“The Walking Femmes” from Kick Ass Femmes
ASTOR IN PERIL! When the stunning Kandygirl Astor enters enemy territory it all feels a little too easy. She takes down a handful of guards but then soon realises how easily she’s fallen into a trap.

Revenge is key for her Crimelord nemesis, this Kandygirl has been a thorn in his side for far too long and now it’s time to put her out of action. Astor suffers, she really suffers, she’s chloroformed, chained up and then brutally beaten by this muscular powerhouse, this cocky Kandygirl is given a chance to beg for her life but she refuses and the beating carries on with a vicious onslaught of punches, kicks, backbreakers and chokes. Will the pain and humiliation be too much to bear for Astor? is there a way out for her? This is one action packed epic and one hell of a perilous situation for this blonde beauty.
Purchase this video at Kick Ass Femmes
What a rare beast: a Kick Ass Femmes vidoe where the girl actually receives hits!! How refreshing, really. Wouldn’t mind if these came more often in equal measure to the femdoms.
love the barefoot part after the de-booting. bought it immediately. great content. thank you. I will be your customer for all the productions with de booting and barefoot parts. keep up the good work! thank you. a fan.
Where’s the vid of Alicia as Supergirl? I don’t see it on The Rye site.
it’s perfect, looking forward for some other kandy girls!
I think this one’s spectacular, just what so many of us hope for from Kickass – a tough, cocky woman who beats some guys then gets beaten by a guy who’s cockier and tougher. I especially liked how when she realizes she can’t win she keeps fighting hard (and losing). Well done, Kickass!
Thanks Bastam. It’s odd, we produce the exact type of film demanded on this forum and you’re the solo voice to comment. We appreciate your voice.
Well, he got 10 likes, his voice is definitely not that solo. It’s a difficult time for me to buy, but this release exactly what I’m interested in.
Hi, it appears that the regular and numerous contributors to your creations are either on hiatus, sabbatical, hibernating or retired.
By the way, the video cries out for an alternate ending. How about someone commissioning a sequel with the alternating. LOL.LOL.
I bought the video as soon as it released, but my comment never posted. I’d love to see more like this! Hopefully a lot of people bought it. Its exactly the type of videos people have been asking for from this side series.