“Lady Victory v Wonderstrike” from NGC Championship

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8 years ago

I seriously hope that she will be wearing the Lady V costume again. That would be very disappointing.

8 years ago

Aw man. This was an awesome video. I wish the submission had been more tortuous (maybe a different hold?) and maybe a bit more earned (too soon?) but who knew the real humility was to follow.

Lady V no more? Would love to see Sienna from Lady Victory Origins come back with the new mantle. Maybe face off with her new jobber predecessor! Fantastic work as always, NGC. The best game in town!

Darkwrath016 avatar
8 years ago

HOLD THE PHONE!! Stop whatever it is you’re doing, go to the link below and look at what NGC has in store for us soon:


Sugarcoater avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016


Dr_Mabuse avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Sugarcoater

Yes, that’s very interesting! Also, everyone on the NGC email list got a real treat this morning along with the link to buy the latest NGCC video.

Wrecker avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016


Darkwrath016 avatar
8 years ago

This was a pretty good episode and if you’re a fan of the championship series for NGC you’ll most definitely want to pick it up. First of, Lady Victory is great in this episode. I loved how she walked into the ring with quiet determination, a slight scowl on her face and an expression looking as though she’s ready to murder her poor opponent from the start. Long gone is that cheerful confidence. Replaced instead by a steely conviction and a no nonsense look in her eyes. Second, the action in this video was fast. I mean my god was… Read more »

Wrecker avatar
8 years ago

Definitely agree! Amazing episode!

kained avatar
8 years ago

YESSS!! Awesome episode. Definitely the right result. I’m one satisfied customer. And the ending promises some exciting possibilities in the future.

Dr_Mabuse avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  kained

Wow, emphatically agree! No matter who you voted for/wanted to win, this video really delivers the goods. And the ending… amazing!!

8 years ago

Guys, you’re gonna want to pick up this vid. It’s as good as you could hope.

Darkwrath016 avatar
8 years ago

You don’t have to reveal who the winner is but just out of curiosity, what was the final result in terms of percentage?

8 years ago

Oh my! That leads to another interesting question. Can you tell us – even if just off the top of your head and without cold, hard numbers – which matches have had the closest votes to date?

8 years ago

I’m very sensitive to LV’s 0-4 record as well. I mean, everyone knows Erica is the ultimate face/jobber at NGC Championship but given her inept performance to date, LV is currently the “jobber queen”. She even lost to The Deceptress herself for crying out loud! This just won’t do and it’s time to begin to set things straight. My vote will go to LV. Then, after a few more humiliating defeats (I hope), Erica will hold the crown she so richly deserves. Of course, if NGC chooses to mix a massive beatdown of Starshot in there along the way, I… Read more »

Dr_Mabuse avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Nixon

I’d like to see Lady V win one (and wouldn’t mind seeing Wonderstrike beaten, if only to avoid another undefeated record growing), but if she is going to continue losing, I think it would be great to see her lose unfairly, due to a dirty trick or interference. We’ve certainly seen some sketchy behavior from combatants before (I’m thinking particularly of the KO Queen) fully tolerated by the Unseen Masters. Maybe they like watching Lady Victory humiliated as much as the rest of us? If she doesn’t win this time, I think the only chance Lady V might have of… Read more »

8 years ago

I wish there will come a ngc video with fast debooting soon 🙂

Darkwrath016 avatar
8 years ago

I feel really conflicted with this one. On one hand, I feel absolutely sorry for Lady Victory and her abysmal 0-4 record, especially given that she truly believes in justice prevailing. That said, there’s something alluring about the up and coming rookie heroine, Wonderstrike, taking the championship by storm and going 3-0, putting her on even pegging with the Dominator and a couple wins behind the KO queen……..hmm decision, decisions.

Darkwrath016 avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

Records aside though, this looks really good. The acting on the part of Lady Victory looks like one of her best performances and Wonderstrike is looking pretty good herself. Can’t wait for Friday.

Mr.Bleh avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016


Mr.Bleh avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

I know, right?! I mean, she’s LADY VICTORY. Originally, she was the “Grand Omnipotent Stomper”. There was a reason she was the leader of The Fail-Safe Sisters! Check the Characters section and you’ll see she’s one of the strongest heroines at the site. That should stand for something, especially in a realm where (to some degree anyway) “might makes right”. ….and yet… I just can’t get enough of her being subdued again and again. As the proprietor says, she’s a victim of our voting habits. …and then there’s Wonderstrike’s unblemished record. Even the vaunted Bluebird has at least one loss.… Read more »

Darkwrath016 avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Mr.Bleh

Holy crap! You’re right about her being one of the strongest heroines in NGC. In fact, I think the only female who is stronger than her is DELILAH CRUNCH (Katia). Lady Victory is even stronger the KO Queen, Harbinger and Miss Suppression. That just makes it even more humiliating for her…….and soooo much more satisfying. Now I wouldn’t mind seeing someone knock her out onto the ground, leave her motionless and mock her about her so called strength.

Mr.Bleh avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

I would like to add to that scenario, if you don’t mind….hog tie her in something that even she’s not strong enough to break.
Now you have a situation where she wants to kick the crap out of whomever is taunting her, but she can’t because she can’t get up to do it!

Jeff avatar
8 years ago

Some great releases this week and last. Lady V is looking superb in this one as well even though it does might happen to be on the losing end 🙁 I do hope she can finally find a way to get on the score board for wins. But I am sure I will love both endings.

8 years ago

LV outfit change is intriguing. Personally hoping for a demonstrative W for WS.

8 years ago

Anyone else find Lady Victory’s name to be cruelly ironic

chucky avatar
8 years ago

i do enjoy you’re videos i was wondering are you going to make dvds?

blx avatar
8 years ago

I voted for Lady Victory. She needs to get off that awful zero W’s.

Mr.Bleh avatar
8 years ago

I feel bad for Lady Victory, in that she hasn’t won any of her matches, but I don’t want to upset Wonderstrike’s record, either.
This really seems like a job for Alternate Endings.