“Super Sex Toy Part II”

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wtf123hahaha avatar
7 months ago

any chance to see pony coco ?

9 months ago

okay almost a month since the last comment so………….

SS3 when? 🙁 🙁

9 months ago

any update on when we might get SST 3?

10 months ago

Hey y’all betrayed 2 is out !!!!!

David Walcott
David Walcott
10 months ago
Reply to  James

Yes, just purchased it!! Great news! Thanks TBFE.

10 months ago

Coco’s perfect for cat woman!!

10 months ago

i wish TBFE would do a surprise release of Part 3 (or at least communicate a little more with fans on when to expect it lol)

10 months ago
Reply to  joe

AFAIK the videos are edited as fast as TBFE can edit them and are released basically as soon as they’re done. I don’t believe anything ever gets finished and held onto for a long time to pick a release date.

David Walcott
David Walcott
10 months ago
Reply to  TBFE

Thanks for the information, Nothing worse than giving that date and things just bomb!! We just have to be patient and grateful.

10 months ago
Reply to  TBFE

I’d say just label ones after other releases tba for its date and the ones you’re doing post production on in order of the month you plan on releasing when you have time so if I one is supposed to release next just label the release date for the forthcoming month. Totally understand where you’re coming from though

10 months ago
Reply to  Ztc

Or you could do it like giga and instead of coming soon label it as location report and just put two up at a time with a release date later then you expect it to be done. Giga does this quite well

8 months ago
Reply to  TBFE

can u give us any update on when part 3 is dropping? even a general idea 🙁

i bought the frst 2 but waiting for part 3 to watch all

YugoVang avatar
10 months ago

how can i watch that video

10 months ago

TBFE, give Coco a raise for all her hard working !!!!!!!

David Walcott
David Walcott
10 months ago
Reply to  James

She is and has been legend status!!!!

10 months ago
Reply to  TBFE

Coco is very, beautiful talented lady, we appreciate her, is just we want the Phoenix to be release tonight ?????

10 months ago
Reply to  James

Also TBFE, it would help us people who love Coco and other actresses, to have a coming soon page, to keep us calm like before, but y’all took it off !!!!!

shzam avatar
10 months ago
Reply to  James

What is the Phienix?

10 months ago
Reply to  Shzam

TBFE next release will be called, the Phoenix ????

10 months ago
Reply to  TBFE

Please bring back the coming soon page to keep us people calm, we are your fans !!!!!!!!

D_Hoffryn avatar
10 months ago
Reply to  James

I think TBFE got rid of the “comming soon” page because it did the exact opposite of keeping people calm.

10 months ago
Reply to  D_Hoffryn


SnidelyW avatar
10 months ago
Reply to  TBFE

You’ve always been a class act, Allen. Love how you stand up for your people.

David Walcott
David Walcott
10 months ago
Reply to  TBFE

I can’t understand why a few people will comment about actresses like TBFE has mentioned! We are so lucky to have a multitude of actresses working so hard to bring great work to our screens for such a long time now! Long may they be supported and praised, I have not and never will disrespect the actresses its crass and ignorant! Thank you for the countless movies and super work we have been lucky to have

10 months ago
Reply to  David Walcott

The funny thing is, you know that half of these people disrespecting the actresses, are probably overweight and look like a bag of nails themselves.

David Walcott
David Walcott
10 months ago
Reply to  Ferrari93

Your probably right.

10 months ago
Reply to  TBFE

Well said. Cheers.

Supadupa021 avatar
10 months ago
Reply to  TBFE

Any weight has been to all the right places! She is absolutely killing it and looks better than ever!

10 months ago

There are so many things wrong with this comment. The biggest thing is that you used the word “we” instead of “I”. This guy still thinks Coco is smoking hot and appreciates her continuing to do customs for fans who can actually afford them.

Last edited 10 months ago by Bojangles
Adoring Fan
Adoring Fan
10 months ago
Reply to  Bojangles

She’s a beautiful girl. No doubt. But not her former self.

10 months ago
Reply to  Bojangles

He is expressing an opinion nothing wrong with that

10 months ago

Coco never looks like she’s enjoying herself.

10 months ago
Reply to  Laundry

maybe one of the dumber comments ive read lately! why tf would she look like shes enjoying herself here? dont be daft

AWS Man avatar
10 months ago
Reply to  ted

Laundry seems to be very confused on the concept of this whole “acting” thing.

10 months ago
Reply to  AWS Man

Acting involves range. Do some research. Duh…

AWS Man avatar
10 months ago
Reply to  Laundry

Whether or not Coco has range has absolutely nothing to do with your original complaint, which was that she doesn’t look like she enjoys herself … in movies in which her character is specifically not meant to be enjoying herself. So if you were trying to call her a bad actress with that comment, you completely failed to intelligibly express what you were trying to say. Coco appearing to not enjoy herself just makes it sound like she’s portraying her role accurately.

Last edited 10 months ago by AWS Man
10 months ago
Reply to  AWS Man

Reading comprehension is a thing with you huh? Learn to read between the lines. then you’ll be literate.

AWS Man avatar
10 months ago
Reply to  Laundry

Reading comprehension doesn’t mean me interpreting your actual intentions since you’re too much of a moron to express what you actually mean, you fucking putz.

10 months ago
Reply to  AWS Man

LOL. STFU you idiot. you’re trying to sound all smart on a porn thread. You’re pathetic…get a life loser.

AWS Man avatar
10 months ago
Reply to  Laundry

You know it’s a great comeback when he totally gives up on trying to defend that he’s not a moron, and is instead just really salty about it.

10 months ago
Reply to  ted

Just saying she could sell sexier facial expressions, What don’t you understand Idiot????

10 months ago
Reply to  Laundry

Occasionally there’s a behind-the-scenes peek at the end of TBFE videos, and in these it appears everyone’s having fun, Coco included.

10 months ago
Reply to  Laundry

That’s because her ass is constantly being kicked by Ophelia.

partisan59 avatar
10 months ago

I gotta ask, whats with all the shoving the heros face in flour, whipped cream or shaving cream and such?

partisan59 avatar
10 months ago

clip unavailable. maybe you could summarize?

10 months ago
Reply to  partisan

I hesitate to share delicate personal trauma on such a forum. Alas, so many have wondered “why pie?” and I feel like it would be better to share here so that my trauma might help others who have experienced similar pain. My Bavarian mother, Haddie, obsessed over pies. She would slave away for hours in the kitchen to achieve that perfect cream. Haddie was a beast of a woman. She had no problem slinging around 50 kilo bags of flour in the kitchen like she was tossing small boys around a playground. This is no way to body shame, as I know Allen… Read more »

Slapmutsky avatar
10 months ago

this was wild and I loved it. honestly? more entertaining than anything put out by TBFE in a year.

10 months ago
Reply to  Cereal Dave

well Indiscretion was just a few months ago and that was pretty amazing but yeah, it’s been kind of a rough 12 months or so for TBFE —- at least as my own personal tastes go Liberation was pretty incredible but that was over a year ago (and the actual corruption aspect was handled weird — and it had this cool aspect of the heroine seeing a vision of herself that was strong and telling her to hold on but it was like the director/writer totally forgot about that aspect and dropped it halfway through) Gem of Domination had so… Read more »

David Walcott
David Walcott
10 months ago
Reply to  jason

I agree with the SST multiple release would of been a game breaker!

10 months ago

Which is next, betrayal 2 or the Phoenix, and how long before the release, does anyone have pics !!!!

David Walcott
David Walcott
10 months ago
Reply to  James

Just have to be patient I would say on the two you mentioned, was a while for Super sex toy 2 to arrive so who knows when!

10 months ago
Reply to  David Walcott

Yes, Sir !!!!

10 months ago
Reply to  David Walcott

Betrayal 2 is out bro !!!!!

jim avatar
10 months ago

ooof. in movies i love seeing women dominated, especially by other women. in real life i’m submissive. what i wouldn’t give to submit to coco. she is in amazing!

10 months ago

Gees, poor girl

10 months ago

Not surprised at all

10 months ago

Tbfe, i’ve noticed a fair few people on this board tend to have a little moan on here about what should and shouldn’t be done in your movies, to the point where its borderline being ungrateful. So i just want to thankyou for all of the hard work you put into these movies, they really are top tier stuff, keep up the good work my man.

Nic cage
Nic cage
10 months ago
Reply to  Ferrari93

Relax they arnt going to give you betrayal 2 for free

10 months ago
Reply to  Nic cage

I know, but i’d be so frustrated with how some people act on here sometimes.

depo man
depo man
10 months ago
Reply to  Ferrari93

I think you need a hobby.


Nic cage
Nic cage
10 months ago
Reply to  depo man

Don’t act like you were also not refreshing this page by the hour. Chill

10 months ago
Reply to  depo man

I am chill, but if i was making these movies, i’d be peed off woth how some people act on here.

Sugarcoater avatar
10 months ago
Reply to  Ferrari93

The issue is people wait months to see a certain actress or character. Then the actress or character finally appears in a video…and the plot or action is too quirky for them to buy the video and they are disappointed as they will likely have to wait months more for another release with the actress or character which may also have a plot that conflicts with their interests. I can appreciate how frustrating it would be. Not everyone has the funds to purchase a commission (I’m working at buying one soon, but the stock market has other ideas right now),… Read more »

Damien Woods avatar
10 months ago
Reply to  sugarcoater

Let people vent. The frustration is understandable and this is really the only place where fans can give feedback and have a small voice.” Ferrari is venting though. You can’t support free speech but ask someone else to not also express their frustration with other peoples frustration. Either everyone is allowed to vent or no one is. Them is the rulez of logic

10 months ago
Reply to  SHL

Thanks !!!

10 months ago
Reply to  SHL


10 months ago
Reply to  sugarcoater

Thank you bro,
that’s what up !!!!!

SnidelyW avatar
10 months ago
Reply to  sugarcoater

I commission customs and I’m way too sensitive, but here’s how I see it: There are people who act like not catering to their precise peccadillos is a cardinal sin. They don’t acknowledge that these movies are customs, and they don’t acknowledge that there are people who either don’t care about their particular *thing* or who actively prefer things the other way. I think that kind of commentary isn’t helpful to the discourse. But commenters gonna comment. On the other hand, I think positive, constructive, well-intentioned requests for certain elements can be useful. When I commission a custom, there are… Read more »

Last edited 10 months ago by SnidelyW
10 months ago
Reply to  depo man

Thank you bro !!!!

10 months ago
Reply to  Nic cage

Thank you bro !!!!

David Walcott
David Walcott
10 months ago
Reply to  Nic cage

Great response.

10 months ago

Does anybody else want to see a film where a Coco superheroine is bimbofied? How can we get this done?

10 months ago
Reply to  Jjhw

Best way to get it done is write TBFE a big check and send them your script. 😛

10 months ago

Body stocking YES!!
Pie NO!!

David Walcott
David Walcott
10 months ago
Reply to  SW


David Walcott
David Walcott
10 months ago
Reply to  David Walcott

At least Toy Man explained the effect of the powder in the pie and her face in part 2 was only a bit powdery.!

10 months ago
Reply to  David Walcott

what’s the effect?

10 months ago
Reply to  33sp

Toyman “Now for that thing we needed from you. A surprise on top of your surprise party. There are no toy bombs around the city, there never were. Here IS the bombshell for you. I had to lure you here so that I could drain you of your strength and suck it all from you into my special puppet. An exchange if you will. We take what is special from you and in return fill you with the nanobots from her. The nanobots that she is filling you with right now are attaching themselves to all the toxins from the cake and flour you… Read more »

10 months ago

ya i hope this is all leading to a smiling bimbo toy Supergirl at the end of part 3!!

10 months ago
Reply to  ted

Suggestion box is open on how to turn a frown upside down

David Walcott
David Walcott
10 months ago


David Walcott
David Walcott
10 months ago

Part 3 awaits!!

8 months ago

any idea when we might get part 3??

David Walcott
David Walcott
10 months ago

Thanks for the quote.

Nic cage
Nic cage
10 months ago
Reply to  SW

Speak for yourself . Just wait to pie custom

carter_heroinewatcher23 avatar
10 months ago

Noo you promised the next one would be Betrayed Part 2!!! You said two more after Betrayed P2 and we get super sex toy 2??? 🙁

10 months ago
Reply to  Carter

I want betrayed part 2 as much as the next guy, but in all fairness, there was a huge gap between the release of the super sex toy parts.

10 months ago
Reply to  Ferrari93

Betrayal 2 is out bro !!!!!

Slapmutsky avatar
10 months ago

Oh god, the goddamn pies again. Who is funding this – Sara Lee?

10 months ago
Reply to  Cereal

haha, what they need is a giant pie that Coco and Kayla have a catfight in

David Walcott
David Walcott
10 months ago
10 months ago

Interesting idea… sort of like the old combat colosseum vids from catfightcentral

10 months ago
Reply to  Cereal


10 months ago

Is this supposed to just be an open ending or is there a part 3 coming eventually?

10 months ago
Reply to  ted

Who would put poor Supergirl through all this and not have a part 3? Who nose?

David Walcott
David Walcott
10 months ago

Poor Supergirl! The humiliation is getting worse!

10 months ago

Oh wow, i wonder if it will include ophelia then? On coco’s twitter, ophelia is in the screenshots, but i didn’t know if that was a different movie or not.

10 months ago

ah well im glad a third part is coming but i hope we dont have to wait as long. i bought part 1 and 2 but i want to wait until the full story is out before watching

crossing my fingers it ends with her being a bimbofied toy like Ophelia! but really hope it releases sooner than later. gonna wait to watch

Nic cage
Nic cage
10 months ago

Pie chads we ARE back ! Also any update on betrayal 2? ~_~

10 months ago
Reply to  Nic cage

Betrayal 2 is out bro !!!!!

Dean027 avatar
10 months ago

I was waiting so much for this video because the 1st part was so promising. But the cream and the fishnet put me off (and no more WW part of costume). Even if it’s a Coco movie, I skip this one.

10 months ago

is it me or does it seem like Coco is pushing her boundaries on this one

10 months ago

Is this the final part or is there more? Looking from Coco’s twitter, there’s at least one more part coming?

10 months ago
Reply to  Jantor

What’s her twitter so I can stay updated?

ShaneM85 avatar
10 months ago
Reply to  Jay85

Last account I had was @fetish_coco but its not valid anymore.

10 months ago
Reply to  Shane

No, its Coco36956591 now

10 months ago

Hopefully we will get to see Kayla in that SG costume she’s wearing here loosing battles, instead of winning them. Btw, I thank Coco, the crew and the producers for all their fantastic work.

10 months ago
Reply to  pbslater

I wanted to post this too. She looks great in the SG outfit. I’d love to see her ger humiliated wearing it.

10 months ago

Coco looks phenomenal! Better than ever. Instant buy for me.