“The Beginning & End Of Marvelous Girl”

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3 months ago

384 Hi i love sex my contact here https://vipdeit.com/sex62.html

6 months ago

Excellent! I loved it from beginning to end.

7 months ago

Is there any way to follow kalya on social media please tell

Notthebees avatar
8 months ago

any videos with Ophelia coming up ?

ME92 avatar
8 months ago
Reply to  TBFE

Cool to see it back = D Any reason in particular you decided to bring it back?

shzam avatar
8 months ago
Reply to  TBFE

Holy Moly thats a good pipeline…
Whelp back to that catch 22 where I love to know whats coming next but then get disappointed that the ones I am anticipating most arent first up.

Good to see that Blair WW video still there after all this time 🙂

Notthebees avatar
8 months ago
Reply to  shzam

No way , thanks ! I love the future releases you used to do great feature

8 months ago
Reply to  shzam

I know! I wasnt expecting so much and so many good ones!
Want any help editing? 🙂

David Walcott
David Walcott
8 months ago
Reply to  TBFE


David Walcott
David Walcott
8 months ago
Reply to  TBFE

Tormented looks superb! Keep checking out the future releases extra shots are added. Thanks TBFE.

David Walcott
David Walcott
7 months ago
Reply to  TBFE

Looking forward to the next release hopefully not far away when sorted, great material on the site!

8 months ago

Awhile back I said some things about TBFE that were not so flattering. I will not go into detail.but I will say I was wrong in saying those things. So I would like to apologize to everyone at TBFE. I do not expect. To be forgiven just know that. I am in the process of trying to be a better person then I was and this is something I felt I had to do. Also, know that certain things that I acquired wrongfully have been gotten rid of.

D_Hoffryn avatar
8 months ago

For those who haven’t noticed themselves: TBFE updated its website. It’s worth taking a look at the list of talents.

Notthebees avatar
8 months ago
Reply to  D_Hoffryn

Have you ordered a custom Recently ?

D_Hoffryn avatar
8 months ago
Reply to  Nic cage

Not from TBFE. But they seem to be extremely busy anyway.

Notthebees avatar
8 months ago
Reply to  D_Hoffryn

I believe it , they have close to 10 videos in the que which is great

D_Hoffryn avatar
8 months ago
Reply to  Nic cage

And lots of pie stuff – you must be so happy!

8 months ago

Kayla’s acting is out of this world. She nailed the innocence of a young girl, which makes the power draining all the more perilous. Outstanding work once again TBFE!!!

Erik Knight
Erik Knight
8 months ago

Those boots look hot as fuck

8 months ago

I have some ideas that I would like to share with you, but I can’t afford to buy a custom video, may I still send you an email? And eventually, do you know if Halsey Rae is still available or has she retired?

Last edited 8 months ago by Core13
8 months ago
Reply to  Core13
8 months ago
Reply to  Anonymous


mongey avatar
8 months ago

any more kayla on the horizon?

David Walcott
David Walcott
8 months ago
Reply to  TBFE

Thank you for letting us know.

8 months ago
Reply to  TBFE

any more Lily Lou on the horizon?

mongey avatar
8 months ago

this was amazing! her voice when mesmerized is so sexy and the fight scenes are classicly great. almost getting free and coming back from the beatdown a couple times was spot on! more from her please! was hoping future iterations leave her costume or pieces if it on throughout.

YugoVang avatar
8 months ago

what is going to happen to her next

8 months ago

What a phenemonel body. I hope to see Kayla get stomped in future videos.

Hual avatar
8 months ago

wow. It was a long time since I saw a trailer and immediately thought: “I have to get this!” Without looking at the price I bought this and was absolutely thrilled. I love the costume, especially the idea behind it. I love Kayla as an actress. The story is very well written, I liked the fetish elements that are quite rare (some of them at least). Overall, like some have commented already, one of the best SHIP-Movie in the last couple of years.

8 months ago

Hey everyone! As the writer of this custom video, I’d like to say a few things. First of all, thank you for all of the kind words. That’s really fun to see. I am sincerely happy to see that people are enjoying it. That’s actually really important to me when I get these things made. Probably not a huge surprise to anyone, but getting a custom video made is very expensive. My financial situation allows me to do so comfortably every once in a while, but not that often. It’s kind of in the realm of a really nice vacation.… Read more »

Nic cage
Nic cage
8 months ago
Reply to  bbsucks

I’m curious, how much did this cost ? Give me a range

8 months ago
Reply to  Nic cage

I’d say in the realm of a nice vacation is probably as specific as I’ll get since there are so many factors that will differ from movie to movie that can drive the price up or down. If you ever order a custom with TBFE, you get a nice itemized breakdown of all of the expenses and how they factor into the total price. Very helpful when putting an idea together if you want to avoid having it get too out of hand.

SnidelyW avatar
8 months ago
Reply to  bbsucks

Congrats, man! I’ve got 2 customs done (“Kill Craig”, “Closed Set” with Lucia earlier this month) and a third in the pipe with Allen. I haven’t bought this one yet but it looks really good. What others have you commissioned? I’m always curious about different funders and their tastes and styles.

8 months ago
Reply to  SnidelyW

From TBFE:

  • No Hope
  • Marvelous
  • Hell
  • No Hope 2
  • Almighty Girl
  • Uncovered 1, 2, and 3
  • Shattered Steel
  • and of course this one.
SnidelyW avatar
8 months ago
Reply to  bbsucks

Ohhh nice! No Hope is one of my top top favorites, and I really like Almighty Girl as well. Really interesting story in that one. I also like the others of yours that I’ve bought. Really good work!

8 months ago
Reply to  bbsucks

the fact that u did both this and Uncovered is probably the least surprising thing ever lol. Uncovered (especially 2 + 3 together) is probably in the top 5 best SHIP vids ever. u write the exact kinda endings that i love to see in the genre!

8 months ago
Reply to  bbsucks

Oh man you commissioned maybe 5 of top ten all time. Thanks

8 months ago
Reply to  bbsucks

So you aren’t a pie guy?

8 months ago
Reply to  ikid

We are all pie guys on the inside in our own symbolic way.

But in a more tangible way, no. Not a pie guy. To each their own, though!

Nic cage
Nic cage
8 months ago
Reply to  ikid

Did someone say pie?

Hual avatar
8 months ago
Reply to  bbsucks

Wow. I think the five best TBFE movies in the last couple of years were Uncovered (1-3), Shattered Steel and now TBAE of Marvelous Girl. ngl, you commissioned the very best. Bravo

8 months ago
Reply to  bbsucks

Hey sorry to butt in to your convo .. but you mentioned as one of your customs “Shattered Steel” which I’ve seen – was this a 2-parter because it seemed like it could’ve been longer (or a pre-quel or sequel). Great story and scenario!

8 months ago
Reply to  Gary

It wasn’t intended as a 2-parter, no. I don’t currently have any plans to return to it. Someone else always could, though.

8 months ago
Reply to  bbsucks

I love No Hope, Marvelous, and Almighty Girl. They have some of the best peril elements I’ve seen from TBFE!

mongey avatar
8 months ago
Reply to  bbsucks

uncovered series was also spot on. thanks for the investment!

8 months ago

Thank you so very much for this incredible video. Kayla knocked out of the park with this. From beginning to end it was excellent. I much prefer mind control and corruption to the heroine being killed.

8 months ago

like the comment below said, this is one of the best SHIP videos ive ever seen! its right up there with Uncovered 2 + 3. and u know, that also starred Kayla….. starting to see a pattern here….. SPOILERS AHEADA if i can make one MINOR suggestion for future vids like this….. once the full mind control kicked in, it would have been nice to see her smiling a bit as a sign that she had truly given in and was corrupted. but again minor complaint, this was incredible cant wait for SST3 hope it has an equally awesome corruption… Read more »

David Walcott
David Walcott
8 months ago
Reply to  jacob

Superb! Yes the mind control and corruption is the ultimate ending with a accepting smile as you mentioned the cream. SST3 Let’s wait and see fingers crossed!

Textual avatar
8 months ago

This is one of, if not the, best SHIP movie I’ve ever seen. Whoever wrote this: I tip my cap to you, sir. You’ve succeeded. You can write SHIP movies that have real story, characters, thoughtful innovative scenes—a narrative! Seriously, dude, DM me. Maybe we can work together.

8 months ago
Reply to  textual

totally agreed!! amazing!!

rly hope to see more like this in the future. these corruption endings are the best

Textual avatar
8 months ago
Reply to  jacob

Absolutely. The best.

8 months ago

Am I the only one who thinks the “film look” effect is dialed up way too high? In the trailer the “film grain” is dancing around over everything and is distracting. I’m not sure what the effect adds beyond reducing the clarity of the image. I would rather Kayla be crystal clear on the screen instead of pretending this a Nolan film!

8 months ago
Reply to  GinMill

I feel this. I don’t know if it’s something all of the customers request, but it impacts the picture quality and the vibrance of the actresses in my opinion (including the washed out colors). Rye, Lucia, and TBFE have all been pushing the envelope on post production tweaks for a couple of years and I guess I just prefer simple hi-def rich colors in this genre. I sometimes wish there could be multiple releases of some of my old favorites – gritty, and minimalist. I’m grateful for all of these producers, though.

Last edited 8 months ago by rover
Textual avatar
8 months ago
Reply to  GinMill

Because it’s a real film for once!

Beard_Hunter avatar
8 months ago

already failed NNN

8 months ago

Will there be more hardcore films in the future? Immunity was so good! This one looks good too!

8 months ago

Anybody gotta TP

8 months ago

Without Layla rylan…. tbfe feels like garbage…. No attractive models right now except one or two…… Bring back old days

8 months ago
Reply to  Liverpool

Layla Ryan retired, I think. So sadly, it seems like you’ll never enjoy anything again. Sucks for you. My sympathies.

8 months ago
Reply to  Liverpool

imagine how much of a l.oser u would need to be to think that kayla isn’t attractive. and ur probably a f.at s.lob behind ur keyboard

8 months ago

Kayla is amazing and gorgeous. She should be used as a heroine more frequently. That’s her role.

However, costume is terrible and nothing to do with the genre.

8 months ago
Reply to  Charlie

I can see how some people may not like the costume. Obviously there are a ton of costume preferences in this space from body suits to skirts to capes to boots to stockings, and everything in between. But I don’t know that I’d go so far as to say it has nothing to do with the genre. The point of the movie is that it’s an origin superheroine story. Taking place in those early days where someone just discovers their powers, throws together a costume and hits the streets to fight bad guys without much of a plan. Think of… Read more »

8 months ago
Reply to  bbsucks

I loved the costume. It has a naive innocence to it that is about to get totally wrecked, if that was what you were going for you nailed it.

8 months ago
Reply to  bbsucks

Tobey McGuire’s Spiderman didn’t knew he was going to be a hero, he had something else in mind. Sorry, bad reference.

I understand the point of the movie. Still, I didn’t like it.

8 months ago
Reply to  Charlie

I mean.. makeshift costume before he eventually made a fancier one. Close enough.

That being said, not everyone will like everything. No big deal.

KyndleNance avatar
8 months ago

I just love what you guys do.

Batgirl Fan
Batgirl Fan
8 months ago

It had been some time since I bought a video from TBFE, but when I read the summary for this production I could not let this one pass. Besides that, Kayla has been one of my favorite actresses in the genre since she starred Burned with long red hair. In this movie she has short hair, but Kayla is Kayla and she is gorgeous any way she appears. He acting is also very good. The male talents also played very well their roles. This new release was worth every cent. The team did an amazing job. Great movie! I fully… Read more »

Last edited 8 months ago by Batgirl Fan
8 months ago

this is in the top 3 vids u have ever released. holy fuck it was so good

MORE LIKE THIS!! more permanent mind control and corruption!

David Walcott
David Walcott
8 months ago
Reply to  riley

Indeed! More mind control and corruption

8 months ago
Reply to  David Walcott

I so much prefer mind control and corruption to the heroine being killed.

8 months ago
Reply to  riley

I totally agree! I LOVE this video. Kayla is amazing in this role! And I love mind control corruption and powers draining through sexual arousal. 10+/10 to me!

8 months ago

Wow!!! This looks amazing!!

8 months ago

I agree. I loved it from beginning to end. Kayla is especially amazing in this.