, but do you know anything about the starlight project they teased a while back?

Dr G avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  yolho

I don’t have any information on the Starlight or Doomsday (Supergirl) projects as I didn’t contribute $ to them. I’m hoping that Rye/Rye UK take another run at Eye Of The Beholder 2 in the future ! 🙂

1 year ago
Reply to  Dr G

Is Eye of the Beholder 2 the video featuring Starlight?

ZOMWS avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Random

No, they’re 2 different videos. The starlight one was teased back in sep 2021 alongside the video which had the actress from villains United uk (superverse). The eye of the beholder 2 was separate and was announced back in march 2021 but was cancelled in Jan 2023

1 year ago

Do someone know where I can found the death ending version of “The Shadow Strangler” with Ashley Rose. It was one of the first Rye movies.

1 year ago

Can I confirm when the sales will begin? 18~19 Mar?

ZOMWS avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Christy

The sales active right now on shg media. Unsure of when it ends though

Last edited 1 year ago by ZOMWS
1 year ago

I’d say Ultragirl is Fiona Sprouts

ZOMWS avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Supper6

I’m definitely with you on that!

shzam avatar
1 year ago

Who is the actress for Wonder Woman in the promo’s above?

Alicia (looks like it)? same as the supergirl actress? someone else?

Rye I’ll make you a deal, you tell us and I’ll buy one of your movies 🙂

Win win right?

phlfan avatar
1 year ago

As usual, this provides teasers and some tantalizing images of unreleased vids.

ZOMWS avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  phlfan

All I’m hoping is that we get to see this new heroine in the near future as she looks incredible. Patriot girl was around a two year wait from teaser to release and there’s still two videos that had images released and still yet to see. At least we know for certain that Alicia’s batgirl is coming this month

Last edited 1 year ago by ZOMWS
Heroine Addict
Heroine Addict
1 year ago
Reply to  ZOMWS

I thought Alicia’s Batgirl was a Lee Carl release? Did she use the same 1997 costume for a Rye video too?

ZOMWS avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Heroine Addict

It is a Lee Carl release, Alicia’s Batgirl promotional image was attached to this rye flash sale. I’m guessing it’ll be a Lee Carl productions, in association with Rye like Fallen Angel was

Dean027 avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  ZOMWS

Fallen Angel was a good association. Many great peril and fetish in it, and a good costume and actress choice. If it association, I hope it will be in the same way.

ZOMWS avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Dde027

I’ve got a lot of faith it’ll be great for all those exact reasons you named

Last edited 1 year ago by ZOMWS
Ericheroine35 avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Dde027

Falling angel was and wonderful superheroine film I ever seen and Alicia c moon is really good actor.

Brothan five
Brothan five
1 year ago
Reply to  phlfan

Yeah I hate when they do this. It’s so dishonest

1 year ago
Reply to  Brothan five

I don’t believe the intent is to deceive. I think the intent is just to show off some upcoming stuff while also giving people an opportunity to buy old stuff at a discount.