“Fallen Goddess” from TheRyeFilms

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Pepe avatar
3 years ago

Will there be more videos with Mckenzie? The last one are from september (Lucia) and these from october.


Notthebees avatar
3 years ago

Does anyone know if there is any spanking in this

3 years ago

Are there any low blows cuntbusting? I see he grabs her but not sure

3 years ago

Can somebody please tell me if she is chloroformed at the beginning in this white blouse before she Change dress? Or Knocked out in another way?

joyito avatar
3 years ago

alternative ending

Rye-Fallen-Goddess- final altenativo.jpg
joyito avatar
3 years ago

After being able to buy and see the product, these are my conclusions: This production has HUGE POTENTIAL, and that’s the way to go, whether it’s THE RYE – TBFE or LUCIA FILMS, The video contains several of my fetish suggestions, which surprises me, it seems that whoever ordered the video read my suggestions or has similar tastes to mine, which is good news for me haha. That said, the production is not good, I do not know if it was an economic or time issue, but everything feels done very quickly and neglecting details. Mackenzie is really amazing, her… Read more »

3 years ago

FYI: despite the description, no forced o in this. A bit disappointed in my purchase.

phlfan avatar
3 years ago

Very nicely done. As a big fan of the Isis tv show in the seventies, this was a great takeoff.

3 years ago

This has potential. The not so mighty Isis is an underused character, and the costume and actress look good.

3 years ago

Was interested until 01:14 of the video. No sale.

3 years ago
Reply to  Alex

Its like a quarter of the movie, get over it.

3 years ago
Reply to  Malty

No, sorry. I won’t. My parents raised me better.

3 years ago
Reply to  Alex

TBH, my wife offered me a BJ, I told her No Way.
you do your own thing. I got standards.

3 years ago
Reply to  Alex

Wow. -18. -6. -7. All you are so classy.

Skirtfan avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  Alex

I’m pleased to see there is someone else sick of these fake penises. If you’re going to do this, use a female with a strap on.

3 years ago
Reply to  shbeater

It gets old.

3 years ago
Reply to  shbeater

Yeah, fake penises aren’t ideal.
But it’s still better than a woman with a strap-on. There’s nothing perilous about a female villain, strap-on, or no strap-on.

3 years ago
Reply to  bslow1

Not sure why I’m still following this thread, but -personal views aside- it makes more sense for a female to have a strap-on than a guy to carry around a fake penis.

3 years ago
Reply to  shbeater

No, it was meant to be a real question, not a glib remark. I am genuinely curious what people would prefer between having films that include ‘fake penises’ or films that are shot in a way that avoid seeing penis at all. We are talking about a group of film makers who (most of them) prefer to not shoot actual sex acts. So they have incorporated fake penis as a way around that limitation but there are a lot of complaints about fake penis. So the question is, with ‘simulated’ sex.. is it better to have a fake penis OR… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  steve

Well, as I said, it’s gotten old. It may have been a “new”, “novel” or a “push the limit” thing 20 years ago, but these days – hard to find a “superheroine” video without the forced sex (be it real, implied, or whatever). TBFE used to be fun in the Lor’cal era. Today, it’s essentially softcore porn.
And, as I said earlier, You do what You want, but on this issue, my conscience is clean.
Still don’t know while I’m still posting to this thread, but there it is.

3 years ago
Reply to  Alex

Im curious… what is better, a fake one or none at all?

3 years ago
Reply to  Steve

none … but that’s me.

3 years ago
Reply to  Alex

what is the issue exactly?

Slapmutsky avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  John

The issue is that he’s a damn fool.

3 years ago
Reply to  John

The issue appears to be that One Guy on the whole internet said that a blowjob on a fake penis was enough for him to lose interest in a “superheroine” film.
You do what you want. I ain’t judging you.

3 years ago
Reply to  Alex

[dumpster fire gif] for this comment thread

3 years ago
Reply to  Rover

How dare someone have a conscience?

3 years ago
Reply to  Rover

nice to meet you, too.

3 years ago

Serves that arrogant goddess right! Lex Luthor was right all along! Super heros are really EVIL man! Kinda kinky how such an ultra powerful being can be seperated from her birth right and brought to nothing. But Rye you got it wrong brother, Isis is EGYPTION goddess…….mesopotamia / Sumeria / Babylon is Inanna / Ishtar.

bicmtw avatar
3 years ago

Really awesome outfit, especially the dress design, just suggestion if the dress can be more silky, just like some half-slip would be looks more sexy! Thanks for the great movie!

3 years ago

I think everyone is talking about this one

joyito avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  mike

Wow !!!! She looks incredible in that suit, I imagine how her rape will be in that video !!, I think the problem with this production is with the actress, since she did not appear again in any of the production companies of this genre, I think that the video is paused due to some legal problem with it. I hope it can be solved and the video is up to all our expectations

3 years ago
Reply to 

Tbfe had two slots with her for customs at the start of this year.and nothing from them either They may all just be in the queue somewhere? Here’s hoping.

It would be nice for someone to break silence on this, to know for certain since she’s clearly pretty popular. I don’t want to know whys/hows, im sure they wont want to say – but just whether or not the videos with her are dead or not

HonestFish avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  mike

Yeah, this is the one I’ve been waiting on too. Alina was great in Power Center, I hope she hasn’t retired the genre and that her absence is from Covid related scheduling problems.

Sugarcoater avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  HonestFish

I would love to see Alina in more Supergirl roles. She looked great in the costume briefly in the previous Alina movie.

Darkwrath016 avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  mike

Yeah! What happened to this film? Every week I keep on hoping that this is the week we get to see that Alina Lopez film. Every week I die a little bit inside when it doesn’t happen.

Seriously though we need this actress back in our lives ASAP.

Old Fart
Old Fart
3 years ago
Reply to  mike

I can’t even remember the last time Rye directly addressed any questions or comments on this forum, he isn’t obligated to of course but if is kind of disappointing. I miss that fan engagement.

Depo Man
Depo Man
3 years ago
Reply to  Old Fart

thats why i stopped supporting Rye… i understand why he would not engage with the toxic fans, but to completely run away is lame.

I admire Lucia for their fan engagement – always cool and calm even with trolls.

Skirtfan avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  Old Fart

I think Rye got disillusioned with the general moany nature of people on here always complaining about something. If you mailed him directly, I’m sure he’d reply.

3 years ago
Reply to  mike

Guys, UPDATE for the above Alina Lopez video. Rye advised that he’s projecting before the end of the year he’ll have it out!

3 years ago
Reply to  mike

Nice work mike. How did you find out, out of interest?
Is there one video with her or two? Someone also mentioned an orange leotard

Bobb avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  mike

How did you find this out?

heroperilfanatic avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  mike

@ Mike
How did you find this out? I want to believe but you know how the internet is with deception sometimes. Any proof? If this is true then that is awesome to hear.

3 years ago

I emailed RYE

Bobb avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  mike

Hmmm I don’t know if I buy that. I feel like if it was true he would just say so himself. If you’re right then cool, but I’m skeptical.

3 years ago
Reply to  Bobb

He doesnt post here. More likely he would reply to an email. Im all for scepticism, but mikes one of the more level headed contributors from what ive seen

3 years ago
Reply to  Jantor

Thank you! I’m tempted to screen shot the email

Jeff avatar
3 years ago

I know this is semi good and semi bad but I love to see more of McKenzie, she is very beautiful and, I feel, good at selling peril and being a villain. I just wish it was F/F, but it looks likes she does great work here too and I hope those who buy it enjoy it

SnidelyW avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

She’s incredible. Absolutely gorgeous and a great performer. Her performance in Raven Chronicles was incredibly committed and intense.

HeroineLover avatar
3 years ago

Looking forward to this when i get it, but please rye just be honest with what’s happened with the orange suit alina lopez movie, if its been scrapped because she doesn’t want to film in these current times just tell us or even if there’s problems in post. Just tell us, we will be understanding and it doesn’t help when you scrub it from this site as well.

From a loyal customer

3 years ago
Reply to  Heroine Lover

What orange suit is this? Was there a preview? I’d be so pumped for more Alina!

HeroineLover avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  Jantor

There was but they scrubbed the blog post on here for it in their quarantine sale, and has no banner on the site now which is understandable, but here? Im sure there’s been issues but just tell us because it looks bad seeing as there are older sales posts still up

bearhuglover94 avatar
3 years ago

out of all the superheroines that have been squeezed in tight bear hugs in past films McKenzie really sells the pain from her great face expression being in pain not just bear hugs but in general great actress

Depo Man
Depo Man
3 years ago

why did my comment get deleted? b/c i said this looks boring and rye hasn’t made a good video in awhile? really? i can’t express my opinion? i didn’t use any foul language and was not personal… that seems really strange to me…

3 years ago

Will there be rhyming couplets?

heroperilfanatic avatar
3 years ago

Damn…I looking forward to the Alina Lopez one where she is wearing the red leotard. We are approaching a year now since those teaser pics were released 🙁

heroinehunter1212 avatar
3 years ago

Wait sorry but where were the teaser pics posted?

3 years ago
Reply to  heroinehunter


heroperilfanatic avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  heroinehunter

Dude I can’t find them anymore. They were posted on here on one of those FLASH SALE posts around Oct/Nov/Dec 2019 timeframes. The post Included photos of Alina Lopez in a Power Girl costume (POWER CENTER), a pink/black leotard (REIGNS OF TERROR), and the aforementioned orange or red leotard. I remember the photos included Alina’s backside and a photo of the villain’s hand rubbing up her leg with front part of her leotard bottoms showing. There was also photo of her in the orange leotard on SHG-MEDIA squatted down and staring up at a villain. The photo seems to have… Read more »

Bobb avatar
3 years ago

Yeah it’d be nice to know if that movie got scrapped or not, though I have to imagine that when those preview pics went up the film was already in the can. It’s gonna be extra funny to me if that film finally releases and it’s no good lol.

Salamanderdude avatar
3 years ago

Cute actress, how does she transform in this one?

Darkwrath016 avatar
3 years ago

This costume reminds me so much of the costume that FireStar from CTLE wore during her tragically short stint with that company. Short skirt, visible arms, exposed midriff, heels. Hits all the right notes for my reptilian brain.

Needless to say, both actresses were/are incredible hot in their respective attire.

Wrecker avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

@Darkwath016 I remember her! She was a great actress as well! Aso loved that costume.

3 years ago

McKenzie is dreamgirl material. Just the absolute perfect level of thickness and gorgeous face/hair.

Ken320 avatar
3 years ago

I like Mckenzie a lot and I know this is not a popular opinion, but I feel like sometimes we are seeing her a bit too often. I think she is a great actress and she did a great job portraying each heroine in a different way. But I think a new actress from time to time can bring some fresh air to the genre as every actress has unique voice and physique. I understand that this film like many others are customs and people will order their favourite actress. And I totally see why they like Mckenzie so much… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Ken

Don’t forget the pandemic has been putting its thumb on the scales, affecting who’s willing and able to shoot with whom when.

Bobb avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  Ken

Preaching to the choir. Honestly though the genre has always been like this with the major studios. There are always those one or two “it” girls that are in like everything. Then they fade away and someone else takes over. It’s not the studios fault though, since most stuff is custom based.

3 years ago
Reply to  Bobb

Like coco. God I miss coco

SnidelyW avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  Jantor

I miss pre-tattoo Paris Kennedy

Last edited 3 years ago by SnidelyW
3 years ago
Reply to  Ken

Haven’t come close to getting sick of Mckenzie yet… When I see a new movie of her’s come out, I clear my schedule.

SnidelyW avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  bslow1

That’s me with Olive/Arielle.

3 years ago

I haven’t bought a rye video in a long time. I do have to say this video was worth every penny. I really like the Isis character plus Mckenzie playing her is genius. I have to say the beat down scenes are top notch. Would be nice to see more of the genre in the future of Isis

Last edited 3 years ago by Heroine2968
3 years ago

Great job with the eye makeup.
Thanks to everyone working under tricky conditions to bring us these weird fun fantasies. Stay safe.

Sugarcoater avatar
3 years ago

Happy to see Rye is still around–it had been a while since his last release.

3 years ago

Is there any 2 on 1 scenes with her arms held back?

3 years ago
Reply to  smrasmra

Someone asking the important questions here.

BARON2027 avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  smrasmra


phlfan avatar
3 years ago

Who is the actress?

Bobb avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  phlfan

I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic, but it’s McKenzie who’s in like…everything nowadays.

phlfan avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  Bobb

Not at all. Thanks.

Wrecker avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  phlfan

She’s done a lot of great work with both Rye and Lucia studios. If you like her, definitely check out her other releases with both producers. I can’t think of a single bad performance from her.

3 years ago

This looks good!!! Rye, when are you releasing the new one fro. ALINA Lopez??

Bobb avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  mike

This. I’m dying waiting for the next Alina one. So bummed this is the current release.

joyito avatar
3 years ago

Excellent, just a suggestion for future productions, if the heroine dies at the end she should be left with her eyes open, otherwise she seems to be sleeping, if she stays with her eyes open it is more shocking, it adds more drama and immersion

Slapmutsky avatar
3 years ago
Reply to 

You’re a fool.

Sugarcoater avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  Slapmutsky

That response made me laugh–just a three word insult that adds absolutely nothing to the conversation. Is there any purpose to such a retort?

Slapmutsky avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  sugarcoater

I don’t know. I was drunk. And having a really bad day. I’m sorry. I have no excuse.

Sugarcoater avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  Slapmutsky

I would say we have all had some bad days these past few months. Here’s to a good next week at least.

Slapmutsky avatar
3 years ago

My god, this looks perfect.

Slapmutsky avatar
3 years ago
Reply to  Slapmutsky

To those who downvoted me, you’re fools. My favorite movie of the year. You’re just goofy.

BARON2027 avatar
3 years ago

Instant buy