“Unfair fight: Grace lost” from FemaleKicks.com
Clip includes punches, kicks, knee kicks, low-blows, camel clutch, atomic drop and neck breaking.

Full HD (1920-1080)
Product length: 12 minutes
Language: Russian with English subtitles
IMPORTANT: This film was shot by a different team, which is located in another city.
Grace decided that she could easily defeat a fighter who participates in underground street fighting. However, desires do not always coincide with opportunities. Having hit the guy in the balls, Grace could not even imagine what the consequences would be. There are no rules in underground fighting, and the nickname of this fighter is “Dirty Bastard”, which alludes to his dishonest fighting style. Grace had never made such a mistake in her life… Grace had never been so hurt before… Never before had guys hit her with low blows…
Purchase this video at FemaleKicks.com
What is going to happen to her next?
Good bot
Happenbot you rock!
Make the same video with a superheroine costume on the actress and it’s an instant buy
Absolutely. Yes…yes!
No please. There’s already plenty of those.