“Escaping the Mob: Jessica vs Stacy” from FemaleKicks.com
Clip includes punches, kicks, knees, MANY low blows: knees, kicks, punches and knockout.

Full HD (1920-1080)
Product length: 20 minutes
Language: Russian with English subtitles
Custom clip request:
Theme: Low Blow Fight
Low Blow Attacks: Groin kicks (from the front & behind), Groin Knees, Groin punches
Other Attacks: Face punches, Face kicks, Throat punches
Important: Please include camera angles of the victims’ butt, crotch, and facial expression when they get low-blowed – especially for groin kicks (it doesn’t have to be for every instance though).
Script: General Details:
- The Setup
Stacy is hiding out from the mob in a safehouse. Unfortunately, the mob has located Stacy and has sent Jessica (their top enforcer) to eliminate her. However Stacy won’t go down without a fight, which leads to an intense battle between them.
- Jessica dominates Stacy
Stacy attacks with punches and kicks, but Jessica easily blocks and dodges Stacy’s attacks. Stacy tries a kick at Jessica’s head that misses and leaves her in wide stance. Seeing this, Jessica capitalizes on the opportunity by giving Stacy a swift kick to the crotch. This immediately makes Stacy bend over, hold her groin, and moan in pain. As Stacy moans in pain, she says “Oh, my groin! You bitch!” Jessica responds “Hehe, this is going to be fun. I’m going to enjoy this.”
Angry, Stacy lunges at Jessica with both hands reaching for Jessica’s throat. Seeing this, Jessica quickly ducks down and gives Stacy two quick punches to the groin. As Stacy’s knees come together and she holds her crotch in pain, Jessica follows up with a sweeping head kick that sends Stacy flying and crashing to the ground. Dazed but not done, Stacy slowly gets back to her feet and charges at Jessica again.
Stacy tries another kick that misses and puts her in a wide stance. Jessica quickly capitalizes with a combination of swift kick to Stacy’s groin, a punch to Stacy’s throat, another crotch kick, another throat punch, and lastly a punch to Stacy’s face that’s so hard it spins Stacy around with her back facing Jessica. From there, Jessica grabs Stacy’s hands behind her back and gives her repeated kicks to the groin from behind. After multiple kicks, Jessica releases Stacy, laughs, and taunts her.
However, the angry and debilitated Stacy comes back for more. She tries to punch Jessica, but Jessica catches her fist and gives her a punch to the throat. As Stacy chokes, Jessica then gives her a kick to the groin to make her bend over. She then gives Stacy a knee to face to stand her back up, dazed. Jessica then bobbles Stacy’s head with multiple face punches, making Stacy’s head snap back. After many punches, Jessica stops and Stacy is just hovering there. As Stacy hovers groggily, Jessica grabs her by the wrists and kicks her in the groin repeatedly – making Stacy go cross-eyed (please include some camera angles of Stacy’s butt, groin, and facial reaction as she gets kicked in the groin).
After multiple groin kicks, Jessica finally releases Stacy and lets Stacy hold her groin in pain while still standing. From there, Jessica (standing close to a wall) taunts Stacy “haha, it’s so much fun beating up your pussy. It’s kinda like a game.” Stacy gets angry and charges at Jessica with a punch. However, Jessica sidesteps the punch and redirects Stacy’s momentum so that she runs face-first into the wall. As a dazed Stacy bounces back from the wall, Jessica grabs Stacy by the shoulders to put her in a stationary standing position (the two women facing each other). Jessica then bends down and gives Stacy a flurry of punches to the groin, making Stacy’s eyes cross (Please include camera angles looking up between of Stacy’s legs from behind her and her facial reaction as she gets punched in the groin).
After multiple punches, Stacy (with her legs quivering) finally drops to the ground (laying on her back). As Jessica taunts Stacy and stands over her, she says “Now it’s time to finish you.” Jessica then sends a crescent kick down toward Stacy’s head. However, Stacy quickly reacts and blocks Jessica’s kick. From there she sends a hard kick into Jessica’s groin, making Jessica bend over. Stacy then sends a second kick straight to Jessica’s face, making Jessica’s body snap back and crash to the ground (like this scene: https://youtu.be/sPfjd2bayVs?t=49 ).
As both women get up to their feet, Stacy looks over at Jessica and says “You spoke too soon, bitch. I’m about to kick your ass all over this room.”
- Stacy dominates Jessica
The weakened Jessica tries attacking with punches and kicks, but Stacy either blocks or dodges her attacks and low blows and beats her up in return (Your choice on moves, but please include kicks between Jessica’s legs from the front along with camera angles of her butt and crotch. Please also include face punches, face kicks, and throat punches.)
At one point Jessica tries a punch but Stacy catches her fist and twists Jessica’s arm, making Jessica jolt in pain. From there (still holding Jessica’s fist) Stacy gives Jessica a quick punch to the throat followed by a swift punt to the crotch (Like this sequence, but no stomach punch). As Jessica holds her throat and groin in pain, Stacy taunts “Come on, bitch! Is that all you got?”
This prompts Jessica to attack again. She tries a kick but Stacy catches her foot and gives her multiple kicks to her exposed groin making Jessica moan and wince in pain (please include some camera angles of Jessica’s butt, groin, and facial reaction as she gets kicked). After multiple kicks, Stacy finally releases Jessica and Jessica staggers backward holding her groin. As Jessica holds her groin with a nauseous look on her face, she says “Shit. Stop kicking my pussy you bitch! I think I’m going to puke.” This makes Stacy giggle and Jessica gets angry and attacks again.
She sloppily tries a high kick that sweeps over Stacy’s head as Stacy ducks underneath it. Stacy then gives Jessica a throat punch that makes her choke. While Jessica holds her throat and tries to catch her breath, Stacy then kicks Jessica in the groin. This makes Jessica’s hands jump down to hold her groin. Stacy then gives Jessica another punch to the throat, making Jessica’s hands jump back up to hold her throat. This goes on a few more turns with Stacy alternating between kicking Jessica in the groin and punching her in the throat (making Jessica’s hands jump back and forth). After the last groin kick (with Jessica holding her groin) Stacy then bobbles Jessica’s head with multiple face punches (making Jessica’s head snap back).
After multiple punches, Jessica is now dazed. Stacy then spreads Jessica’s legs, grabs her by the wrists, and gives her multiple kicks to the groin (please include some camera angles of Jessica’s butt, groin, and facial reaction as she gets kicked in the groin).
After multiple kicks, Stacy finally releases Jessica and Jessica just hovers there standing holding her groin. From there Stacy grabs Jessica by the back of the neck and runs her face-first into the wall, causing Jessica to bounce off the wall and stumble backward (like this: https://youtu.be/qE0mRJlQwUs?t=30 )
At this point, Jessica is completely weakened. Stacy then turns Jessica to face her and bends down to give her a flurry of punches to the groin (Please include camera angles looking up between Jessica’s legs and her facial reaction as she gets punched in the groin)
After multiple punches Stacy then stands up to face Jessica. She then grabs and squeezes Jessica’s crotch, making Jessica stand on her toes and moan in pain. As Stacy squeezes tighter and tighter, Jessica moans and yells “Please stop squeezing my pussy! I think I’m going to pass out.” Stacy finally let’s go and wraps her arms around Jessica’s waist in a hug, grabs her butt to keep her still. She then repeatedly knees her in the groin (Please include camera angles looking up between Jessica’s legs and her facial reaction as she gets kneed in the groin). After multiple knees, Jessica slowly fades and passes out from the pain. Stacy then runs away to escape.
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200 Hi i love sex my contact here https://vipdeit.com/sex62.html
I love when Stacey wins over Jessica in a very definitive way.