“Triple Vice” from Dark Islands

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Sugarcoater avatar
4 years ago

I was watching Blair Williams in Triple Vice once again and had some thoughts I wanted to throw out. Blair looks amazing in that Supergirl outfit. Her chest highlights that S-logo exceptionally well. I was happy with the purchase and, for anyone who likes what they see in the preview, I would recommend this purchase. Absolutely loved the sequence of Blair pulling back the blouse to reveal her costume! Please do that as often as possible. I only wish it could have lasted longer. However, I did have some thoughts that I hope come across as designed to continue improving… Read more »

redmanx avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  sugarcoater

Triple Vice is a good movie and Blair Williams always gives a great performance, but I agree that the fight choreography was sometimes a bit static, unusually so for TBFE. I’m a big lover of high heeled stiletto boots, so much sexier than klunky flatties, but obviously they do make it harder for the actress to balance, but in the main most of them manage well enough and of course, in my opinion, look all the better for wearing them. The heroines over confidence is a big part of this genre and Blair portrays it well, as she does the… Read more »

4 years ago

the girl is 90% dressed again, lol

Rizo avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  MEKS

I actually think it’s good to change things up; a heroine doesn’t have to be completely naked every time imo. Costume destruction is a fetish on its own. Anyway these things are all left to the desires of whoever orders the customs.

4 years ago
Reply to  MEKS

oh no a superheroine fetish film had a person looking like a superheroine instead of a generic porn star. how dreadful and unexpected.

4 years ago
Reply to  MEKS

Yes! Keep them in costume! One of the mistakes that novice producers make is to completely strip the heroine. Then its just boring and generic and is just like anything that can be found anywhere. The mark of a pro is to keep most of the costume on for as long as possible.

4 years ago
Reply to  MEKS

The costume will come off again, it is inevitable.

4 years ago

Bought it. Loved it. Looking forward to more from Blair (love her black hair and she really rocked the film) and Dark Island.
And this as well: had a hick-up when purchasing via Paypal. Shot netcode media /shg-media a mail. They reacted within minutes and took take of the matter! Fantastic customer service… especially given these times! Thanks fellas!

MyNameIsURL avatar
4 years ago

I haven’t watched the film or anything, but I can OBJECTIVELY tell you all about it!

Damn! Somebody needs to be doing daily press briefings with that level of bullshit LOL

4 years ago
Reply to  MynameisURL

Yeah, next we’ll hear that he was being sarcastic, but he’s quitting the forum because it’s not worth the effort.

4 years ago

This movie seems to be amazing from the beginning to the end ! I like what I can watch in the trailer. I love when the normal woman unbuttons her blouse and transforms in superheroine, it ‘s of course classic but it’s excellent ! I love it ! All the perils, humilations, and explicit scenes seem to be perfect, there is fights, special effects, monsters etc. well, everything looks great. I’m usually only interrested by masked heroines and movies including unmasking scene, but this one looks excellent. I’m gonna purchase it soon !

4 years ago

This was disappointing news; a new director who produces boring and outdated softcore porn. $29.99 for a softcore movie is insane and hardcore porn (which is better and the proper way to film porn) has much better prices and content. SHIP will never progress with better content by continuing to live in the dark ages of the adult industry.

Blair Williams is a beautiful and wonderful pornstar. Too bad her beauty and talent is wasted in a poor film.

AlyAdmirer avatar
4 years ago

This was disappointing postage: an old poster who supplies boring and outdated commentary. Seriously, it’s like you’re not even trying anymore. Predictive text could’ve generated the same response.

Meanwhile, I’ve purchased but not yet watched. Looking forward to it. Not enough Blair Williams heroine vids for my liking. Of course, a new one could be released every week, and there would not be enough Blair Williams heroine vids for my liking. 🙂

4 years ago

Hey, Comic Book Guy, if Blair Williams is a wonderful pornstar then you can also enjoy her in straight up pron. Why not both? For the thousandth time, this is like someone saying they don’t like a certain genre of music so no one should play it. The world doesn’t work the way you want it to, and thankfully.

Don1987 avatar
4 years ago

How many times does someone need to have a failed critique to stop being considered a critic? because i dont think anyone has ever agreed with you.

4 years ago

“Blair Williams is a beautiful and wonderful pornstar. Too bad her beauty and talent is wasted in a poor film.” So you purchased and watched this movie? I don’t know how else you could arrive at the conclusion that this a poor film. Given that you’ve seen the movie, your review is incredibly brief and nonspecific. For someone who apparently runs their own site offering reviews, this one is very weak. Or maybe you haven’t seen the movie and you are just carrying on your nonsense war on SHIP movies that don’t involve hardcore porn. Because, you know, if you… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Bert

You seem to be confused. First, this is not a review. Mediocre softcore companies who still live in 2000 are not worthy of a full review from me. How is someone a troll for disliking a movie? How is someone a troll for believing the movie has poor quality? Everyone has different experiences. You may enjoy it and that’s great. That’s your experience. I don’t share that point of view. You have serious problems by believing my personal opinions insulted the sotfcore community. It is illogical to be offended because someone has a different point of view than you. Disliking… Read more »

4 years ago

Newsflash – it’s 2020.

4 years ago

So you have seen the movie? You make it sound like you have.

4 years ago
Reply to  Bert

Nothing. You haven’t seen the movie. “a new director who produces boring and outdated softcore porn.” “Too bad her beauty and talent is wasted in a poor film.” “How is someone a troll for believing the movie has poor quality?” “My criticism says this video and softcore porn do not have any value. The statement is purely judging the content and not the individual in the film.” “…then I will criticize them for producing a poor product. The product is bad, not the model.” “If a person dislikes a product, then he or she thinks it is a bad product.… Read more »

4 years ago

Let’s try viewing it this way. What positive value are you bringing to this communinity with this post? I would argue none. Your comment is not providing value to any producers or fans. It’s a black hole of negativity, granted always written in an exquisitely pedantic way.

4 years ago

Blair Williams is an engaging performer. You don’t have to take an interest in her works that don’t feature your particular fetish, but it’s disrespectful to suggest that she has no value except when she’s being visibly penetrated.

Find a better and proper way to be a decent human being and stop this petulant trolling of producers who dare to defy your laws of pornography. This isn’t your jurisdiction.

4 years ago
Reply to  Imagineer

I never said she doesn’t have any value outside of hardcore porn. You are lying. My criticism says this video and softcore porn do not have any value. The statement is purely judging the content and not the individual in the film. I’m not trolling producers at all. If they want to continue to live in 2002, then I will criticize them for producing a poor product. The product is bad, not the model.

4 years ago

No, you are lying, because you can’t have one without the other. If they’re wasting her beauty and talent, it therefore follows that her beauty and talent do not have value in such a production. And yes, you are absolutely trolling producers. And no, the product is not bad — your judgmental bullshit is bad.

Say you don’t like a product, no problem. But your opinion is not an objective valuation.

4 years ago
Reply to  Imagineer

Listen to yourself. If a person dislikes a product, then he or she thinks it is a bad product. My distaste for this bad product does not invalidate my opinion. You are demanding people to praise this product or go away. Nobody must praise a poor product or simply remain silent. A negative opinion on a product is just as valuable as any other comment. You may not agree with the opinion. It is still valid. People in this community have extremely poor attitudes towards anyone, who dislikes softocre aka bad, lame, and outdated porn. It’s not 2000 anymore, but… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Imagineer

Listen to yourself. You are a bad critic. Your criticisms are of poor quality. They make no attempt to inform a reader about a product in a genre that many people enjoy. And you don’t state your opinion of the genre and move on — no, you restate it constantly, at length, because you’re not actually a critic, you’re a crusader with an ax to grind. You have a poor attitude, and that’s why people have a poor attitude toward you. I wish you’d crusade elsewhere and leave these windmills alone.

LeeCarl avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  Imagineer

If you don’t like a product, that’s fine. Nobody is judging you for that. What you’re being judged for is trying to state definitively that, because YOU don’t like that an adult actress who has done hardcore pornography is not being used for hardcore content in a superheroine film. If you don’t like this because it’s softcore, cool. That doesn’t make it objectively BAD. Your opinion does not make something objectively bad. And the fact is that you’ve made this same complaint, trashing films on this site for the very same reason, toting that they are “bad films”. But lets… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Imagineer

@Lee Carl (the site won’t let me directly reply to your response) You do not decide my opinions. You don’t determine what a person finds valuable in a film. I think for myself as an individual It is a bad product for being softcore and featuring a hardcore model in softcore. That is my opinion. It is an objective point. You may disagree with my reasons. Your disagreement does not invalidate my stance. It is unprofessional for any producer to discredit a customer’s opinion because that customer thinks a product is bad. My opinion is as objective as any other… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Imagineer


My original response was longer, but it did not post. I’m writing a short and quick version of it.

Of course my opinion is objective. I am judging the content based on the facts. Sex scenes and certain sexual perils in softcore porn have limitations. For example, you will never seen a heroine’s vagina. Softcore porn does not show vaginas. Certain sex positions cannot be filmed or they would appear to be way too fake such as a heroine without a skirt doing reverse cowgirl. Those are facts of the mediocre genre of softcore porn.

4 years ago
Reply to  Imagineer

“Of course my opinion is objective. I am judging the content based on the facts.”

Wow. You are judging the content without having seen it. That’s about as opposite of objective as humanly possible.

I think we’re honing in on GPC’s fundamental problem though – he believes his opinions are objective, not subjective. I see two possibilities; either GPC is an all-knowing infallible god, or he is a troll so in love with his own opinion that believes it to be unquestionable fact. I leave it to the forum to decide which.

4 years ago
Reply to  Imagineer

GeekyPornCritic, what is your objective?

Sugarcoater avatar
4 years ago

I know it’s difficult to look at one’s self and admit a flaw. But honestly, at some point you may want to have just a bit of humility and perhaps acknowledge that some of the criticism directed at you is justified. If you didn’t come across as arrogant and pompous, I imagine you could present your arguments in such a way that would garner more support. If your goal is to create change, you need support–after all, why would a business change what it is doing to serve the desire of one solitary customer? As you seem affected by the… Read more »

LeeCarl avatar
4 years ago

@GeekyPornCritic First, I haven’t been a producer for almost half a decade. Now I’m just a fan, which is how I started out. As such, I have just as much right to comment and post here as you. Second, I did not invalidate your opinion. I did not say your opinion is bad. I just stated that it is not fact. Third, you do not appear to understand the meaning of “objective”. Objective means that it is NOT opinion. Objective refers to the elimination of opinion or differing perspectives, and is based purely on fact. What you are mistaking it… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Lee Carl

Excuse you, I know how to read and write. I know the definition of Objective. Here is the definition. not influenced by personal feelings, interpretations, or prejudice; based on facts; unbiased: an objective opinion.”” https://www.dictionary.com/browse/objective My opinions are always based on the facts of the content. There are certain facts that I value more or differently than other people. Everyone has a different points of view. These softcore companies are a business with products. I have said this a million times. Any business will receive criticism from people. That is the nature of business. Criticism is not trolling. A person… Read more »

redmanx avatar
4 years ago

Just about all the movies in this genre, Superheroine in peril, are soft core; you it seems prefer hard core; so why do you bother with this site?

4 years ago
Reply to  Lee Carl

“My opinions are always based on the facts of the content.” Since you haven’t watched the video in question, that statement is objectively untrue. Your comments on the use of “objective” show that you have poor comprehension. Your initial use of the word is completely backwards. “Is my statement a fact? Hell No. Bad is an objective term. Thus, this movie is objectively bad. The same goes to everyone, who thinks this is a good movie. That’s an objective statement as well.” The only way that statement makes sense is if you replace “objective” with “subjective”. You quit the other… Read more »

Sugarcoater avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  Lee Carl

Well said Lee. Sadly, Geeky just won’t ever see himself for who he is. Just look at the post following yours: “Fans of boring and lame softcore videos…” He throws non-objective terms such as “boring” and “lame” out as part of comments. Those terms are as subjective as it gets! He will continue to be rude, crass and self-important and shows no ability to self-reflect. All the well-meaning posts here (and some harsh ones) won’t change someone who cannot see the error of their ways. At some point you would think he might consider that everyone else isn’t wrong but… Read more »

Sugarcoater avatar
4 years ago

Geeky, for that it’s worth, here are two forms of criticism. One might lead to someone considering that criticism, the other most likely won’t. 1. Your videos lack the hardcore element I would like to see. Any chance you can add that element as I think it would greatly improve your future videos. 2. Your videos do not have any value because they do not have hardcore. You live in the past and therefore are clueless as to what currently works. Just use a little tact in making your points. Here’s another example: 1. Geeky, you are caustic in the… Read more »

heroperilfanatic avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  sugarcoater

Guys…don’t feed the trolls. Their end goal is to simply stir the pot. Anytime GEEKYPORNCRITIC posts a comment, I say we just ignore it and keep him lonely as he is on his hardcore forum.

4 years ago

GeekyPornCritic is notorious for his bad takes in the SH forums dont mind him

4 years ago

Shockingly nice surprise.

johnnydeep avatar
4 years ago

Look forward to new films by dark islands

Sugarcoater avatar
4 years ago

Love seeing more of Blair! And in a SG outfit she looks fantastic.

Kal Leh Kiri
Kal Leh Kiri
4 years ago

Honestly i love these kinda films but ffs please do one with her getting debooted. Like imagine every movie she’s in but never happened and then all of a sudden bam.

Don1987 avatar
4 years ago

This is the exact type of videos i LOVE!, one of my favorites!

4 years ago
Reply to  TBFE

I miss the brief but fun behind-the-scenes comments that came with email notices.

shamblu avatar
4 years ago

Any Loyalty Club code being issued with this?