“Kendra James and Kendra Heart: The Batgirl Real Doll!” from Kendra James Super Heroine World


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Amanda Lynne
Amanda Lynne
4 months ago

This looks good! Love Batgirl!

darkcityfiction avatar
4 months ago

Ivy, i have been trying to register to the forum with no luck. I have emailed a few times. I’d like to be able to post and access as a producer. TBFE recently did a post for me about my new release, however I think it would be best if i could post for myself. please email me at darkcityfiction@gmail.com thank you

Skip Keller
Skip Keller
4 months ago

Kendra James is like an old pair of shoes- still worth using but nothing you’d want to show off around town.

4 months ago

Yeah baby pull them tights down and off and get to the good stuff!

swampy170 avatar
5 months ago

Might as well turn off comments at this point… Why aren’t you insta banning spambots moderators?

5 months ago

Kendra in her Batwoman costume is pretty incredible.