“Kickass Femmewars” from Kick Ass Femmes

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Darkwrath016 avatar
7 years ago

This was a really good film in my opinion. Really enjoyed seeing Diva on the receiving end of a beatdown in this one even though I would have preferred Kix. The actress playing Diva sold the peril really good though perhaps it would be nice if her grunts/cries were just a tad higher in tone. The video was action packed and the fighting was solid throughout, especially during that two on one beating that Diva suffered which incidentally was my favorite parts. Of particular note is when Kix and Aish were beating the holy hell out of Diva like a… Read more »

7 years ago

Am I the only one wondering that images and trailer don’t fit together?

In the trailer the 3rd girl has a white top, but in the picture Set her top is black with some white in it.
So who is it please in the video to buy, the girl from the photo set or the girl from the trailer?

HonestFish avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  hboss

The girl from the photo set and trailer are the same, but you’re right – she has a different top in the pictures. She sports the white one through out the whole scene. Hope this helps 🙂

7 years ago
Reply to  Honest Fish

Yes, thank you!

7 years ago

Does the blonde get ko’d in this?

RyanHinto avatar
7 years ago

Any play by play review for this sidekick?

7 years ago

Oh yay, refreshing to all the other stuff being served up at the moment.

RyonaKing avatar
7 years ago

Aww no vixen…

Darkwrath016 avatar
7 years ago

I’ve been waiting a long time for Kickass Femmes to release another video after the domination that Hi Kix got last time. Never seen Diva in action but I’m willing to give her a shot

7 years ago

Where is it?

JadeOwl avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  Niky13

It debuts tomorrow.

Kandyman always puts out the new stuff on Fridays. Best way to start the weekend if you ask me.

Jeff avatar
7 years ago
Reply to  JadeOwl

Indeed it is!

JadeOwl avatar
7 years ago

Any KAF realease is a wonderful treat in and of itself… but this one looks like it will Raise the bar even for that.

The only conceivable way it could be any better would be if they were all in the ring.

7 years ago

Ummm, sold???