“Supergirl: Super Speed” from Anastasia Pierce

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HM avatar
4 years ago

GeekyPornCritic has been banned from Heroine Movies.

Sugarcoater avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  HM

Thank you HM. I don’t think he added much to the site, and disrespecting producers is absurdly rude and unproductive.

4 years ago
Reply to  HM

Good decision.

4 years ago
Reply to  HM

I hope he gets some help. Sincerely.

HolyMolyDude123 avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  HM

I get excited for a lot of things on this site, but this is the best thing I have ever seen here.

4 years ago

Whoa… all this shit storm over one innocuous and fun video. Don’t worry Anastasia the world is full of idiots, you just seemed to have pissed off one bigger than most. I read in your promotional e-mail that this particular video took a lot of time and effort to do so it must be doubly disheartening to receive such negative feedback. Never mind, you continue to do what you want and have fun doing it.

4 years ago

I would like to nominate this video as the worst superheroine film of 2020. I certainly do not want to see Supergirl cleaning her house. Can you pick a more boring scenario? Why would anyone want to see Supergirl in super speed? This is adult entertainment and people want to be able to see you. I certainly don’t want to see a blur.

4 years ago

wtf is your problem?! if it ain’t your cup of tea, move on, man!

4 years ago
Reply to  mrxstacy

I should ask you that question, Mr.XStacy. I am giving an honest opinion of this poor product. Not every person needs to sugarcoat or ignore films that they dislike. Nobody must like her or any company’s videos. It is perfectly fine for me or anybody to criticize Anastasia Pierce for producing a bad video. If it is not your cup of tea, then you may speak your mind.

Sugarcoater avatar
4 years ago

If you were genuinely trying to provide feedback, you wouldn’t open by nominating the video for an award that doesn’t exist. If you were being a critic, you would point out the flaws as you see them without editorializing. Writing the rhetorical question “can you pick a more boring scenario?” is not criticism. Instead, describe how the scenario lacked the qualities you deem necessary. And keep in mind, everyone has their own interests. It may not be your or my cup of tea, but not everyone likes tea. I honestly wonder if you have it in yourself to critique a… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  sugarcoater

There is more than one way to express an opinion. There are not any rules for critiquing a product. You may not like how I express my opinions towards videos that I consider to be bad. I am not expecting people to always agree with my point of view. It is rather immature to be angry at a person for expressing an opinion of a film. My comment is criticism regardless if you agree with me or not. I would like to add I actually provided flaws about the video. I mentioned the special effect of super speed does not… Read more »

Sugarcoater avatar
4 years ago

Can’t say I’m surprised by your typical response. Your specifics are fine; your snide comments are what take away from your critique and make your points of less value.
But I know you’ll keep doing what you do and ignore all suggestions to make your commentary worth others taking into consideration. At this point, you’ve become “The Simpsons” Comic Book Guy. If that’s what you want, well played; it you want your critique taken seriously, leave out the trite and snide comments and write like a critic. No one here is against criticism.

4 years ago
Reply to  sugarcoater

You say people are not against criticism but that is untrue. People normally insult any person at this site, who criticizes a producer. There is not a right or wrong way to present a critique. I am not a robot. I certainly will not speak in a manner to suit you or anyone.
Take Care

Markko-Martin avatar
4 years ago

He’s a well known hothead in many SIP forums out there. Has been banned from some too. Don’t waste your time reasoning with him, it’s impossible. He thinks he’s always right, no matter what.
This video is clearly a custom from somebody with a superspeed fetish (and a lot of money lol), so yes, not the cup of tea of most people, but this is a fact that this egomaniac does not understand (or, more likely, pretends not to).

4 years ago
Reply to  Markko-Martin

A custom movie is not exempt from criticism. A company decided to produce and sell the movie. A producer put her reputation on the line by agreeing to a custom. Any producer can say no to a custom. A producer told no to me in the past, and I completely change the idea to something that we both agreed to. I’ve never been ban from a SHIP forum. That is a lie.

4 years ago

You are a very unprofessional producer. It is unprofessional for any producer to insult and judge a customer. You are not entitled to compliments and high praise. You try to invalidate my criticism by accusing me of having a vendetta against you. My criticism of your poor video is a valid opinion. You are providing a product, and customers have the right to judge the quality of your product. That is the nature of every business. It is not mean or disrespectful to dislike your movies. I have purchased your videos, and they are very bad movies with poor acting… Read more »

Sugarcoater avatar
4 years ago

Anastasia just nailed what you are: pushy and negative. Then she suggested you just move on and watch something else then. There is not an inaccurate or unprofessional aspect to what she wrote. But your arrogance blinds you to how both illogical you are and how pointless your comments have become. It is sad to see someone who will never mature and grow because they think so highly of their amateur criticism and rudeness in online forums.

4 years ago

Fuck off, Karen.

4 years ago

She didn’t disrespect you, jackass. She called you pushy and negative. These are facts. Don’t be an asshole and people won’t point out how you’re being an asshole.

Ken320 avatar
4 years ago

It is funny how you consider your insults toward producers criticism but call their replies to you an insult.

4 years ago
Reply to  Ken

There is a major difference between my criticism and Anastasia Piece’s unprofessional comments. My criticisms were about her video. I did not attack her as a person and her character before she said some unprofessional comments. She insulted my character by lying that I have a vendetta against her. She also said I am a pushy and negative person. She said “nobody asked me to watch or buy her videos”. She is advertising a product. She is asking people if they want to purchase her video. That is the purpose of promotion. Do businesses normally say “Oh well you didn’t… Read more »

4 years ago

Frankly, your work isn’t my jam either, but you don’t deserve that shit. You clearly work hard to produce something somebody likes, otherwise I suspect you would’ve cut your losses by now. He’s just mad because these fantasies are the closest he’ll ever get to intimacy.

4 years ago

Anastasia, Geeky is just a troll. You aren’t the first person he has done this to, and you won’t be the last. Just ignore his hostility. Has nothing to do with you. He’s a prank call.

Sugarcoater avatar
4 years ago

People typically do not insult others on this site. Sure, occasionally discussions get a bit out of hand. But you are the only person here who is rude in his comments and cannot come across as anything short of a sad troll. The worst part is, you will never see it because you are too arrogant to understand how you come across. One can never learn without humility, and you clearly lack that.
Either everyone else here is wrong, or you are. Doesn’t take too much thinking to figure out how it is.

4 years ago

I disagree. I pushed back against a film I didn’t think belonged here a few weeks back and while several disagreed, nobody jumped down my throat. Presumably because I wasn’t a massive dick face about it.

4 years ago

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Photo of GPC

Valik avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  Rover

Can’t we all just get along? Opinions are opinions. Do I agree he shouldn’t have been as negative, yes. But it’s his opinion and he’s entitled to it. Too much hatred in the world right now, remember these are fantasy videos. Enjoy them or don’t.

4 years ago
Reply to  Valik

I mean, nobody said he couldn’t have his opinion. He was complete ass about it and no we shouldn’t tolerate that sort of behavior. Stop indulging adults who act like children. You can express your opinion any way you like but you’re not free from the social consequences of doing so. I agree with you. There is entirely too much hate in this world right now. That’s exactly why we shouldn’t tolerate any of it.