OUT NOW! Action Cosplay: Marvelette & The Mob

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RobHinx avatar
5 years ago

So much to love here, in fact, it’s almost like NGC have had said “Let’s do an Action Cosplay for that fella over there”! We start off in the midst of the action; something I really like to see, and, while the heroine has the hapless henchman at her mercy there’s some subversive humour that put me in mind of Kandy Crisis or (dare I say it) Kick Ass. And almost before you’ve got time to process all that, the heroine is laid out with a bonk on the head! I use the term ‘bonk’ advisedly; the hit on the… Read more »

Jeff avatar
5 years ago

I made a comment about a different version of Dynamite Doll and I think it was a bit over the top. I do enjoy the first actress a bit more but the lady who plays wonderstrike as DD is pretty badass in her own way. While I think another actress would be great for Ms Marvel I do agree that this actress’s hair is one of the best aspects of this character as it is in the comics. I really really loved Danvers as Ms Marvel and it stinks to see her change out of that title and outfit but… Read more »

mid2018 avatar
5 years ago


Look at that black panties under her shiny pantyhose.

Dr_Mabuse avatar
5 years ago

Loved this! Finally, a Marvel heroine in the Action Cosplay roster, and it’s Ms. Marvel! This video has several major strengths for me. First is the character and casting. Ms. Marvel is a longtime favorite of mine, and I’ve become an admirer of the “Candy Race” actress, but her Equalizer outfit isn’t my favorite, so seeing her in such a high-quality Ms. Marvel costume is a major coup. Candy is an excellent genre actress, nearly the best NGC has at stage fighting and equal to the top peril actors, and this fantastic costume flatters her much more than the Equalizer… Read more »

majcvd49 avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Dr_Mabuse

Does she get KO’d at the end as well?

5 years ago

So we’re going to be seeing more of Marvelette, right? Because she was wonderful in this and we definitely need more.

5 years ago

Props to NGC for choosing this less mainstream heroine, the costume is sexy! And it doesn’t look cheap at all, it has great quality! I’m sold!

Mr.Bleh avatar
5 years ago

This actress is really growing on me.
She just sells the whole…thing, so well!
Beautiful girl and a lovely actress. This one is another definite buy.

Dr_Mabuse avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Bleh

Agreed! I was a bit slow to come around, but she’s impressed me a lot recently, and this costume looks *great* on her.

Darkwrath016 avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Dr_Mabuse

Yeah for Candy’s popularity increasing! She deserves way more screen time than she’s had the past year.

Mr.Bleh avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Bleh

…forgot to mention – nice to the see the villain / henchman again.
“Snare” needs to make a reprisal soon. Would love to see one of the newer girls entangled in his web of deceit! =)

Dr_Mabuse avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Bleh

Is that the actor who played Snare? I didn’t recognize him.

Regardless, consider a reappearance of Snare seconded. I don’t know about his “web of deceit” but I’d like to see some newer heroines snared in his restraints.

Mr.Bleh avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  Dr_Mabuse

Yes, I recognized the henchman right off….and sorry about the “web of deceit”, got a little carried away. What you said, that’s what I was getting at.

mid2018 avatar
5 years ago

I also love that we can always see her panties. Just look at how she tries to conceal it under her costume but she can’t…

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ME92 avatar
5 years ago

If it hadn’t been for her accent, I could have sweared this was Amy Johnston (stunt actress). Uncanny =D

Mr.Bleh avatar
5 years ago
Reply to  ME92

I wouldn’t go that far. Amy appears a bit shorter than this actress.
I’m trying to figure out where I’ve heard her accent before. She sounds so familiar, but the show I’m thinking of is from long ago. It couldn’t be her, but she sounds just like……someone……

5 years ago

I cannot get over how fantastic she looks in that costume. Also echoing the comment about the lighting, the production looks fantastic.

Very excited for this one. This will be an instant buy Friday!

mid2018 avatar
5 years ago

I love this lighting! It really brings out the shine in these pantyhose.

At 0:28 when Marvelette sits on the floor, her pantyhose wrinkles up on her left leg… she looks so vulnerable as if her uniform can no longer protect her.