“Wilting Blossom” from The Battle for Earth

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4 years ago

Does anyone know if COCO has done a real porn scene?

TheLecher avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  Daddy

This question has been asked a number of times in a number of different threads. To the best of my knowledge, no, she has not. She has only done penetration with dildos. As far as I know, the closest she has come to doing a boy/girl scene is a death fetish scene in which her killer jerks off and cums on her feet after she’s dead. The camera shows him jerking off and actually cumming on her feet, but she never had any direct contact with his cock.

4 years ago
Reply to  TheLecher

This is all the more reason to hire muscular actresses in the adult industry, like; Brandi Mae, Goddess Rapture, Charli Mckenna, Nikki Jackson, Megan Avalon, Dani Andrews, Kelli Provocateur.

5 years ago

I am gutted that coco is retiring. By far my favourite woman on here.

Gog1000 avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  gazza175uk

My favorite all around as well by far. Going way back to her roots at CC & Taboo. But……..I hear there’s still hope of a comeback already. Keeping my fingers crossed. 🙂

RyonaKing avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Gog

I would be so ecstatic if she ever worked with those guys again.

5 years ago

Ariel X is the best. Please more WW with her.

Thevoice avatar
5 years ago

I’ve noticed Amber isn’t on the available Models list. has she gone as well? 🙁

Game400 avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  TheVoice

Yes… She’s going to retire very soon.

5 years ago
Reply to  TBFE

Seems like we’re in the midst of a generational shift.
I’m hopeful that Portland still fosters the kind of gutsy good humor and bananas verve that brought so many good performers together — and that fans remain patient and supportive of any newbies who give it a go.

Darkwrath016 avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Imagineer

And just to piggyback off what Imagineer said above, I feel like with the retirement of Amber that we’ve reached an important milestone indeed. For me, Coco, Cassidy and Amber were really break out stars who took the genre to new heights half a decade ago. They brought real flair to their roles in such distinctive ways that almost every release they stared in was an automatic buy for me. Now they’ve all retired and I’m getting a little nostalgic. Thankfully we’ve got the likes of Ashley, Layla and now McKensie who are doing fantastic work.

Thevoice avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  TBFE

Thats a shame. two great actors.

Darkwrath016 avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  TBFE

I hope there’s one last video of Amber before she retires. She in my mind was an amazing performer. I personally didn’t end up liking a lot of the content she stared in but let there be no doubt that she could sell peril with the best of them. I believe her first film was Ms Marvelous with Rye (sorry TBFE) back around 2014 and I had that on constant repeat for about a year. She was that good and continued to be that good for the rest of her career in the genre.

Wishing her all the best

5 years ago
Reply to  TBFE

That bulletin’s false? Excellent! Thanks, bub, for enlightening.

Takes balls, fake-explaining. True believers fell easily. This bozo feels embarrassed.

To brighter futures, everyone!

JoeyJon avatar
4 years ago
Reply to  TBFE

Ummm… Since somebody else brought it up… Amber McAlester is my favorite and I haven’t seen her around much. I did a very basic internet search and came across her “Amazon Wishlist.” It had basic stuff people would wish for… But then starting in February of this year her wishlist changed. She’s asking for crack pipes and those blowtorch lighters right around the time we stopped seeing her! So sure, people like to do that stuff recreationally. But if you publicly put out there to ask your fan base to buy you a crack pipe, I am thinking she might… Read more »

5 years ago

Looks almost perfect. My fantasy is this production, without the post production camera shaking. Oh well, I can dream.

5 years ago

Parallel Divergence

5 years ago

I never actually played the game (i don’t want to mention it since it may attract some unwanted attention) but i know the character and always found her hot. It’s nice seeing videogame characters making it to these videos from time to time, i bet it made some people really happy

5 years ago
Reply to  F L

name it

shfyd avatar
5 years ago

This was an instant buy for me because it had Layla and Coco. Two favourites.

Both girls look great. Coco especially rocks in that Orchid costume. Layla plays a very good villain, full of confidence. I just felt it was a little too one sided. Coco gets beaten up pretty badly from about the one quarter mark. Would have preferred a more even contest. But still it was a good watch. Lots of nudity with Coco being exposed a lot. There is a brief period when both breasts and pussy are exposed, very gratifying

So all good

rifagiarc avatar
5 years ago

This one looks pretty good. I think I’m going to wait for the solaria release with coco, which seems to be up next for release. Just looks too good. That’ll be an instant purchase. Will probably come back around to scooping this one.

slayer avatar
5 years ago

Does somebody know the real name of coco? I mean in her real life or a fan page?
Would love to see more from her

HM avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Slayer

I’d appreciate it if everyone would stop asking for models’ real names.

5 years ago
Reply to  HM

Or else your comments will be diabled

Kevlar avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  HM

I respect your wishes and understand what everyone is saying, but perhaps Slayer just explained himself with a poor choice of words. From my perspective I don’t care at all about her REAL name. HOWEVER… I would like an easier way to find videos she’s featured in. Just searching for “Coco” comes up with a lot of different people. I’m guessing “Layla Rylan” is a stage name too, but it makes finding videos she’s in a lot easier than searching for just “Layla”. Guess what I’m personally saying is that I wish Coco had given herself a fake surname too… Read more »

jkrc717 avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Kevlar

I agree with this. I am also interested in finding more of her work.

Gog1000 avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  JackDooDoo

She has a lot of non Super Heroine stuff. Check out “Chris’ Corner”, “Taboo Cinema”, “121 Productions”, “Velvet’s Fantasies”, “COH”, COH Extreme”, and one with “Will Kills” over at Nicheclips. Not sure it’d be to your tastes, as I mentioned, it’s not S.H. stuff. But she has a few really good “fight club” type clips. A really good one w/Belle Fatale called “Coco Raze” (or something like that, which is at 121 if I remember right). But yeah, I wish she would have chosen a different screen name to make it easier to find her material. Love this girl! 🙂… Read more »

Mr.Bleh avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  JackDooDoo

I know I first became aware of her through TBFE.
She was the original Redwing.

Sugarcoater avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Kevlar

A fair response. There is a reference to the desire to find a fan page after all.

This gets to a societal point about people needing to take the time to both carefully articulate their points, requests, questions, etc. as well as needing to take the time to understand people’s responses. So much of what I’m seeing these days is people talking at one another and not to one another.
(For my own part, I’m trying to take the time to read over my posts before submitting them to make sure they make sense or don’t have any egregious errors.)

jkrc717 avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Kevlar

In some ways I understand privacy concerns, but in other ways I don’t really understand it. Models or actresses (of any kind) promote themselves to get work. How else are all these companies hiring them? They obviously want to be hired because they’re doing it. Whether the goal is to be come a star, or famous, or because they like doing it or because of the money, or all the reasons combined. I am a big fan of Coco. Also Layla and I’m a huge fan of Rin X. I would love to see their other work as models or… Read more »

Mr.Bleh avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  JackDoo

…its ok to search, but don’t be too disappointed if all your search shows you is that you are already aware of all of their work.

Gog1000 avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  JackDoo

I listened to a couple of podcast with Coco. In the first one she talked about her roots and stuff. How she first started doing clips and got in the biz. She also talked about her breaking away from those roots to branch out to other things. She mentioned she wanted to “explore what’s out there”. But like some have noted, how’s someone who wants to hire her going to be able to contact her. The podcast is a few years old now……and I don’t know of any branching out or exploring she’s done since. It’s all been S.H. stuff.… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  JackDoo

Producers and performers network — a professional can get gigs without any public engagement. Coco may not have chosen her stage name with a lot of forethought — I wouldn’t be at all surprised if the producer of her first gig picked it for her. But she could have added a surname, set up a home page, joined social media, or taken other simple steps to build a personal brand. And she hasn’t. It seems likely she was satisfied with the money she made for the gigs she worked, and I would be surprised if she didn’t book more gigs… Read more »

jkrc717 avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Kevlar

The most pornographic stuff that Coco has done are from necro films. Never any real b/g sex, but she’s done other sexual stuff. She did get screwed with a dildo by another woman. Which is the only real penetration I’ve seen. Does anyone know if she’s ever done any real sex other than the dildo I mentioned? BJ, HJ, real sex?

TheLecher avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  BrentFolly

I’m not aware of any real b/g sex for Coco. She did a scene in which a guy jerked off and came on her feet, but she never gave him a blowjob, handjob, or footjob.

ME92 avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  BrentFolly

necro films… Is that niche clips too or something else?

Don1987 avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Slayer

Dude actresses quit because their real names get out.

5 years ago
Reply to  Slayer

Her real name is Nunya Bidness.

Mr.Bleh avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Imagineer

Hey, that’s my name too!….rats, now I have to quit too. 😉

5 years ago
Reply to  Imagineer

Can someone inform me as to where I can locate the aforementioned podcasts. I’d really like to check them out for myself. Gog can you pass on this info please and thank you?

Gog1000 avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Overcat

Overcat~Here’s the link to the podcast w/Coco:

Coco’s are episode 24 & 33.

jkrc717 avatar
5 years ago

If they fuck for real I’ll buy it. Like real fingering, eating out, dildos, etc. If not I’ll pass. Someone let me know.

TheEscapist316 avatar
5 years ago

How is there 3 death endings? Is this suppose to be a video game theme or something like that??

ME92 avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  theEscapist

If you really want to know, there is 1 ending and 2 alternative ones at the end 😉

5 years ago

I will never get tired of Layla’s thickness. Love the way she fills out that catsuit.

Skirtfan avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  TBFE

I’ve not even got it in my spam which makes me wonder whether it’s being blocked. I’ve seen mail servers do that before. Then what do I do?

ME92 avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  TBFE

Yup same problem here, not found anywhere, checked all foulders :/ What’s the email adresse to send the email to?

5 years ago
Reply to  TBFE

i have sent your email serveral times but i never receive any reply. So i changed to a new email address and made my description more specific. Hope you can reply my message and help me to realize my dream.

5 years ago
Reply to  wjj

Same thing for me. They never reply to my emails. So if TBFE have this mindset for their customer, I think I will not buy their videos anymore. So bad because they produce great SHIP videos.

ME92 avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  wjj

@Dde – I got response immediately as soon as the email was dropped here and I replied to it, so I’m sure you’ll get a reply as soon as they’re available to reply to you.

5 years ago

For me it’s the wrong girl who suffers. The Agent in black catsuit should have been dominated.

Sugarcoater avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  hBoss

I would love to see Layla in that catsuit and the same hairstyle being evil, then dominated by someone else. She is stripped from the catsuit to reveal she is wearing her Sonique outfit. She went bad after the last video and is then dominated sexually–not entirely against her will–by some other heroine/villain.

5 years ago
Reply to  sugarcoater

I would more enjoy with her catsuit and belt on – and gloves, too.
Bad ass Villainess.

5 years ago

WOW. Black Orchid is not something I ever expected to see but I love that costume on Coco.

Mr.Bleh avatar
5 years ago

Nice to see Layla Rylan stretching out and taking on some villainous parts, but I always yearn for yet another Sonique video.
Sad to think we’re seeing one of Coco’s last videos…at least for the time being?

Mr. Big
Mr. Big
5 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Bleh

I didn’t know coco was retiring or stepping away.