Goodbye — An Announcement from HM and the Future of Heroine Movies

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1 year ago

Change is good for everyone

depo man
depo man
1 year ago

late to this thread but a couple of questions i’ve been meaning to ask in a more general forum 1) whatever happened to NGC updates on this site? are they banned or something? 2) how does Rye have the audacity to ask ridiculous prices from costumes and shut off comments? i get we want to limit this being a toxic environment, but thats what moderation is for… straight up muting everyone but asking for their money? that’s insanity a giant F YOU to the fans… i haven’t liked the majority of his content in YEARS, and this kind of crap… Read more »

depo man
depo man
1 year ago
Reply to  depo man

customers* not costumes lol

-LuciaFilms- avatar
1 year ago

Thank you for all of your amazing, hard work! You’ve been an absolute pleasure to work with all of these years and we hope for the best for you!
Lucia and the entire team~

MAV avatar
1 year ago

happy trails HM and thanks for an amazing Wonderstar custom!

digitalbleh avatar
1 year ago

Goodluck HM!

SkatingJesus avatar
1 year ago

Good luck for your new life, friend!

1 year ago

The beginning of the end…

1 year ago

thanks for all the time and effort over the years! all the best!

1 year ago

Thanks for all the years HM! God speed and best of luck moving forward!

Bacobake avatar
1 year ago

Thank you very much for all the great times you produced.
For ever grateful.

SJ057 avatar
1 year ago

Goodbyes are always sad. But I thank you for creating this site which really helped grow and sustain a niche community. Without this, we would not have the Superheroine peril genre grow and evolve.

DaJinx avatar
1 year ago

Thank you for creating a great community here! Take care and good luck!

1 year ago

I hope the next owner will be a more tolerant and less whiny person than the previous one. There are people who don’t like certain types of actresses, and just for expressing our opinion we are cancelled. The direction that the genre is going to take will be terrible if these immature behaviors continue. And for all of you who defend people you don’t even know, remember, SIMPING is not healthy.

1 year ago
Reply to  LucasZtetch

You’re calling HM whiny? I regret to inform you that you suffer from an irony deficiency.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bert

It´s not “Iron deficiency”, maybe you are trying to refer to the lack of folic acid during pregnancy. Try to come up with better insults next time, SIMP.

1 year ago
Reply to  LucasZtetch

Grin! No, the first one is still doing just fine.

1 year ago
Reply to  LucasZtetch

If you don’t like certain actresses then why don’t you just move on and find ones do you do like from another site? Or are you too much of an incel to realize that women are not obligated to conform to only your tastes alone?

Jacques avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Bert

I find it hard to believe that he received 8 thumbs up.

saxman314 avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Jacques

Naw, these sad incels just swap proxies to add likes to their own comments.

Victor avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  LucasZtetch

Have you forgotten that the actresses are real people who can read this site? If you don’t like a certain body type, why not keep it to yourself and don’t buy the product? There is plenty of material with different types of actresses out there.

Last edited 1 year ago by
1 year ago
Reply to  victor

ok SIMP 😉

Sugarcoater avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  LucasZtetch

Only a SIMPleton refers to people by a term used almost exclusively by teens (“simp”) to refer to someone who shows a degree of thoughtfulness towards women. Not that the women need defending; I’m sure they aren’t even aware about a kid and his online whining on this site. As I see it, the most offensive part of this thread is the use of that idiotic prepubescent word.

Victor avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  LucasZtetch

“Simping” is when you treat people like goddesses, not when you treat them like human beings.

D_Hoffryn avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  LucasZtetch

If you had been cancelled, you wouldn’t have been able to post this ridiculous statement.

1 year ago
Reply to  D_Hoffryn

I was canceled the week before. There were like 20 very rude comments just for one opinion. And I think I will be again soon.

Victor avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  LucasZtetch

So you demand the right to be rude, but you don’t like people responding rudely to you. That is narcissism.

phlfan avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  LucasZtetch

Disagree totally. They’re keeping things civil, without moderation I shudder where this forum would wind up. I’ve seen it on other lists.

1 year ago
Reply to  LucasZtetch

OK, incel.

1 year ago
Reply to  LucasZtetch

LOL, incels love to whine and whine and whine and post immature statements like you did, and then say everyone else is whining. Then when their efforts to troll are thwarted by a moderator trying to keep things civil, they immediately say “I’m being cancelled” for “expressing my opinion”. You are such a cliche.

Put down the How to Troll 101 handbook and get your diaper changed, incel.

1 year ago
Reply to  LucasZtetch

what a civil and thought-provoking thread. thank you for your contribution

1 year ago
Reply to  snow

Who would want to leave all of this? haha

1 year ago
Reply to  LucasZtetch

You didn’t get canceled. You just seem very angry and rude. You express opinions that nobody is asking for. You aren’t a constructive person. You are trolling. Just lots of useless vitriol that nobody wants to see you write about. Focus your energies on something positive in life, friend.

1 year ago
Reply to  LucasZtetch

I agree that the direction the genre is going to take will be terrible if the immature behavior of insulting actresses continues.

phlfan avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Imagineer

Keep in mind that the vast majority of posts on this thread are positive, expressing gratitude.

1 year ago
Reply to  phlfan

I know, and I believe the excision of posts that insult performers is no small part of this forum’s success and the high regard held for its proprietor.

phlfan avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Imagineer

Agreed. Good moderation has kept this forum asa going entity.

1 year ago
Reply to  LucasZtetch

There’s lots of overreacting on this site because they can’t ignore the words on the site but if they were appropriate with Words then They should do it in action or else why get paid if all people is do the samething everyone is doing now.

1 year ago

Last edited 1 year ago by LucasZtetch
KyndleNance avatar
1 year ago

Thank you.

1 year ago

Wow, thank you for making this site. It means a lot to me. When I was a kid I thought I was weird for having these kind of fetishes. I thought I was alone until I discovered this website. I realized I’m not different and these kind of community exist. I hope the new management will do as good as you did. Thank you and good luck!

carter_heroinewatcher23 avatar
1 year ago

What new site will you be transferring your content to? Where can we find it?

1 year ago

You did a great job and will be very much missed.

1 year ago

are you going to be sticking around as a fan?

heroinehunter avatar
1 year ago

Thank you for everything. I do enjoy coming to this site.

Notthebees avatar
1 year ago

Everyone relax the website isn’t going anywhere , the owner is . We will be fine

1 year ago
Reply to  Nic cage

Hoping it would needs a makeover.

ME92 avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Nic cage

Seeing Nic Cage on the Stage of Summer Game fest expanding into Dead by Daylight somehow makes me think you are in fact him, and that you are expanding here as well as the new owner, hmmmm….

Ranger avatar
1 year ago

Cereal lurker here… Big thanks for running HM as long as you have, you had a good run. If it’s not too personal, may I ask why you are stepping down and leaving the community?

1 year ago
Reply to  Ranger

Does Lucky Charms have a restraining order against you?

JT avatar
1 year ago

Thanks for keeping this site up for as long as you did, HM. You introduced me to some good producers and made awesome videos yourself. I hope you still take joy in this community after the deal is done, even if it’s away from the spotlight. Take care!

Malachi Blow
Malachi Blow
1 year ago

Thank you man I’ve been using this website every since I’ve started watching Heroine porn and I always check this website everyday to see if anything new releases.Good luck in ur future endeavors

senordescartes avatar
1 year ago

This site really has been the hub of the entire community for like a decade now. Thank you for keeping us all connected and informed about the genre we love.

bou avatar
1 year ago

Thank you for the great job running this site. Best of luck with your future projects!

1 year ago

Thanks for hosting the site, it’s been a hub of mine for years

redmanx avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  GeraltWitcher

No real fan of the genre can do without this site, its the most informative, enthusiastic such site around!

james6543 avatar
1 year ago

I can’t remember exactly how many years ago I discovered this site and really appreciate everything you do to let me know I’m not a lonely niche fan. Good luck

1 year ago

This site has been the meeting ground for us perverts for a long time. And that’s thanks to you. Sorry to see you step away, but thank you for all the time and effort. You will be missed.

Robert Terwillger
Robert Terwillger
1 year ago

Sorry to see you go. Thank you so much for all of your hard work – and awesome movies – over the years. I hope wherever your journey takes you, you find happiness.

rangerian avatar
1 year ago

Thank you for all these years of keeping us updated and connected with the producers. One of the things that makes your site stand out, is the lack of trashy porn ads that flash up hard core porn images and take control of the web browser.
I hope the new owner keeps this site just as respectful to your loyal customer base.

yu266734 avatar
1 year ago

Got to know this site around 2016 by seeing the first z-girl video on the Internet and became a fan of this site since then. Thank you for all the great videos over the years. Best wishes to you.

Endofallthings avatar
1 year ago

I have been on lurk mode for a very long time…BUT….a big thank you to you for all your work on this site. Enjoy your retirement from the genre, you’ve earned it!!

Victor avatar
1 year ago

I enjoyed this site. What’s funny is for years I couldn’t access it, probably because of my VPN. Sometimes a page from this site would appear when I would do a search for a video that that creator has posted about here. So it was like a shadow of a site. Then suddenly I could access the site.

SnidelyW avatar
1 year ago

Thank you for everything you’ve done. Love this site to bits. As the handover draws closer, please keep us informed about how things are going and the changes coming to the site!

absstar6 avatar
1 year ago

Hi HM. I and everyone here knew this day would come sooner or later. We are gonna miss you a ton here. This site has been my daily go to site virtually everyday for years to check on what’s new and the latest. I’ve had a blast of having one of my custom made from you, “Asami”. Had always wanted to do another custom with you. No doubt a ton of producers gonna missed you as well. All the best to you HM, and all the best to you in the future in whatever you may be doing. Thank you… Read more »

Slapmutsky avatar
1 year ago

What is going to happen next

redmanx avatar
1 year ago

You are the Superheroine In Distress genres greatest friend and supporter and through your support, the producers, writers and of course the stars evolved and developed into an exciting, wonderful form of entertainment. You may be going but you’ll never be forgotten! Good luck in all you do in the future and “thank you!”

Thank You HM!
Thank You HM!
1 year ago

I feel like I’ve been visiting this site for at least a decade. Now I’m curious to know what year did Heroine Movies launch?

rayman avatar
1 year ago

I feared this moment would come after your initial announcement HM. Thank you for all that you have done for us and for the amazing content you have produced over the years. Sad to see you go but again, THANK YOU and may your legacy live on!

phlfan avatar
1 year ago

Netcode is not taking Paypal any more.

1 year ago

I discovered this genre and your website back in 2016ish. Thank you for all your hard work in this niche genre and good luck on your next endeavors!

Last edited 1 year ago by Jimbo
AmesFan72 avatar
1 year ago

Thank you for giving us a wonderful outlet for our beloved genre. It has been a daily visit for me in the years since I have discovered it.

Dr G avatar
1 year ago

Thanks HM for creating and maintaining this site ! It always had a nice cozy feel to it and for me is the best superheroine/other perils site out there for different producers ! Thanks also for creating a ton of great movies over the years ! Take care and all the best ! 🙂

phlfan avatar
1 year ago

Thank you so much for all you have done.

1 year ago

Thank you for providing a great space for superheroine fans to hang out and discover great movies. Live long and prosper.

Sugarcoater avatar
1 year ago

Thank YOU for creating this site! I wish you all the best in your future endeavors, and I thank you for giving us the forum and for handing it off to someone who can keep it going.

1 year ago

Thanks for the great site, loved it for years. I can understand the timing. It feels that the genre is going through a transition period. The quality, type, and frequency of content has changed completely over the last 3 years as producers and actresses exit or change focus. According to my personal opinion, the term “SHIP” that we used to use (Superheroine In Peril) applies to a smaller and smaller percentage of films. (Flame suit on). The comment section also followed Godwin’s law as all internet discussion sections do. (That is, the longer conversations go on the internet, the probability… Read more »

1 year ago

Thank you very much for this great site! It’s been a daily “go to” for years. Best wishes for your future endeavours.

1 year ago

Well this website is likely going to die out soon anyway does anyone know if there are any forums that show which new superheroine videos are being released (like on any website at all) besides shg media any help would be nice don’t want to lose track.