“S.I.F.T. Part Two” – a Luciafilms Custom Film

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Juanman8 avatar
2 years ago

when do you get an update on frequency 2

I rekon avatar
2 years ago

Awesome production. If possible….when will Mad Scientist vs WW be released. I absolutely can’t wait for that saga. Oh yeah….

2 years ago

Great job, I loved this movie. The actresses are superb and each fight is very sensual.
the camera offers different angles of the same action, well done! it is very well filmed.
I loved the performance of Mac enzie in each of these two fights. She adorably plays the female in distress, as well as the confident superheroine. His submission was very exciting to watch, Kudos to you for this film.

heroperilfanatic avatar
2 years ago

McKenzie is so fucking sexy. The hair pulling doggystyle in this and seeing her get pounded was so hot. Well worth the purchase. I want to touch the heinie so bad!!!

Topnomnon avatar
2 years ago

Which one of hers is your favorite?

2 years ago

Is McKenzie the blond actress? She looked amazing selling being facepunched, a type of performance i admire and appreciate a lot.

HolyMolyDude123 avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Deckard

She is the blond actress in this film. And she is the GOAT imho.

D_Hoffryn avatar
2 years ago

Not my favorite kind of movie, but another high quality production for which Lucia deserves all the praise they are getting here. The fight scenes look really good and must have been a lot of work. Since I usually skip M/F-centered films, S.I.F.T. was actually my first encounter with Lucy as a heroine. Interesting to see her get dominated for a change. Of course she’s good at this, too. I have to say that I felt kind of sorry for her character and Mckenzie’s. I know that I’m in the minority here when it comes to this, but I really… Read more »

2 years ago

Is villain have sex with character played by Lucy?

2 years ago

Dunno how you guys do it, always innovating . And really looking forward to your upcoming films!

2 years ago

Mackenzie is hot!

Last edited 2 years ago by -LuciaFilms-
2 years ago
Reply to  Superfan

It’s shocking that this site about a super niche perv heavy porn genre would edit posts, isn’t it?

2 years ago
Reply to  Superfan

If you were rude to the staff in a bar, would it be shocking if you tripped and fell into a dumpster as you were escorted out?

2 years ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

“Decency is decency no matter where you are.” – Exactly. Words to live by.

Sugarcoater avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

If Coco is reading this forum, then to her I want to state how much I appreciate how she has made so many superheroine fantasies come to life. Thank you! You’re gorgeous and you have an amazing body and a terrific sense for the superheroine persona. Wishing you all the best in all you do.

hello world
hello world
2 years ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

Don’t really know what was said, but in answer to “Why wouldn’t we edit them” – editing someone’s messages to make it appear that they said something they didn’t is quite different to editing something and making it obvious that it was edited. The former is extremely objectionable. The latter is less so.

D_Hoffryn avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  hello world

There’s a disclaimer under each edited post – how more obvious can it be?

hello world
hello world
2 years ago
Reply to  D_Hoffryn

Ah, i see it now (i didn’t before), in grey text barely visible against a white background, while the original author is still shown in bright green, despite, presumably, none of the gist of their comment remaining, though I can infer it from others saying that the meaning is inverted.

This implies an answer to your question!

2 years ago
Reply to  hello world

On your system is there no edit attribution directly below the now-one-simple-sentence post? Please clarify.
As long as the edit attribution appears, I believe Lucia’s practice of inverting unacceptably rude comments makes the point concisely.
Surely it’s not your position that the disrespectful person deserves more respect than that.

hello world
hello world
2 years ago
Reply to  Imagineer

It is not so much about “respecting” the original author as much as it is the reader.

Now I do see the attribution. I didn’t the first time around. Probably it was there, but not obvious.

Last edited 2 years ago by hello world
2 years ago
Reply to  hello world

As a reader I feel more respected by this approach than by any alternative I can think of. In fact I take satisfaction in knowing that words like the opposite of his intent were shoved in his mouth.

Sugarcoater avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Superfan

How does the one connect to the other? Not seeing the logical connection.

D_Hoffryn avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  sugarcoater

He obviously operates under the disturbing misconception that the fact that these actresses perform in this kind of movies gives him the right to look down on them and insult them if he feels like it because he does not like what he sees. As if they solely existed to please him. He does not get that they deserve gratitude and respect.

2 years ago

If only Lucia would make my day and update their Instagram with sneak peaks at some of the projects they mentioned *cough* the bonkers Coco film *cough*

HolyMolyDude123 avatar
2 years ago

I just wanted to say that once again Lucia has taken my script and turned it into something great. This was a logistical nightmare I can imagine with such a large cast and so many little battles, not to mention the editing was very intensive. This script for a tournement is something I have toyed with for years. Finally being able to see it brought to life (less a few minor details here and there) really is exciting. They did a wonderful job. Some of these fights (speaking from both parts) are just sick and fun to watch. Once we… Read more »

HolyMolyDude123 avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

The editing really was a level above. The in between battles looked great, a mix of a video game and a competition. A couple of the battles really where insane. Both of the fights with ShadeF—The Enchantress where sick. I actually found myself watching those multiple times just because of how well th editing was done. That magic blocking, for example…wonderfully done.

2 years ago

Nice movie!

Last edited 2 years ago by -LuciaFilms-
ME92 avatar
2 years ago

Okay so I bought part 1 and 2 together and just finished watching part 1 from a movie perspective. It really felt like I was watching a movie all throughout it to be honest, top notch production, the acting and the fighting in itself was very smooth and well executed/choreographed. The crazy part is if it was just slightly edited, part 1 could almost be a type of vid that would have been a big hit on Youtube as a fanfilm tournament mash-up type of release. Now I’m really a f/f type of guy but as far as part 1… Read more »

blackjebus avatar
2 years ago

I need a Coco and Mackenzie film like yesterday

mitch123436 avatar
2 years ago

The Hunter film sounds really intriguing. I can’t think of another film where the majority is set outdoors.

Sugarcoater avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

Love the idea of a superheroine dragged through the mud. Or drenched. Or both!

2 years ago

is the heroine meant to be dead in that final pic or just weak? hard 2 tell

HolyMolyDude123 avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  bob

She is not dead. Just close.

2 years ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

My mind first went to Miracle Max of The Princess Bride.

2 years ago

You had me at “Lots of LOW BLOWS”

ME92 avatar
2 years ago

Whoa… I was on the fence when part 1 came out and stated I wanted to watch it for the sake of the production value alone as if I went to the cinema and watched a movie, and damn, this one seems to top that notion even further. It feels like forever since I saw a proper beat-down like this and this one also has peril in it so to speak, so I think I’ve made up my mind and I’ll just go and buy both together. Also from the comments about the original video, it feels so long since… Read more »

RyonaKing avatar
2 years ago


Wow! A very underused move! Last time I remember seeing that was in one of the logan cross films. (minus the lift part)

0pal44 avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  RyonaKing

Can you explain this lift, in my mind it sounds incredibly gruesome

2 years ago

Looks great. Can I ask, when it mentions Mind Control in the description, is that only for the fight between Mackenzie and the masked character, or is there more? Thanks.

2 years ago

What is meant by an ‘original’ Coco movie? Does that mean Coco wrote it?
Very excited for the bonkers regardless

2 years ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

It was Lucy’s penned movie that made me think Coco might have too. Thanks for clearing that up!