“Batgirl Tricked & Bound” from Kendra James Super Heroine World

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9 months ago

Kendra James is like the last number on your booty call list- you might not ever be really excited to see her but you’re happy because you’re still going to get off.

9 months ago
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You probably don’t HAVE to be rude about it.

9 months ago

This does look really good. I’ve been a big Kendra James fan for quite a while. In my mind, she is THE batgirl/batwoman actress. Like how after you see Robert Downey Jr as Tony Stark and you think “other people will play this character in the future, but he’s the blueprint.” That is Kendra!

phlfan avatar
9 months ago

My problem with these videos is that she’s never topless, let alone nude. That’s a no-go for me. The bottom two pics look pretty good, but that’s not enough for my money. Also pissed he’s not taking comments, pro and con.

9 months ago

another terrible release from rye. do NOT waste your money on it. they dont allow comments anymore and comments on other pages are being deleted. guess we’re not allowed to share opinions anymore. keep deleting, we’ll keep reposting

depo man
depo man
9 months ago

it literally looks like EVERY OTHER release of his in the past 10 years, i don’t understand why anyone wastes their money on his stuff. Not only is it so tired and uninspiring, but blocking comments is SUCH a b**** move.

Shameful this site allows that. It’s a total F YOU to the fans and people who pay to keep that coward in business

Skirtfan avatar
9 months ago

This site should create it’s own thread for new releases so that people can swap views on releases that don’t allow comments. Personally, I’ll never tire of seeing SG in a sexy skirt being slapped about.

Sugarcoater avatar
9 months ago

Maybe post this in a Rye thread of the past? Seems a bit unfair to the producers of this video to be stuck with a thread criticizing something not of their making. Furthermore, someone may simply skim over the comments, see the negative phrases and assume the video isn’t worth purchasing.
Just saying.

9 months ago

salt level: maximum

9 months ago

Seriously, guys? I don’t even understand why this is a point of contention at all. There are other sites that allow you to post your own threads on any topic you want. This one website doesn’t HAVE to give you a place to talk about anything you want. You can’t go to a McDonalds and order spaghetti just because you really want spaghetti. Just go to one of the places where you can make a topic in a thread and write about it, there. Stop complaining to people for not giving you what you want when you can very easily… Read more »

9 months ago

This looks like a good ‘un!!! Does she have a real organzim is my only question?