Lee Carl’s “Dark Maiden: The Trap”

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8 years ago

Loved this video!!!! Please have a sequel!!!! Want more Dark Maiden please!! I loved Ashley Lane in this and can’t wait to see more of her. She was just perfect!!! Could we have female villains fight against her this time?

8 years ago

I’ve bought the “combo” pack and I really like this issue. It ‘s a good idea to add more “explicit” scenes with dildo, blow job and facial, even if they are “fake”. I’m only interrested by an issue when there is an unmasking scene, and this one is good. The plot is interresting, but I would like to see the heroine in the normal life a little bit longer, and wearing business clothes (with suit, blouse, high heels…) : in contrast, the difference between smart woman and the (defeated and unmasked) heroine would be more interresting. But this issue is… Read more »

8 years ago

@Lee Carl

Bought it. LOVED it. I appreciate your response and hard work

Fausta avatar
8 years ago

@Lee Carl
Consistent fan of the work you guys do, but I seldom comment. However, your musings on a Huntress character would have my full support!

LeeCarl avatar
8 years ago

@Spartan You flatter me, lol. While I’m very proud of this film, this is a niche market. I wouldn’t be able to support myself doing this full time. Speaking to the producers who have been here a very long time, it used to be a very lucrative genre. However, with the advent of more and more producers over the last decade, people have become to take this content for granted, and producers (at least the ones I speak to) make far less than they used to, even just 5 years ago, let alone a decade ago! For this reason, I… Read more »

8 years ago

Worth the purchase if you’re a belly punching fan?

Lee Fung
Lee Fung
8 years ago

Mr. Lee Carl, I can’t buy through SHG. Any website can buy it by credit card?

8 years ago

@Lee Carl. I saw that you were looking for some ideas regarding superheroine peril for your next shoot. While I think Wonder Woman and Supergirl have been overdone in this genre, I think possibly doing a film that features Invisible Girl, Black Cat, or Black Widow would be a nice change.

8 years ago

Just bought it this morning. That it was great. I really liked the fact that this was the closest to the comic character that I have seen. I really liked the gadgets batgirl utilizes. Really nice touch. I also liked how dark it was. Lighting was pretty spot on to the comics. I would have wanted to see batgirl fight more thugs before she battles the main villans but I am guessing that is my own personal preference. The costume I thought was amazing. I rather like the shinny black batgirl suit rather than the purple ones you typically see… Read more »

Lee Fung
Lee Fung
8 years ago

No more Trailer?

Lee Fung
Lee Fung
8 years ago

Mr. Lee Carl

Have sent to them šŸ™
Really want to see this…. Is it only can be brought through SHG?

LeeCarl avatar
8 years ago

@Lee Fung,

For any purchase issues, please email admin@netcodemedia.com. I, unfortunately, do not have any control over the hosting site, so am unable to address issues like that.


Not a Riddler tease, but more of a question of whether we’re truly done with this character or not.


There is only one ending to this video. I don’t want to go into detail, but my response to Kappa should answer your question as well.

8 years ago

Spoiler-ish question but: Does she die at the end? If not, is there a cut of the film where she does?

Lee Fung
Lee Fung
8 years ago

Can’t pay it online by credit card?

ak_fan avatar
8 years ago

Part I is great, I like how Dark Maiden is able to fight back and it’s not just one-sided. In fact she had Mercy on the ropes quite a few times!

Part II – I really like how she tries to not make a sound/stay defiant when being whipped.

I really liked the view of the oral, what a great visual! The sybian death trap setup was just sadistic… brilliant!

ak_fan avatar
8 years ago

What a nice surprise to wake up to! Finally able to get this, I’ve been looking forward to this concept since you let it be known that you personally wanted to do a batgirl inspired movie!

Kappa Pride
Kappa Pride
8 years ago

Wow, that was amazing, Part 1 was more physical and Part 2 was more sexual. Liked the costume and perfect actress choice for the role.
One thing, probably removing the belt would be a wise choice, never know what tricks she has in it.

P.S. Was the ? at “the end” a riddler tease?

LeeCarl avatar
8 years ago

The movie is live!

It’s available in individual parts, or bundled together at a discount in a bundle pack. You can see all 3 products at my page at SHG-media.com!


ak_fan avatar
8 years ago

OMG Lee Carl you’re killing me!!! But actually I had no idea the SHG admin had to approve videos. I thought producers all had to just upload and then they would be available. Hopefully soon!

LeeCarl avatar
8 years ago

Hey guys. The videos are finished and sent to SHG. Hopefully they’ll get it up tonight. I’m not sure if they are away for the holiday, or something, as I have not yet heard back from them.

ak_fan avatar
8 years ago

I’m eagerly anticipating this! Pressing F5 on the SHG website every couple minutes lol.

Lee Fung
Lee Fung
8 years ago

Hi Lee Carl,

Still can’t find the updatee šŸ™

LeeCarl avatar
8 years ago

The movies are rendering right now. Because I have to do both parts separately, that will be a few hours. Then I’ll send it to SHG as soon as it’s done!

ak_fan avatar
8 years ago

Hi Lee Carl,

Excited for the release today. Did you have an idea when it would become available over at SHG?

LeeCarl avatar
8 years ago

One final update. The video will be completed later tonight. However, between rendering time, upload time, and having the admin post it for sale, it will likely not be posted to SHG until tomorrow. THIS release date is solid, guys. As long as there are no problems getting it up on the website, tomorrow is the day.

ak_fan avatar
8 years ago

@Nathan C

I hope it’s a Tuesday release as well! Though I don’t think she’ll be doing much beating up lol.

Nathan C
Nathan C
8 years ago

Tuesday release??? Cannot wait to see Batgirl beat up these villains. Bane is weak.

Lee Fung
Lee Fung
8 years ago

Hi Mr. Carl. Are there any update? Very look forward to it!

Wrecker avatar
8 years ago

Glad you’re feeling better, Mr. Carl. Thanks for keeping us in the loop on this. I’m really looking forward to the release as well.

ak_fan avatar
8 years ago

Godspeed Lee Carl!

8 years ago

Very much looking forward to it!

LeeCarl avatar
8 years ago

Heya, guys!

Quick update. It’s possible that this will be released tomorrow night. If not then, then probably Monday. Thank you for your patience!

LeeCarl avatar
8 years ago

Might as well give an update, now that the thread has been bumped.

I was sick for a bit, but now I’m back at work on the edit. However, please keep in mind that I work a full time job in addition to this. This is why my edit time is so much longer than other producers, such as Rye or TBFE.

My current projected release date is next Sunday, the 22nd. That all depends on how long sound effects take, of which there are quite a few on this.

Thank you so much for your patience.

HM avatar
8 years ago

– Thank you! Glad you continue to enjoy the site. Stay tuned; there are lots of new features on the way…

Sugarcoater avatar
8 years ago

@ HM
Please don’t ever apologize for other people who engage in such behavior. And if I may, thank you again for this forum. I really enjoy being able to stay up to date on the latest superheroine news and reading other people’s suggestions and reviews.

HM avatar
8 years ago

: Sorry about that — I just saw and removed all of that guy’s comments.

Sugarcoater avatar
8 years ago

Lol, can’t quite figure out what this chump’s point is. Spamming the board so that…people google the person in question? No thanks bud. Isn’t there a better way people can waste their time?

ak_fan avatar
8 years ago

Thanks for the update. Any news on the progress or a rough ETA? You mentioned that you would be releasing a trailer for part 2?


LeeCarl avatar
8 years ago

Apologies for the lack of updates. I’ve been a sick the past few days, which has slowed down my progress. I’m working to get this thing out as soon as I can.

senordescartes avatar
8 years ago

Favorite character + favorite current peril actress + insane peril = instant purchase

ak_fan avatar
8 years ago

Looks amazing!

LeeCarl avatar
8 years ago

Hey guys. Here is the trailer for part 1!


HM should be adding it to the article sometime tonight or tomorrow.

ak_fan avatar
8 years ago

Nice looking forward!

LeeCarl avatar
8 years ago

Hey guys!

A trailer for part 1 should be live tomorrow. It’s all put together, but I just have to fix some audio issues. Part 2 will get it’s own trailer closer to release. As for the movie itself, I can’t hold myself to a specific release date, but lets set the goal for a week and a half from now. If I’m lucky, I might be able to get it out next weekend.

ak_fan avatar
8 years ago

@Lee Carl,

Any chance this gets released this weekend? šŸ˜€

8 years ago

I’m waiting for the trailer with the unmasking scene. This issue seems to be great.

LeeCarl avatar
8 years ago

Hey, guys! I’ve really appreciated the positive feedback on the preview pics. I’m working hard on the edit, and hope to have a trailer out later this week. I can’t give a date on the trailer or the release, but rest assured, I’m working hard on both! @gyang Yes, both parts will be released simultaneously. The plan, currently, is to offer them individually, or in a combo pack for a discounted rate. @Horse I’m still playing around with the colors on this edit. I want it to be dark just for atmosphere, but there definitely needs to be a balance.… Read more »

8 years ago

Looks to be a good one this.
The actress looks gorgeous, the costume looks great and I kind of like how her pale skin stands out against the ripped costume & dark room

8 years ago

Would love to see her naked, except boots, belt and cape

senordescartes avatar
8 years ago

This looks like an instant purchase for me– love the actress, the character, the costume, and the sexual peril looks fantastic.

Take my money