“Wonder Women Captured!” from ProVillain Productions
Starring Bella Rolland & Diana Grace

Wonder Woman (Bella Rolland) and Wonder Girl (Diana Grace) have arrived at the lair of a dangerous human trafficking villain, General Warkiller (Tim Woodman). The Wonder Women easily defeat him but Warkiller is prepared to prey on their weakness: hubris. He reveals himself to be an ancestor of the Gargareans, an ancient tribe of men who were exploited and enslaved by the Amazons to ensure their all-female bloodline continued. Wonder Girl is appalled and asks Wonder Woman if it’s true. Under the influence of her own lasso, Wonder Woman is forced to admit the truth. Though as Princess she fought for better treatment of the Gargarians, it is still a dark chapter in Amazon history. Warkiller will now use the torture and enslavement of his captive Amazons to avenge his ancestors and take back Themyscira!
You can purchase individual scenes on Clips4Sale here:
To purchase the KO scenes (which are not available on Clips4Sale), you can reach out to Tim Woodman for private, direct sale at tim@provillain.com.

mmmmm…Bella Roland…..better yet, Bella Roland as Wonder Woman!…..yeah….
Great vids !
I adore the face to face whipping, a real highlight, together with cleave gagging and peril scenes.
Why not remove the boots.
And could do more pantyhosed feet plots.
The next video may feature that!
I really like provillain and its materials, it’s rare to find good bondage plot vids these days. But with that said… pls stop using cleave gags lol, I mean it’s kinda too obvious that they don’t work at all and actresses are mumbling on purpose
Even though I agree and would rather see other kinds of gags, but know that all of these WW videos were customs, pretty sure the client asked for cleave gags.
Yes, Irvin put his finger right on it. Pretty much all of Tim’s content are customs so if you’re wondering why a certain element is or isn’t in there it’s because “the client wanted it!”
I think most of these sites are like that.
Did Bella get a nose job or something? She looks different. She’s unbelievably hot save for the flabby tits.
Good work!!! Just purchased it. Nice plot, excellent choice of actresses. Love anything with pantyhose, tied up, hardcore and most importantly, non-Russian.
Thanks, LoCLai! Glad you enjoyed the story. And yes, Bella and Diana really nailed their characters!
Hey, there’s sth about a censored clips and some scenes deleted in part 2. Is there any way for me to Hit You Up for those clips? I purchased all parts of your production.
Hi LoCLai. Yes, you can reach out to Tim Woodman directly at tim@provillain.com. The first scene of the video is not available on C4S because of the extensive KO stuff. You can also get the unaltered scene 2 if you reach out to him for private sale.
i really looking forward for a debooting of bella with pantyhose
Funny you should mention that, Elevete. I’m working on a new video and there will be a debooting in it!