Blue Vixen: Ghost from the Past – OUT NOW

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2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

You did a great job and very well explained and articulate, and you now can be ready for witness protection.

Dr G avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Overall the podcast was good. I liked the informal chatting format as we were able to learn a lot about you and the industry. Too bad Missy Rhodes retired. I liked her superheroine movies !

shzam avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Like the others thought you did a great job overall. Applaud you for the bravery and the balls to go in and talk about such a unique topic to be uninitiated in it. Was funny listening to you try and describe the fetish mindset and what you do/we watch. Small piece of constructive criticism if you ever do something similar again, though well spoken and well thought out answers don’t think you always answered the questions asked. Still, did a million times better than anything I could have done and sure you were a little nervous it being your first… Read more »

Fuckcarol avatar
2 years ago

Ashley Lane wont be the Batgirl in the killing joke?

Fuckcarol avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Marcelo

I pre ordered the movie, If the scene where Batgirl get shot in the spine It is being a problem, personally I dont care If its removed from the movie.
I can t speak for everyone tha preordered, but for me It would be a too violent scene for a porn movie, the violence of prison Its enough. Just my thoughts, keep up with the good work.

2 years ago

did the selected raffle winner respond?

Dr G avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

what is going to happen next (Shamelessly stolen from YugoVang ) 🙂

blackjebus avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

fingers crossed for me to win

2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

YESSSS I very much agree 5 days would be plenty.

2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

I am in the minority. I think two weeks to a month would be more fair. The winner could have Covid or another unexpected problem. I did not use my email for over two weeks when I had covid.

2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

I would be on my death bed looking for the email.

blackjebus avatar
2 years ago

I hope I get the winner email

2 years ago

This was a spectacular video very well done! Nathan does a great job as a villain and really sells the moves. I would love to see Codey get more physical with the girls and throw more punches in the future. I know you do these videos in bulk so this would likely take a while to actually see in a future film, but could you cast Scott Nails or Danny Mountain in future projects as villains I’d love to see them fight the ladies! Thanks so much again for all your hard work it is really appreciated!

2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Scott Nails did a porn parody of mortal kombat a while back and has appeared in more action oriented films such as Kung Fu Beauty although he did not fight in that film. I can’t remember the name of the digital playground series Scott appears in but he was an FBI agent and he did use a firearm. Danny Mountain recently did a fighting game parody on FakeHub I believe it was called Triple Dragon. Thank you so much for responding! Of course these are just suggestions from one person so I would understand if it does not happen.

TheLecher avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  CovenWitch

Good luck getting Scott Nails in anything other than a Brazzers/Digital Playground production. Honestly, I’m surprised that even Brazzers was able to bring him out of retirement.

2 years ago
Reply to  TheLecher

True I’m holding out hope though lol he is sexy af. Charles Dera would be cool to see too if possible he has quite a few movies where he has fights his mortal kombat, Star Wars, Snake, Wonder Woman, and various other video game parodies come to mind

TheLecher avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  CovenWitch

Charles Dera did MMA fighting as a hobby/sideline. I believe that I already suggested him to Damien a while back. I don’t know if Damien was interested or reached out.

2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Definitely understandable. Thanks for responding to the suggestions even if they may not be possible! Your hustle is appreciated! Tbh I only thought about Danny Mountain because I have seen him on sites that Nathan and Codey also have performed on not just the big ones. The three were ok EyeOnTheGuy not too long ago. He just seems like he would down granted I’m not on the business end of things and would not know the ins and outs of casting.

2 years ago
Reply to  TheLecher

I did not know that! That sounds like a great fit I know he does rough stuff too

Elevete avatar
2 years ago

Oh my god, producers in the US have yet to learn so much from GIGA. Have you seen some of the creativity they have in the debooting scenes? Take some classes first, because yours is very boring guys.

2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Huge fan of spider Gwen!

2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

omg is this the unmasking film?

shzam avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Keen! Knew as soon as you mentioned another full body suit and face covered heroine it had to be her.

Not many characters that have the full covering to be fair… still I’m going to claim the win.

Now the only problem is the suspense of waiting as well as the anticipation and high expectations for the actress.

Would bet money on it being one specific actress but won’t name them to keep expectations in check. Sure you won’t let me down regardless though .

2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

I’m not, sorry. I just meant that im huge fan of the outfit and look and the idea of seeing a video of yours with her would surely be amazing!

2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Tenés una foto de cuerpo completo?

Arcanus avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

The Biggest! is this a hint that Spider-Gwen is the next surprise masked character you mentioned? If so, awesome. I was really hoping you would do some of the other female spiderverse characters because you did such an amazing job on your spider-girl film.

Juanman8 avatar
2 years ago

Will you be sending out another email to the current winner?

TheLecher avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

From the point of view of someone who did not win the raffle, seven days seems like a reasonable period. Sometimes people get busy with work, and they can’t be online for a few days, but most people who buy fetish porn online will probably check their emails at least once a week.

Arcanus avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

I agree that 7 days is an adequate amount of time, anyone who is wanting to win the raffle should know to check and wont wait a whole week to check. although the wait to see if they pass or miss out and you move on to a reserve is killing me.

hypnomancer avatar
2 years ago

Fantastic work, on several levels. I for one was happy to see the return of Liv as Blue Vixen, and I also dig the sense on continuity taking place here, for whatever that’s worth. The only negative here is that I didn’t win the raffle, but I hope there’s another. 😀

Kudos, Damien!

2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Yes a great film just wish the email was in my folder and I got excited when I saw an email from you but then realized it was BTS video and not the win.

Omni024 avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Well, it ain’t me ( not that I’m surprised ) so like, carry on.

2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Hey email me I’m the winner and I will respond ASAP!!

2 years ago

Great to see more innovation from this film maker. Love internal dialogue. Hope we have more film makers incorporate that as a main focus one day.

2 years ago

so what does the “lose ending” mean in this case? is she corrupted? killed?

2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

lol ive seen plenty of videos that dont describe the ending like that. no reason to give an attitude to a potential paying customer

2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Holy shit, you had an alternate ending only for pre-orders? Wow. The raffle is a great idea but an alternate ending that just disappears forever after a pre-order is one of the worst things I’ve heard.

2 years ago

Is it too soon to ask about the next release lol, we always want more!

Last edited 2 years ago by Gordon
shzam avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Keen! Got me wondering what type of mask would be enough to actually hide an identity in trailers and preview pics….

Obviously you’ve already done spidergirl so exciting to see what else you have in mind (Spider-Gwen? Original Character? Something else i’m missing?) Hope we hear more soon 🙂

Victor avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods


Last edited 2 years ago by
Dr G avatar
2 years ago

Overall a great movie ! Was wondering, if you do another movie with a different ending, would you be open to adding the different ending at the end of the full movie, so that everything is in 1 movie instead of 2 ? NGC does this once in a while which saves us from downloading 2 files instead of 1. Thanks and keep up the great work !

Juanman8 avatar
2 years ago

As someone who couldn’t preorder will I ever get to know what happens in the alternate ending?

Joe LaFrance
Joe LaFrance
2 years ago

I need to tell you that your site absolutely sucks. Totally overpriced and nothing interesting about it. You seem to have such confidence for a total dork. I did try to buy something from you one time, and when you didn’t deliver in a timely fashion I went off on you. I admit I was drunk, but you banned me from your site which was okay. The most maddening thing about your site is how overpriced it is. I think you probably appeal to Trumpians, who are conned by your bullshit confidence. You are the worst of all the sites… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Joe LaFrance


Moon Knight
Moon Knight
2 years ago
Reply to  Joe LaFrance

I agree this movie is overpriced, but for a different reason. There is not enough sex for movie at its price. Damien is filming less sex in his recent videos. I would have bought if it had more sex because Liv is awesome.

2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Both of y’all got wrecked!! Haha

Omni024 avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

*Audible Sigh*

There will always be those who will criticize and negate your accomplishments. Those people don’t matter.

Dr G avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Death threats ?!? Yikes !!!

Omni024 avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Well there’s having confidence and then there’s arrogance but you haven’t come across like that to me. You’re just proud of what you do.

2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Even if they’re pretty crappy forms of judgment?

Last edited 2 years ago by Rwill28
bigums avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Ok. I feel that this deserves a comment on “confidence,” “arrogance,” and all that other nonsense, and I’ll use this analogy. Elon Musk, confident and arrogant. Tiger Woods, confident and arrogant. Michael Jordan, confident and arrogant. Tom Brady, confident and DL arrogant. They’re all WINNERS! Not to say that all winners are confident or arrogant, but ALL of them are DRIVEN. And some people can’t handle that. These “driven” people usually create their own destiny. They are leaders of industry. Type “A” personalities, if you will, and one can see these same traits in Damien’s responses. Can he be asshole-ish?… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Joe LaFrance


2 years ago

Hey just wanted to say love the film but one note. 27 min mark the boots were on after the debooting scene. Just didn’t know if anyone caught that but honestly I know you work hard on this and either way it’s amazing.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jaghkir


karlmalone32 avatar
2 years ago

the pantyhose feet smells so good!

2 years ago

I just purchased what I thought was the pre-order version; however, I didn’t get the spoiler ending. Was I too late with the purchase or does the other ending get released later?

2 years ago

Got it. Loved it. Big favor to ask @Damien Woods:

Could you make the *spoiler* endings a little longer? Like, I love these movies. I’m going to buy them whenever you got a new one. But if I’m pre-ordering to get something, I’d love that something to be a bit longer if at all possible.

2 years ago

It’s been more than a year.Where’s killing Joker?

AmesFan72 avatar
2 years ago

This looks like another hit. If it is not too personal Damien, how did you come to make these types of films?

Dr G avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

The British Avengers with Emma Peel was also a great series !

TheLecher avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

This was a very interesting account. As someone who also remembers the early SHIP sites, and was one of the early purchasers of the original “Uninvited,” I would agree that it was an instant classic in the genre. Certainly, it was my favorite (and, objectively speaking, one of the best) SHIP film which I had seen, up to that point and for many years after, and still ranks among my top 5 SHIP films. And while Ariella Ferrera is a big part of why I like that film so much, I was also immediately impressed with your cinematic approach and… Read more »

Omni024 avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

I have to admit…I really don’t like porn as much either. It’s very…unprofessional, sloppy, and well, (sorry) dirty. It’s like you see a Dick/pussy and it’s just there. I’m actually more into Hentai, at least the earlier versions of it where they have a storyline and some explanation as to what is going on.I would rather see something with more cinematic effects, camera angles, close up shots, the way a professional might move the camera instead of showing a static scene. But unfortunately, you don’t get that much with many of the hardcore sex, which I do enjoy as well.… Read more »

AmesFan72 avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Thank you for the insight Damien. For me, I can remember feeling “weird” when I woul see Yvonne Craig as Batgirl in the original Adam West Batman. As well as Erin Grey in the Buck Rogers TV show. That was amazing insight into the origins of someone I feel “gets this”. Thank you so much Damien for your vision and your honesty.

joyito avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

hahahaha, since you like pantyhose, it is seen that it is your master fetish (along with the heroines)!!. I loved reading this biography, I feel like your “negative self” hahaha, I always wanted to tell stories (not just porn), I even started film school at university, but life ended up taking me down other paths (life and the economy lol). It is evident that the harshest stories are not to your liking, so it is appreciated that you still bring us some darker productions from time to time (please, if possible, a future story with effects of blood in the… Read more »

Omni024 avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Thank you for sharing, Damien. It’s a pretty interesting look into the adult industry in general. It seems now, with the way that the fans and those who make these movies can talk to each other via the internet, we are able to get a closer look into what goes on inside of it. It’s hard to get started and you probably lose money before you make it. Honestly, You’re not much different then the rest of us, but I’m glad that someone found some measure of success in doing something they like.

Omni024 avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

You have ambition though. not really. Probably why I never amounted to anything. It’s from one thing to the other with me, so while I definitely like to start something new, I never find time to finish it. And I wouldn’t say I’m in this genre persee, though yeah, I do like Superheroines and have fantasized about them ever since I was a teen. I really liked Magical Girls, Sailor Moon for instance, I mean what teen wouldn’t after seeing those legs on the screen?

phlfan avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Damien, that was the best piece I’ve seen on this site, ever,

Heroineburgh avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Just wanted to echo the sentiments here – what an amazing account, and the best writing I’ve ever read on this site by far. You’re a genius, and although we are separated by basically an entire generation, I’d like to think that if I’d had access to DSLRs in high school, I would have done the same, having also come from a strong music background (my own series arose out of the music scene here). I’m much more comfortable with campiness, though. To each his own, but incredible kudos for your consummate career arc!

Leadpoison avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Ah the ol’ dual VCR editing suite. Memories.

2 years ago

Just to clarify: If I want the *SPOILER* ending, I have to pre-order. Is that right? 🙂

Last edited 2 years ago by SHL
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Thank you. I pre-ordered just for the SPOILER ending.

Honestly, I feel like it’s kind of crappy to make the alt ending a pre-order incentive. But at the same time, I know you have to make back your costs on this. So I totally understand.

Last edited 2 years ago by SHL
TheLecher avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

In the interest not only of saving you costs on server space, but also of saving me hard drive space, what about the idea (for future releases) of including alternate endings in the BTS or “cutting room floor” footage? I realize that it wouldn’t allow you to watch the entire film, ending with the alternate ending, but all of the content would be there, and then I wouldn’t have two files the size of the full film on my hard drive. These films are absolutely massive, in terms of file size, and I’m already up to three external hard drives,… Read more »

TheLecher avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

I’m on a PC (No apple for me.), but I can run the file through conversion software and clip it. I’ve done that before.
Personally, I’m glad that you shot two endings for this one. I’m not a big fan of SPOILER endings. I mean, they aren’t deal breakers for me. In fact, I wouldn’t even say that I hate them. I just have a definite preference for the heroine to SPOILER.

Last edited 2 years ago by SHL
blackjebus avatar
2 years ago

Not gonna lie. I hope I win the custom film contest. I have one idea I’ve been dying to see filmed.

2 years ago

when will we see another new supergirl adventure

Diego 84
Diego 84
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

How will Supergirl’s clothes be?

Omni024 avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Diego 84

Hopefully, the traditional Supergirl look and not the one where she is just wearing a white T shirt. Always thought that look of hers was incredibly generic.

Either way- she’ll be wearing pantyhose.

Omni024 avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

I always wanted a scene where Wonder Woman’s Boobs are jiggling inside her breastplate, the breastplate threatens to fall off her boobs and then actually does so.

shzam avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Able to get a link to this one? Noticed some of your films are hard to find, some on the heroinemovies store or not in the main list on your website.

Omni024 avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Shzam

Some movies might not be er “tame” enough for SHG.

2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

a brief history? What if the costume would be similar to that of Helen Slater?

hypnomancer avatar
2 years ago

Excellent to see the return of Liv. I thought that UI3 didn’t get as much attention as I would’ve liked. I also appreciate that Liv seems to put on a completely different demeanor when she’s masked. I found that to be the case with UI3, and that also appears to be present in this trailer. The sense of continuity from the previous film, while not a must, is a nice touch. I’ve said this before, and it bears repeating: Damien’s trailers are better than some purchases I’ve made in the past. Looking forward to this one. Kudos, Damien!

Fuckcarol avatar
2 years ago

Can t wait for the killing joke. Hope you can reschedule soon so you can make the best film of yours.

Trong Nhan
Trong Nhan
2 years ago
Reply to  Marcelo

Me too

2 years ago

I love how the fighting causes damage to the pantyhose

blackjebus avatar
2 years ago

Any forced orgasms?

2 years ago

liv revamped = instant preorder from me no questions asked lol

2 years ago

You know what would be cool for a voice-over, is instead of hearing the actress’s own voice, maybe she has some kind of spirit guide that talks to her constantly, so as the action continues we almost get a discussion, argument, and commentary from both actress and spirit.

2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Just an idea, completely up to, In Damien I trust lol

2 years ago

Can’t wait to see Liv Revamped and Nathan Bronson again. Looks great Damien as always!

Dr G avatar
2 years ago

Great preview !

Guibaesa avatar
2 years ago

Looking very good. Too bad that id does not end with a creampie like the first one,
I hope we get to see more of Blue Vixen in a future video.

Guibaesa avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Really? You should include that on the next poll you make. It’s important to know what we prefer right?

bigums avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

A patriot once said: “Give Me Creampies AND Give Me Death! I can’t think of a better way of humiliating a heroine, super or not, than to leave a deposit deep inside her untainted nether regions. To me, it’s the ultimate defeat. Then, to make the potential result of that deposit irrelevant by just ending her. Anyway, that’s my two cents. Keep up the brilliant work.

Guibaesa avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  bigums

I totally agree.

TheLecher avatar
2 years ago

Liv Revamped has a great ass (Well, she has a great body, in general, and a great ass, in particular.), so I really like the way her costume rides up in her butt.

But where’s the signature shot of their feet while he has her bent over the table? Don’t tell me you didn’t include your signature shot?

TheLecher avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

It’s only in a few of your films. It’s in the original “Uninvited”, and it’s in “Uninvited 4”. I think there might be one more of your films which included it, but I can’t remember which one, off hand. The shot is clearly a deliberate cinematic choice, and it’s one which I personally like. It makes me wonder if you watched “Striking Distance” when you were younger.

TheLecher avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  TheLecher

Here’s the shot from the original “Uninvited”.

Uninvited feet on the floor.jpg
TheLecher avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  TheLecher

Here’s the shot from “Uninvited 4”.

Uninvited 4 feet on the floor.jpg
joyito avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  TheLecher

wow!!, I love that shot (but with the boots on), the heroine’s feet rising with each charge, that shot is great, and it’s good to combine it with a close-up of the heroine’s head in profile shaking with the same movement of the feet I mean by grabbing a sudden movement back and forth repeatedly and with the fixed plane

TheLecher avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Like I said, you’ve only done it in two or three of your films, so it’s not like you use it all of the time, but it always jumps out at me when I see it. I remember very clearly, back when the original “Uninvited” first came out on NicheClips, wondering whether or not that shot was inspired by a similar shot in “Striking Distance.” When I saw the similar shot in “Uninvited 4”, I thought, “Yep, he definitely watched ‘Striking Distance’, and that scene must have been one of his inspirations.” Clearly, I was mistaken about you having been… Read more »

joyito avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

I forgot to add a detail, I’ve wanted to see a scene like that for a long time haha, always keeping the shot on the heroine’s legs in that position, the villain must open the heroine’s legs by kicking one leg on each side, and yes that scene refers to an anal penetration would be great, a scene with these details, in my opinion, can be more satisfying and impressive than seeing a penis in and out of a vagina for 20 minutes, especially if it is well acted and directed. Cheers 🙂

seth887 avatar
2 years ago

Really impressive, liv is one of my favorite, so this film has the same fate

trufshuf avatar
2 years ago

Looks like another great production. SHL is the top of the industry.