“Comet Girl v Wonderstrike” from NGC Championship

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6 years ago

This is maybe the wrong place to post this but I’m not sure how the chats work in her yet and I just posted this in another movie thread that was a squash match but I’m not sure if it will get seen since it’d a older movie, but could we get the Heel/Villains to start doing some fake/false pins during squash matches where they break the pin count before reaching ten in order to dish out more punishment and say something like “I’m not done with you yet” or “you’re not getting out of it this easy” and laugh?… Read more »

6 years ago

NGC’s content keeps getting better and better! Love the actresses and fight scenes and camera angles. Sad to see that the PG videos are harder to come by especially with thesuperheroines.com closing this month (again, but they swear it’s for real this time). At least they have good sales whenever they do this! I only follow a few producers. Would love to see more acrobatics. NGC is one of my favorite producers. I’ve been a fan for years and rewatched a few of the first few clips I got from them. I still enjoy them! Would love to see an… Read more »

Dr_Mabuse avatar
6 years ago

First, an announcement. In addition to this week’s video and the members’ gift, the email list got the opportunity to buy a new photoset featuring Miss Freedom dressed as Supergirl. It’s a great photoset for the price, with a fantastic costume and an excellent showcase for Miss F’s considerable charm. It’s labeled “part 1” and I can’t wait for part 2. On to the video! I really loved it. It’s first rate in terms of what NGCC videos typically deliver and the leads are both spectacular. Although it took awhile for me to take a shine to Wonderstrike in the… Read more »

RobHinx avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Dr Mabuse

Interesting thoughts Dr. What struck me watching this was that in the early Championship bouts the heroines were unwilling combatants (especially Bluebird vs Athena) but in this fight both characters seemed to enjoy the battle and they both put some vicious moves on each other.
I wonder if these characters are a not quite what they seem…

The members gift was superb! I especially liked the blooper at the end!

Dr_Mabuse avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Rob_Hinx

Yeah, Rob_Hinx, I remember heroines pushing back more on their new captivity and being forced to engage in these contests when the series started, but over time that subsided. They still occasionally complain about living conditions, but the heroines don’t defy their Unseen Masters anymore. I’ve mentioned this before, but I was disappointed at first that the Championshp series didn’t have more about how the heroines try to resist, how the UMs control them, etc. Really, I wanted it to be more like the Fail-Safe Sisters, but it’s not intended to be the same, so I got over it. In… Read more »

RobHinx avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Dr Mabuse

Well it is intriguing that Comet Girl ‘came back from the dead’ just recently….
But that’s just me with my fan-boy head on really.

It is interesting that,as you say, a lot of the heroines want to be the best and that reminds me of the early NGC training room videos where the heroines competed against each other (which, as Bluebird says in ‘Enter Bluebird’ stopped them from forming alliances with each other).

RobHinx avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Rob_Hinx

My bad, Bluebird actually says that in the follow up to ‘Enter Bluebird’

RyonaKing avatar
6 years ago

I’m not even done watching the thing yet, but I just had to pop in here to praise it. I dunno if NGC has multiple directors, but it feels this time he got everything right as the both girls have turned their acting chops up to max. The choreography feels real and there’s weight behind most of the moves. Most importantly, the actresses make it feel like the entire fight is actually one entire fight. What I mean is that sometimes the actresses look like they are just acting out one move and then another move, with no real connection… Read more »

Dr_Mabuse avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Ultra

Totally agree!

Dr_Mabuse avatar
6 years ago

Both heroines look great in these preview materials, and the alternating powers spin is a cool way to mix things up. Inventive twists like that keep these matches interesting. I have a guess as to who’s going to win, based more on how the vote will go than on which heroine is tougher. In terms of ability, you’d think Comet Girl wouldn’t have a chance. With Wonderstrike’s blast, all she needs is one moment with her powers against a defenseless CG and it’s over. At first glance, pitting the 5-0 board leader against a 0-2 fighter with a big gap… Read more »

mid2018 avatar
6 years ago

Let Wonderstrike lose and get her debooted! I loved her feet in A Game Of Two Halves!

6 years ago

Holy moly

6 years ago

Loving this matchup! Both became instant favorites of mine just from their last videos alone. I’d like Wonderstrike to remain undefeated only because I love the idea of (i.e.) her being such a powerhouse in NGC championship, and then losing so badly to Alaric in the main storyline. It gives that feel of the heroines sending in their best, only for her to end up getting decimated which sends the heroines into further despair.

But whatever the result, this will be another must buy for me!

6 years ago

Comet Girl looks stunning, wow. Looks like she got some sun!

Jeff avatar
6 years ago

I really love the match up between CG and WS AND the members gift! I really enjoyed that film but it always seemed to escape me to save it the way I save films I purchase nowadays from sites like C4S if no one minds me saying so. I just don’t know why I didn’t realize to do that :-/ anyhow it was definitely a good win or lose ending for B.B. I think! Thank you NGC for this awesome team of videos for the weekend, I will most definitely see if I can buy them!!!