Coming Soon: The Return of Lee Carl

Hello, everyone!
6 years ago, I had barely gotten started in this genre, when due to a loss in the family, I had to move cross country and give up producing. However, I’ve been afforded the opportunity to produce, once again!
And for our very first shoot, I’m working with Rye to bring you Alicia C Moon as playing Super-…I mean SUPERIOR Girl!
Yesterday we had our costume test and took some preliminary photos. As you can see, we have taken great care in the creation of Alicia’s new costume. We shoot in December, and I’m very excited to bring you guys a new product!
We have a basic story lined up, but we are open for commissions of certain elements, perils, or story beats to be worked into this production, and are willing to have customers contribute to our budget to have those elements added. If you are interested, please contact us at!
The commission funds will be used, not only to add your requested elements, but also to allow us to hire more villians, get better costumes and props, and even perhaps shoot in a bigger space!
So get in touch with us and help ensure that Super- dammit, I mean SUPERIOR Girl has the worst day of her life!
We can be reached via the following methods:
Twitter: @LeeCarlProducti
IG: lee_carl_films
Any update on this, Lee?
The film’s been delayed. Lee posted something about this on their IG account ( lee_carl_films ).
Cuánto falta para la publicación?
I’m not sure how Crisis never got on my radar in the first place, but I’m happy that someone linked to it, here. Lee (I think he was involved in this, but maybe I am misremembering) first got on my radar with his films starring Alexis Adams in a late-80s Ms. Marvel-style costume, which I thought was an excellent pairing.
She doesn’t disappoint in the SG costume, either. Looking forward to what come next with Alicia.
well aren’t you just a ray of sunshine ¬¬ get out of here if you think that’s in anyway a nice thing to say to someone.
Would love to see Mackenzie vs Alicia in a Good Supergirl vs Dark Supergirl battle of the babes. Winner fucks loser with a strap on of course.
Where to I sign up for this idea, lol
I like your idea, what actress could be reign?
I remember an old Supergirl movies from LeeCarl “Crisis” with one of the best SG costume ever made for this genre. The color and the fabric were just perfect.
I appreciate all the discussion, and all of the emails. If you were thinking about contributing to get a some elements added, please do so in the next few days, as I am about to start putting the requested elements together so I can finalize a script. My goal in this genre was, is, and always will be to make videos that I, as a superheroine fan, want to see made. Anyone who saw Crisis, Emerald Avenger, or Dark Maiden knows that I put a great deal of effort into my productions. Every video I make is, in one way… Read more »
Is Crisis still available somewhere?
It is available at his site on clips4sale:
However, for some reason it is not available on his shg-media site. You can get it on that site if you go through an old link from the Superheroineforum, but it is more expensive that way, and who knows if they are selling it there because you can’t get to it through normal means:
I wonder why Lee Carl took that video down from his shg-media site.
It is available on his clips4sale site. I wonder why Lee Carl took it down from his shg-media site.
What is clips4sale site called?
“Lee Carls Superheroines.” There is a link on my previous post.
I think Batman 4’s batgirl would look really good on him.
Welcome back my friend!! You produced some of the best SHP vids ever made — especially Dark Maiden. Looking forward to ordering more videos from you. Selfishly Hoping for a lesbian villainess in this one…
This is just an idea of a story of mine. Just sharing it cause I dont have the needs to fund it myself, so if anyone gets ideas from this feel free to use it. Maybe a version of a story with gold kryptonite that robs her of her power forever. The movie starts for example with her in a sexy outfit(skirt heels blazer etc) searching in a villains lair and when the villain shows up she removes her clothes and reveals her costume underneath. Then your typical fight will happen, but the villain reveals his trap for example that… Read more »
Anybody know where Amber McAlester is these days? Is she working? Would love to see more of her.
Great body, great face, that sexy but slightly weathered look- I really dig it. She has aged well on film.
I really dislike this costume — the skirt made of concrete, the dinginess of the dark shades, the nod to Hollywood costumers’ bizarre obsession with hypermicrotexturizing superhero materials. But I’m happy to see it getting another shot in this genre because of what it means for the genre. I hope the story takes most of its parody references from the TV show, because there’s more than enough to work with there, and keeps “classic” references to brief nods and winks. Give the new generation out there a way in here.
Hollywood does it to desexual the girls. They don’t want viewers getting aroused. Bad for wokeness.
LOL let’s not piss off the woke. Better yet, let’s put them back to sleep anyway we can!!
More sexy heroines is a good start!!
Great to see Lee back in the mix. Always looking forward to more quality videos. I like this actress but man shes been in a lot of movies lately. I love superheroines and love when they actually look like the characters as much as possible. I think Miss Moon will be a better SG than WW. We need to find a great WW. Alina Lopez is cute but not the right one. Paris Dylan aka Kacey Preston was awesome but out of fetish movies. I know shes a bit older but wouldn’t mind seeing Kymberly Jane, Angela Sommers, Emily Addison,… Read more »
Conflict with Reign. Superior Girl thinks she can win but she is beaten badly. Her tights are torn. Reign forces her to submit on her knees then proceeds to take her as a slave. She wears a necklace of kryptonite, and Reign takes her cape, skirt and boots. Eventually, Reign has her way with the beaten down Superior Girl.
Wooo Reign only takes her cape, skirt, and boots? So leaving her leotard and torn pantyhose untouched?
A female villain would be cool, but I doubt they’ll go for that option.
This would be AWESOME. Especially if followed by some g/g non-con penetration…
Waouh! The costume looks amazing. I much prefer the vintage model from the 1984 movie to the one from the TV series but it’s just a personal opinion. As long as you never use the pant suit version I’m fine.
this is excellent news. both your emerald avenger and dark maiden films are still favorites of mine. big fan of the SHC influence. was always a bit sad that you had stopped making films so soon. i’m sorry to hear it was under such bad circumstances but very excited to see what’s to come.
Broken and begging after defeated in combat. bound and gagged in a humiliating outfit so she learns her ‘place’ in her new life
Nice is coool costume, I hope you will have a Gal Gadot Costume too!!!!
I just hope there’s a begging scene not much else
Maybe a storyline with Alicia dressed in her work clothing, sexy skirt, pantyhose and heels, snooping, as we watch her curves and sexiness. Maybe climbs through a basement window to get inside to where her search has brought her, watching those legs coming through and her heels carefully holding on to her stocking feet as she finally gets onto solid flooring. We follow her sneaking around and eventually she is snuck up on and clubbed to unconsciousness. We watch her being dragged away as she loses a high heel (a different take on debooting 😉 and dragged away to a… Read more »
Gosh it would be so sexy to watch these legs and feet in heels first before she realizes that they’re not enough to protect her!
Love the actress and movie makers so we know the story and action is going to be on point. But not too excited about this skirt/costume. For the CW maybe…but please not for Rye Films! And yes would love to see SG Phantom zoned again…just hope in some way the film makes up for the costume!
I would love to see some kinda phantom zone thing done like from the 1984 movie but instead of the guy in chains have the sorceress tempting SG in some way with through the use of magic to submit to her inner desires.
or of course the slime scene as well
i think she should fight a gorilla or wolfman monster like bella rolland did in “test subject” by tbfe and have her cry and surrender and attempt to woo the monster with her sex appeal from inflicting more pain and end it with a shameful creampie.
Before you ask us for contribution, I guess it is important for us to know how far are you willing to include in this film? Like hardcore sex? Costume destruction? Debooting? Bondage? …etc. Then we can contribute according to what you can do in your film.
Only thing, at this point, that is off the table is hardcore. Simulated and forced content is very much within our realm. Anyone is welcome to contact me and inquire, and I can give more detailed answers based on the specifics being requested. But we are available to do pretty much anything Rye and the other SHG producers would allow.
Always thought it would be cool to see S-girl hypnotized (like sunder in one of the TBFE films) but made to crave green krypto when confronted with it and have her in a way defeat herself with it. Still deadly to her, she realizes it and fights against being near it, but ultimately is drawn to the very thing that can destroy her and she can’t understand why.
So is it like + 1 bondage = $500, + 1 pantyhose = $500, all together = $1000? What is the minimum contribution amount?
It’s going to depend in what’s requested. If you email me, I will be happy to hear out your idea, will be forthright about if we can do it, and if so, give a quote!
Hot girl. Wicked, wicked, ass. Unflattering costume. Looks more WB/PG Network than Pornhub Network.
Here’s hoping for the best!
This is going to be fun 🙂
Hopefully plenty of k-nite weakening for her
I kinda want pink kryptonite
this is cool! im looking froewd to seeing this!! i hope! this goes wall so mabey u can mack black cat!! black cat vs spidergirl!! someday!!..
your web address isn’t valid or i’m just fat-fingering everytime i type it. Was interested in seeing what else you have…
Apologies. That was supposed to read I will ask HM to update it when I get home. That is for contact. For my videos, check under the Lee Carl category at SHG-MEDIA.COM. A couple need to be reposted, tonight, but my two most popular listing are there.
more pantyhose thing or try white pantyhose?
one boot off at least omg this is gold
Hey man glad to see you back! Your Green Avenger film remians to this day one of my favorite in the SHiP genre. Can’t wait to see what you create!
I’d like to add that, for this first project, I will be working with Rye.
Alicia C Moon looks really good. Also, really looking forward to see Lee Carl films again!