From Steve Noir;
L IS BACK, with all that sassy hair and saucy attitude we remember, as A NEW CHARACTER, in a sexy, sensual two-parter that features her first ever TOPLESS appearance for roughly two-thirds of the video’s total running time.
I’m previewing PART ONE here on heroinemovies this week, PART TWO next week, but they are both NOW AVAILABLE, and available bundled together for a discounted price!
Enjoy responsibly.
AGENT RIGGS (played by the lovely L), the new character from the creator of AMAZON ARROW, is a retro spygirl in leotard and boots, getting into all the usual Steve Noir-style peril.
In Part 1 of AGENT RIGGS: Denial, the attractive but spectacularly ineffective spy uses all her skills to get immediately chloroformed, felt up, tied up, stripped and ‘broken in’ by a nefarious sex trafficker, played by Josie Day.
This video features multiple chloro KO’s, limp stripping to panties – L’s first released partial nudity – heavy, heavy groping top and bottom, bondage with spreader bar, mouthplay, hands-on stimulation plus breathplay, and a bucket-load of L attitude! 21 min, $25
Available bundled with Part 1 & 2 for $45 at SHG-Media


Hi i love sex my contact here
This is absolutely amazing. Please, please, please let L know how much we appreciate it. Now I’m gonna get my hopes up and imagine her doing something like Resident Virus 6
Really hope we can get back to some quality FFFFF/F beatdown soon, Steve Noir best in the business bar none 🙂
Any carries featured?
No, sorry!
Could we see f/f carries in future films?
Hey, I just need to post here at the top of the comments to clarify something: it says in my text that I’m previewing Part One this week and Part Two next week, but my assistant sent EVERYTHING in. So you already have everything for Part Two except the text description, and WHO READS THAT when they’ve got the trailer and pictures?
So, blame the officer, not the troops. Just a little mix-up on my end.
Steve Noir
Hey Steve, I’m a big fan of Gangs of Gotham: Dark Robin. In the synopsis it mentions this is Robyn Darke’s return. Is that actress available in any other videos?
L looks pretty hot tied up, especially AOH. Could use some belly ‘torment’
Wow, this looks GREAT! This is a lot of action I enjoy seeing… bound fondling, sexual and sensual stimulation, working over a captive. In this whole scene is there any dialogue? It looks completely void of words, just her moaning and groaning at her erotic torment. Hey, it is TERRIFIC, don’t get me wrong, I just like some taunting or interaction dialogue.
Looks like a hot production!
There is some at the beginning and end . That’s it
Hey Nic. Thank you for that info. Good to know there is at least some dialogue! Might make me change my thoughts about passing on this one (I really do like dialogue in these clips).
This looks incredible!
I immediately opened my eyes to L when she was doing her first vid Jean Ray Hellbender, and to see her taking it to the next step is an instant buy for me as soon as the next pay-check arrives!
It did not disappoint at all! There’s something raw and pure about this video that I don’t feel like I’ve seen in a while, and both L and Josie plays their parts pretty well. L’s better than she’s ever been too imo, so that’s a treat for sure.
I only wish L had one or two lines questioning Josie why she’s doing this or that she won’t get away, but overall the ‘silence’ between them worked pretty well.
I’m a simple man. I see Elle , I buy. Steve question for you . I know you like mouth covering and such, but would you ever consider doing mouth play with objects like say oh I don’t know maybe a pate of pie ?
That is a REALLY funny question, at least to me.
When you said “mouthplay with objects like”, the LAST thing on my mind was pie!
So, I don’t know.
I don’t think that would ever come to me spontaneously as an on-set “what if”?
any upcoming projects using a web/cocoon like you have in the past? i recall a LONG time ago you had a resident evil (?) type character wind up head to toe encased in a webbed cocoon.
wish i still had that video (or could find it again)
I do not, unfortunately, have any cocooning on the books, but I would love to get commissioned to do another commission to do one. Those are fun and sexy.
You should email me when you get a chance, and ID yourself as this poster here on heroinemovies.
So good hopefully we get some ragdolling in the next one. Very nice job nonetheless
We finally get toppless Elle?! Christmas came early this year!!!
I’ve been looking forward to it. Thank you so much!!!