Kandy Crisis #11: “AJ’s Fate” – UPDATED with Review

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mantower avatar
7 years ago

So was there ever an announcement made as to which ending was more popular?

7 years ago
Reply to  mantower

Yes, AJ loses I believe. It was on the NGC website. 5 to 2.

8 years ago

Why you put a low blow in the video and you did not film that? Man, don’t even put a move like that if you don’t wanna film that. Can’t understand the problem of this producer with low blows, fight scenes are great, well done with great actresses, and every low blow sucks balls.

toshiki avatar
8 years ago

Loved this. If you guys do a video with these two villainesses taking on Vixen in a similarly lift-intensive battle, I will legit buy that video twice. Throw in a cradle carry and I will force a few others to buy it upon threat of violence 😀

BigZee avatar
8 years ago

Purchased the AJ wins version as I prefer heroines who overcome adversity and win the day. The losing version was also quite good as well. Great combat action. One down side for me was the announcer who became rather annoying and distracting.I found that he negatively impacted the flow of the combat.In any case this is nor a significant issue. As suggestion for the future, any possibility that a simultaneous 2 on 1 could be scripted? All in all, this was an excellent film.

Next Global Crisis avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Jacques

Thanks. If by simultaneous you really mean fighting 2 at once for extended periods it is of course possible but requires a lot more rehearsal typically, time we don’t have, so then results in less action overall. I would have loved to shoot this in 2 days instead of one but it just isn’t viable that way.

BigZee avatar
8 years ago

Understood and no worries. Maybe someday in the not too distant future? I must say that all (and mean all) of the actors have great ability to handle the combat action, very impressive athletic skills.

8 years ago

@ngc. Is there a release this week?

Next Global Crisis avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  michael

Yes there is. More details to follow.

8 years ago

What a stunningly gorgeous blonde heroine!

JadeOwl avatar
8 years ago

Sorry for the delay, but this one merited multiple repeat viewings. 😉 There’s nothing I can say about the action that hasn’t already been said by Sidekick far more eloquently and concisely than I ever could, but there are a couple of details I would like to comment upon. The first one is a truly laugh out loud moment around the 11:25 minute mark that doesn’t quite break the fourth wall, but comes so close as makes no difference. You will all know it when you see it, especially as it practically directed straight at a sizable portion of this… Read more »

Maar13 avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  JadeOwl

Yes I chose that one too, I liked both endings but like her winning for the definitive one, either way it was a great series, I don’t know if any of you are going to work with AJ into the future or if she goes back to Hollywood only, I certainly hope you continue in other projects with her because it was awesome.

My Dream : (Good)Kix, Vixen, Aj Vs (Bad) Silver, Diva, Twix (although I know she can’t be in two places at the same time 😉 )

JadeOwl avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Maar13

My dear man, that’s why the gods invented camera tricks. 😉

8 years ago

This is my favourite in the series too! It’s hard to believe that when we found this budding actress back in 2007 who’d go on to become one of the Kickass greats. She was always a force of nature – a couple of years after we made her first film on Kickasskandy we cut a showreel of her stunts and took it with us on a speculative trip to the US where we charmed our way into meetings with Agents. Little did I know she’d dazzle them so quickly so she’d then leave us for the Hollywood Hills so quickly!… Read more »

Bruce Kent
Bruce Kent
8 years ago

@NGC How are the numbers trending win ending vs lose?

Next Global Crisis avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Bruce Kent

Ooh I’m not going to say this soon… Interesting though.

8 years ago

bought yet…………..simply wonderfull Aj is great action actress and very beautiful sexy woman …..i really love her….i hope to see again her in this kind of videos …..good job….well done

8 years ago

“The bar has been raised.” An apt description. The film of the year for me in a year with many great films.

8 years ago

I’ll keep this short
I purchased the loose ending but you get both, I preferred the win ending with AJs legs wrapped around the villain’s neck.
Worth every penny, I think the bar has just been raised..
All 3 women did a sterling job but….. AJ in that outfit has to be the personification of sexy.

8 years ago

I like both outcomes so I am going to get both versions … I mean it’s AJ for God’s sake!

Jeff avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Maar13

I agree!!

Next Global Crisis avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

You don’t need to buy both, just buy the one you want to be the story ending and you will get to see both endings.

8 years ago

A lesser producer wouldn’t have said that. Fine work, NGC. Really enjoyed your video. AJ was excellent per usual, but I was impressed by the two femme villains! Hopefully we see more of them in the future.

Maar13 avatar
8 years ago

Awesome! I picked my poison and I loved both endings, Amazing.

AJ is freaking awesome, too bad this is the end 🙁

But look forward to the future of both companies, supper cool products and this project was awesome from top to bottom.

8 years ago

Wow…tomorrow is my birthday so I think I’ll treat myself to seeing AJ get dominated in a skin-tight outfit!

idircaiden avatar
8 years ago

Yeah, I guess if you’re into that. A bunch of fighting and no clear picture from the trailer who wins.

I think we need subgenres of the superheroine fetish at this point. Are you into peril? Chloro? Female dom? Limp play? Robot? Freeze? Etc? Etc?

8 years ago
Reply to  Parf Barg

“No clear picture from the trailer who wins.”
Sigh. There’s alternate endings. That was one of the major points of the post. AJ wins and AJ loses.

8 years ago
Reply to  Parf Barg

Well, I for one really enjoy a peril where the superheroine is overpowered by two or more female super villains, and that there’s no way of her gaining the upper hand and turning the tables. A peril where she’s utterly at their mercy (torture?).

There are many available, but you’d always look forward to new content. Stevenoir had some great products though think they didn’t go full gear into superheroineism? SHG does some great ones too though also not lots of fvfff.

8 years ago

Just wondering, where exactly is the link for us to vote? Can’t find it anywhere on this post or the Kandykrisis link

Next Global Crisis avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Rizo

Your purchase is your vote. Whichever version gets the most buys becomes the canon ending.

8 years ago

Ok I see. But is it possible to get the alternate ending too?

Next Global Crisis avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Rizo


C (why is there a min length on name?)
C (why is there a min length on name?)
8 years ago

I hate choosing! (Yes, yes — embarrassment of riches, etc. — I get it) BUT! What if I’m legitimately interested in seeing both? From a purely economic perspective, does this require two separate purchases? From a story perspective, what if I want the canon ending to be victory (“or worse” implies no more AJ to me, and it doesn’t get much worse than that) but am truly interested in seeing the defeat ending? I get that this guides how you can progress the story, and that we the fans are getting a say in how it progresses, which is great.… Read more »

Next Global Crisis avatar
8 years ago

If you buy either version you won’t miss anything. You don’t need 2 separate purchases. I’m not going to rule in or out any potential ending before release.

8 years ago

Great! I thought it was 2 different purchases but I get your point now.

JadeOwl avatar
8 years ago

I must say, this is quite the development. 😀

I know quite well which ending I will be purchasing and I will keep my fingers crossed that my side carries the day!

Bruce Kent
Bruce Kent
8 years ago

Okay, while we are on Chisis talk, when is “The Deceptres” with Erica coming out?

Next Global Crisis avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Bruce Kent

About a month.

Next Global Crisis avatar
8 years ago

Glad you are looking forward to it. I’m very excited to show this one, she looks amazing and this video is Knock-Out heaven. Trailer coming soon.

8 years ago

I just drooled all over my keyboard. Thanks Kandy Crisis. OMG this looks so great… Aj might just be the most beautiful blonde I have ever seen. She’s right up there with Margot Robbie right now. I have to agree with Sidekick that is definitely the best costume she’s worn. I just hope the peril elements are there for me but im sure it will be a good video regardless. Does AJ do low blows? It would be such a shame not to see her endure a few in that tight bodysuit. Some constructive criticism though, while I just praised… Read more »

Next Global Crisis avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  fabio

AJ wears what she wants to wear, I managed to convince her into this little ensemble and she looks knockout! Which is very apt because KO’s flood this video.

8 years ago

LOVE the Kick Ass Femmes! Looking forward to this and future updates.

8 years ago

there are same strangulation actions?

Maar13 avatar
8 years ago

Dude!!! This looks soooo promisimg! I can’t wait for this!

JadeOwl avatar
8 years ago

Ah! The plot thickens!

I could not be happier for this development. I had thought it would be a while before AJ’s Hollywood entanglements left her room to venture into these waters again, but not only is she back…. SHE’S FIGHTING MORE GIRLS!!!!!!!!!!

You guys wouldn’t happen to have a timeframe for when we can expect this oh so precious treat to be released to the expectant masses, would you?