“Vengeance” from The Battle for Earth

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redmanx avatar
11 months ago

Another fabulous performance from Coco as Redwing, the character she has really made her own! Coco suffers and struggles as only as she can as the villainess Octavia, sinisterly played by lovely Ophelia, attempts to drain Redwings powers through multiple orgasms and, as the ever more desperate and aroused Superheroine succumbs she is watched by millions on video……a bit like us, really! Will Redwing survive and recover to fight and suffer another day? Yeah, of course she will…..at least I hope so!

Mystic32 avatar
1 year ago

I bought this video last week and it is amazing. I’ve been a big fan of coco since I first saw her on lunacrush and she gets more beautiful everytime I see her. the video is great the story is brilliant and I love the idea of the heroine losing her powers with each orgasm it adds suspense to the film as she struggles to not give in to the pleasure..great job will definitely be purchasing more films with coco..I wonder how someone goes about getting their stories filmed by the studio..again well done if your on the fence about… Read more »

redmanx avatar
11 months ago
Reply to  Mystic32

Coco is to this genre what Scarlett Johansson is to main stream!

1 year ago

do you have any plans with bella Rolland ? Her work is incredible especially Reprise. It’s a shame there isn’t more of her

1 year ago

Back when there was the Future releases section there was a movie Blair WW, then when that section dropped we never heard anything about it and this is a while ago. Is it still on or it won’t be released? Since I think Blair quit porn.

redmanx avatar
11 months ago
Reply to  Ajaaja

Do you mean Blair Williams? I think shes still in the industry but its been a while since her last movie in this genre. Blair wasnt a typical superheroine actress in that shes tall and slightly heavier, but still incredibly sexy and of course, when shes losing a fight her physical size lends to her looking all the more beaten. I hope we’ll see her agai soon.

phlfan avatar
11 months ago
Reply to  redmanx

She was one of my top performers. I really hope to see her again.

YugoVang avatar
1 year ago

what happen next

1 year ago

First off, love the fact that tbfe and Coco are exploring more with gags. I mean really, the scenes become so much more convincing when the heroine can’t say anything instead of choosing to just moan for the villain, no matter how broken she may be (although if I’m being picky the purple gag seems a bit too small). As usual Coco alone is reason enough to buy this piece, on top of brilliant villains. But I do agree with some of the comments below that improvements can be made. There are so many other ways to show defeats than… Read more »

David Walcott
David Walcott
1 year ago
Reply to  Davide

Good points, I agree and would add to take out the comotosed state of the defeated heroine, like you said defiant or fully loyal and ready to serve unequivocally!!

1 year ago
Reply to  David Walcott

yep! im so tired of the whole “the heroine is emotionless and just looks bored and tired” thing that happens at the end so many times. (and honestly, this is way to common for Coco’s videos)

give me some corruption or death or brain dead slut stuff.

i’d love to see Coco do something like Alicia’s Eternal Prison, with an open eye death, tongue hanging out at the end

or an ending where Coco is a smiling drooling slut for the enemy, completely corrupted.

its all the same thing now tho

David Walcott
David Walcott
1 year ago
Reply to  lucy

Smiling, drooling slut completely corrupted!! Perfect!!

David Walcott
David Walcott
1 year ago
Reply to  Davide

Coco has a new still from a new project on her twitter page.

1 year ago
Reply to  David Walcott


ZOMWS avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Capefan

coco36956591 on twitter. She’s posted loads of stills for upcoming projects

Last edited 1 year ago by ZOMWS
redmanx avatar
11 months ago
Reply to  Davide

I much prefer to see the superheroine beaten while at her most powerful, meaning that her conqueror/s will be stronger than her. This makes her final subjugation even more humbling and sexy.

1 year ago

Just a quick question related to TBFE, I was on the wayback machine to check that I hadn’t been dreaming & when they used to have the future releases section there was a movie titled Blair WW, just wondering if anyone knows why it was never released? I love Coco but Blair was an instant buy for me & would have loved to have seen her in that WW costume.

shzam avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Kinged

From ages ago, I remember Allen responding about that film (somewhere on this forum? maybe have a search for it). He said that one was a film that was not a custom so it was always at the bottom priority compared to any others that come up that are already funded… Sure it’ll pop eventually.

1 year ago
Reply to  shzam

Thanks for the info, I’ll have a dig through old TBFE posts, good things come to those who wait I suppose.

phlfan avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Kinged

Allen (regrettably) dropped the Futures section because he took too long to get to the vids listed, if ever, and he wanted to stop the posts asking when something would come out.

Slapmutsky avatar
1 year ago

At least there’s no pie in this one

Nic cage
Nic cage
1 year ago
Reply to  Cereal Dave

Stfu don’t disrespect us pie men

Gog1000 avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Cereal Dave

Nah….say it ain’t so. Not even cake? lol

KOBEBRYA8j avatar
1 year ago

Is there an unmasking?

1 year ago

this is gonna be harsh but i have to give an honest reivew this is yet another disappointing release from TBFE, who has been disappointing me since Uncovered last March. part of that is just a personal thing as they’re not doing the kind of stuff i want but the other part is that it all feels very similar all of the ends feel so samey. wheres the corrupted heroine or even death endings? the last videos that really seemed to do the corruption thing disappointed because they didnt stick the landing. in Gem of Domination, the actual corruption of… Read more »

Hual avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  bob

I kinda understand where you come from. Back in the days, I was not even thinking about whether I would buy a title or not when it was “Coco” written on it, but as of late, all titles with her feel similar. It started with “The Interview”, it was nice, but not great. All of Cocos titles since then, like “Ultimatum” or both “Treachery” parts looked not “special” enough from the pictures and trailer to buy them. While I loved all the titles with Kayla that I bought, especially “Constrained” and “Shattered steel”, Cocos were not that amazing anymore. “Cheetahs… Read more »

D_Hoffryn avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  bob

What you say about “Liberation” is inaccurate, and you are misquoting me. Yes, there was a last moment of hesitation in the script which is not in the film. But to claim that Sonique “just randomly decides to give in out of nowhere” is nonsense nonetheless. The entire movie shows how she is seduced and fails to resist. You can of course think that it wasn’t well executed, but you should not exaggerate like this. So please don’t use me as some sort of crown witness in your case against TBFE.

1 year ago
Reply to  D_Hoffryn

i mean yeah, thats what they’re saying: it was poorly executed. it definitely feels like it comes out of nowhere, not an exaggeration to say that, especially when the video completely forgot about Sonique seeing herself lol

D_Hoffryn avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  superman

I understand what you guys mean, and it’s absolutely okay to state that a decisive moment was poorly executed. I was somewhat disappointed by that, too. But it still does not come “out of nowhere”, when Sonique at this point has allowed Jewel to do all kinds of things to her and has actually already begged her not to stop. I also didn’t want to suggest that bob’s critique was “out of line”. But I had to point out that he was misquoting me, because in the statement he was referring to I had in fact explained that the letdown… Read more »

depo man
depo man
1 year ago
Reply to  D_Hoffryn

chill man, i get you don’t want to be roped into it, but his critique was not out of line and pretty reasonable.

and he’s right, the submission in Liberation was pretty sudden and a bit of a let down.

the only thing i found funny was, while complaining about vids feeling too samey, he said he wishes TBFE was more varied like Rye – now that’s ironic! I think TBFE (and Lucia) generally is pretty creative and tries new things way more often

1 year ago
Reply to  depo man

cant speak for them but i see the rye thing. some of the stuff they did in Parolee and Eternal Prison are some of the best ive seen in this genre.

would actually love to see Coco do a video with a story and ending like Eternal Prison. good shitt

Skirtfan avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  superman

I think the problem is that all the customs are scripted by people who seem to want the same thing. While they are paying the costs then TBFE will give them what they want. I’ve seen very little of late that interests me since the producers stopped doing their own scripts and went instead to relying on custom scripts that I personally find pretty awful. It would appear that the people with the money to fund these movies do not share my taste. Maybe the producers should start becoming more picky about what they accept in order to introduce more… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  bob

Yeah I feel the same about the samey endings.

I have to admit I am not a huge Coco fan, and I know she’s probably the most popular actress in the genre. But I actually find her hotter after the return and don’t mind seeing her, I just wish there are some variety.

The recent Coco movies all feels the same, just a heroine got defeated and fucked in different costumes.

1 year ago
Reply to  bob

I agree. It was ok but def not their best work. Coco is sexy AF but would’ve been better with more time in her ‘cover’ outfit. The action doesn’t happen til the very end and I’m a little bummed I bought it.

heroinehunter avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Mongey

Has anyone tried my custom Miss Wonder – Highest Bidder?

Dr G avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Heroinehunter

I bought it. I thought that both Coco and Jackson Gory were great in it !

phlfan avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Heroinehunter

I haven’t found this. Is it under a different name? A different producer than TBFE?

ZOMWS avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  phlfan

Alex David was the producer and you can find it on shg media

asirgitawe avatar
1 year ago

Ophelia looks great in leather!

Nic cage
Nic cage
1 year ago

Looks good but this looks like the last one . Don’t get me wrong Iv done a lot of repeated movies myself

1 year ago

can someone say what kind of ending it is? i hate when these posts dont say it 🙁

corrupted? death? or just kind of defeated and lying there at the end?

David Walcott
David Walcott
1 year ago
Reply to  ray

Bottom right pic.

SJ057 avatar
1 year ago

Coco’s fuller figure in civilian clothes, tight blouses and skirts is so hot

1 year ago
Reply to  SJ057

I prefer a slimmer Cocko with a nice tight ass. Still solid beat material though.

1 year ago

Anybody know what producer would be best to commission a Coco custom? On a bit of a budget.

Dr G avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Jj

As far as I know, Coco has worked with TBFE, The Rye, Lucia Films and Alex Bettinger. I can’t comment on the pricing though. If you scroll down a few posts, Alex posted something about Custom ideas with Coco but I think that they were filming today.

Dr G avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Dr G

Forgot that Coco also worked with Alex David (Miss Wonder – Highest Bidder).

1 year ago

What’s the ending like?

1 year ago

Agh, Coco again? There are not more actresses?? .-.

1 year ago
Reply to  LucasZtetch

You’d be surprised. It was hard to get other actresses before covid and now after, it seems even harder. I’ve funded a few customs recently (not this one, though this one was great!) where I’ve gone in thinking I wanted to get someone new and after going through a list of about 15 people from several different talent agencies, couldn’t get anyone, either due to lack of interest in the type of content, travel related stuff, and every other reason one can imagine. And then if you can get someone on board, you never know how they’re going to do… Read more »

David Walcott
David Walcott
1 year ago
Reply to  bbsucks

Thanks for the great message and explaining the difficult processes of getting other actresses. Have to give kudos to the regular’s Coco, Ophelia for being available and delivering hopefully Violet Viper may join the fold would be fantastic!! The G/G content is first class with Coco and Ophelia /Violet who knows all three of them together with the two good heroes becoming loyal evil slaves!!

1 year ago
Reply to  bbsucks

I’d love to see Coco and McKenzie do something together.

Geo10 avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  LucasZtetch

Love Coco! Her a sense was greatly missed. Sure she’s in a lot recently, but I’ll take it while I can get it. Never know how long she’ll continue to do this stuff. Then we’ll all be missing her again.

D_Hoffryn avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  LucasZtetch

TBFE has added several new actresses to its list of suggested talents recently. So if they get cast now by people willing to take the risks explained by bbsucks, there might be some movies with fresh faces in a few months.

David Walcott
David Walcott
1 year ago
Reply to  D_Hoffryn


1 year ago

Yeah!!! This is a superheroine movie! Cocoa knows how to sell an awesome beating! None of that pie-in-the-face nonsense. This is how it should be!!!

Don1987 avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Butchie

Not kink shaming anyone but i genuinely dont get the pie in the face stuff

1 year ago
Reply to  Don

Kink shaming? Lol yeah pie was just dumb like childish but you pay you get what you want

David Walcott
David Walcott
1 year ago
Reply to  Butchie

Indeed!! Coco seems to more lovely and superb actress than the her earlier years. Go girl!

Dr G avatar
1 year ago

Coco looks great in the skirt outfit and glasses 🙂

ZOMWS avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Dr G

Absolutely! I cannot disagree with you on that

bou avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Dr G

She does and I love the progression from #21 to #22. What a downfall!

phlfan avatar
1 year ago

I’m still waiting to see Ophelia as the submissive, not dominant.

ZOMWS avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  phlfan

Have you not seen some of her previous works?

phlfan avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  ZOMWS

Yes. I loved The Challenge. Looking for more like that

ZOMWS avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  phlfan

I’m guessing you won’t be too pleased to know that Ophelia is appearing somewhere down the line as the dominant to Coco

senordescartes avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  ZOMWS

Did you commission a custom? If so give us a tease! Always here for the GG content

ZOMWS avatar
1 year ago

Unfortunately I have not. I’m just a fan of Coco and for teases, she’s posted pictures on set which include her submitted to Ophelia, Coco and Kayla in what looks to be a similar story to super toys from rye and theres still lots more goodies I haven’t listed

Last edited 1 year ago by ZOMWS
blackjebus avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  ZOMWS

posted where?

ZOMWS avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Black Jebus

Cocos twitter, it’s @Coco36956591. As you scroll down, you’ll see her tweets showing off everything coming soon

1 year ago
Reply to  ZOMWS

Where did you see this?

ZOMWS avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Ztc

Cocos twitter, it’s @Coco36956591. As you scroll down, you’ll see her tweets showing off everything coming soon

David Walcott
David Walcott
1 year ago
Reply to  ZOMWS

Coco has to submit, can’t seem right seeing a evil dominant Coco!!

David Walcott
David Walcott
1 year ago
Reply to  phlfan

Will look tricky as she’s doing a great job being evil.

D_Hoffryn avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  phlfan

You will, sooner or later. I hope it’s going to be sooner.