“Imperia: Hard Time” from Punished Heroines

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Sugarcoater avatar
8 years ago

Still loving this video. If possible in future videos, use the hog tie more. Have the villain grope and play with the heroine while she is in such a restrained position.
Also, the sequence of having Imperia taken against the table with one leg on the table was a really great shot. Please do more such sequences!
Again, phenomenal video Rye!

8 years ago

, no way I can beg you to include more forced oral in your videos? Please please please… 🙂

LeeCarl avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  FullTreatment

Lol, I’m with you, man. I love that stuff. I’ve worked with Rye, and he does it, sometimes. But I don’t think it’s his personal preference. Plus, it’s really hard to make look good it’s simulated, not real.

AngelDust avatar
8 years ago

For the love of god why doesn’t she show her tits!!!!

8 years ago
Reply to  Angeldust

I know right?? As awesome as she is if a villain is going to take a heroine you know he is going to see her naked..haha!

TheSqueezer avatar
8 years ago

Awesome bearhugs, next time, could she get pass out? =)

Sugarcoater avatar
8 years ago

Is there any dialogue while Imperia is being forced to orgasm? Would love to have Amber cursing against the inevitable climax, then moan out “oh fffuuuuccckkkk” as she cums n

8 years ago
Reply to  Sugarcoater

Nope, possibly the occasional “no”

Moue89 avatar
8 years ago

What a debut by Lucian! This was absolutely awesome, literally have zero complaints. Hogtie scene is great for those wondering.

Only suggestion I can offer for Lucian’s future films is gagging the superheroine. In my opinion, it is not gone enough in this genre and is really sexy!

Sugarcoater avatar
8 years ago

The hogtie is totally underused. Love to see it here–please do some more like that!

8 years ago

Great movie! Lucian you did an excellent job on your first production! Although the only bondage was a hogtie, it was a quality hogtie. Was hoping for some spread eagle bondage with boots removed but it wasn’t to be. Sensing there will be a sequel to those. Maybe the mob has a little something in store for her.

8 years ago
Reply to  lietzke

How long was the hogtie sequence?

8 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Although it was 230am, I didn’t time it but, They hogtied her, then a new guy came in apparently the mob guy, together they held her down and made her cum again while hogtied. That was unique and pretty damn hot!

8 years ago
Reply to  lietzke

Absolutely nothing in this movie is rushed.

8 years ago
Reply to  lietzke

Thanks for the answer! Was the hogtie/cumming scene done in the trunk of the car, or did they take her somewhere else (and still hogtied)? Doesn’t look like there’s much room to work with in the trunk.

8 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

The hogtie forced orgasm scene was done on the table. They tied her very half assed to that table before the hogtie scene. That was an area of disappointment to me. Heroines have to be always strapped down securely. They rubbed her for a good 5 minutes over her costume hogtied on the table. Then they carried her to the trunk of the car, placed her in the trunk and shut it. The first forced orgasm scene was also very good. Hand under the costume yet over the pantyhose. All in all it was a great job by Lucian.

8 years ago

I’ll say it again……that last pic is awesome.

8 years ago
Reply to  Rye

Thanks Rye, i’ll be up at 3am to download this baby!

TheSqueezer avatar
8 years ago

Hello Lucian, there are any bear hug (front/back) orBack Breaker =)

8 years ago

My favorite part of any heroine movie post is the ETA. 😛

8 years ago

Hi all,
I just want to explain here that Amber McAlester is the best !
Even if it would be cool to see a little more from her (I mean a liitle more nudity, tits ? 😉 ).
Her acting/roleplay/move is great, and I will buy every movie with her.
(sorry I am not objective 😀 )
A movie with her and a little more nudity would be perfect, however this one seems very great (like “marvel uncut” or “ultra girl uncut” kind) !

(again sorry for my english)

8 years ago

This looks awesome! I am going to go broke with the sudden influx of intriguing heroine peril films coming available–but what a way to go broke! Needless to say, I am looking forward to this one.

8 years ago

Beautiful Amber McAlester getting tied up again, and not just AOH, is just what the doctor ordered. Hopefully the doctor also ordered a gag for her.

8 years ago

This isn’t out yet? Seriously? These pics have been up for, what, a month now?

8 years ago
Reply to  Bert

The pics for this particular film have been up for 2 days.

8 years ago
Reply to  bbsucks

It was a joke.

8 years ago
Reply to  Bert

It wasn’t a joke?

8 years ago

ditto to Highonfire….def not enough of unconscious and tied up heroines being thrown into trunks of cars.
That is a great pic!

Sugarcoater avatar
8 years ago

Based on that last pic, how about having a similar scene with Supergirl bound like that and having a villain selling her to some guys. The two sides barter the value of Supergirl and what they can do (and what has already been done) to her. A shamed and humiliated Supergirl writhes in her ropes while she helplessly listens to the dealing.

8 years ago
Reply to  Sugarcoater

I feel my temperature (among other things) rising as I think about this. Throw in a villainess in the bidding war who inspects the “merchandise” with her hands and you’ve got me completely hooked.

8 years ago

That last pic is awesome……

8 years ago

This business will get out of control. It’ll get out of control and wallets will be lucky to live through it.

HM avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Imagineer

Ha! Great movie.

Fbsol avatar
8 years ago

Can we get a list of the “explicit content” included in this film?

Sugarcoater avatar
8 years ago

Love the look of it. Please have a similar plot line involving Amber as Ms. Marvel meeting up with these guys, getting hooked on their drug, then being willing to do whatever it takes to get her fix.
Can’t wait to buy this one!

8 years ago

just when I thought it was all over. oh hell yeah amber in a punished heroines film is a must buy. I can’t get enough of amber.

saxman314 avatar
8 years ago

Nice plot! Seems like something I would roleplay in Second Life. LOL

8 years ago
Reply to  saxman314

Absolutely, Often times after we agree on a particular costume, I chloro, tie hands behind back, strap her to a chair and apply a very awesome mask with a bong attached. Then the hitachi in the right spot makes for a very erotic next 15 minutes. When forcing a heroine into drug use I almost always opt for the American Girl theme or undercover cop. Both are equally enjoyable. I’ve always wanted to produce a heroine video. My attorney says it must have redeeming value to be considered legal. WTH?