– Luciafilms Temporary Sale and News –

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Jaffa_Master avatar
9 months ago

Nice to see you folks are still producing quality content. Will we see any spider/webbing-related content in the near future?

6 months ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

Thank you.

dragonzz avatar
9 months ago

Will there be a higher resolution option ? 🙂

Juanman8 avatar
9 months ago


D_Hoffryn avatar
9 months ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

Thank you! I think most of us appreciate that.

9 months ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

Thanks for your hardwork, i’m just downloading the film now, can’t wait to watch it.

9 months ago
Reply to  Ferrari93

Yes sir !!!!

9 months ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

I’m sure this is the last thing you want to hear after spending so much time prepping the release, but I think something is messed up with the audio. All of the dialog only comes out of the right stereo channel. Seems like background music and some sound effects come out of both. But all dialog is on the right, which makes it really hard to hear.

9 months ago
Reply to  bbsucks

(actually, seems like maybe only for the first 6 minutes or so, then it’s corrected)

9 months ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

Watching now home slice !!!!!

ME92 avatar
9 months ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

*Throws empty Popcorn bag aside*

Let’s go! ~

9 months ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

I was just about to post that the pretty bird 2 banner is up on the shg website now. Looking forward to watching it after seeing the screnshots.

9 months ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

I’m joining y’all with the popcorn too.

ME92 avatar
9 months ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

*Popcorn eating intensifies*

ME92 avatar
9 months ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

*Grabs popcorn*
It is almost time for the glorious comeback

Last edited 9 months ago by ME92
9 months ago

A boy/girl/they/them has to dream. Lucia, surely you can give some clearance, Clarence?

dhallmu avatar
9 months ago

Any info on Toxicity? seems like that page has been removed along with a few of the older videos. Any chance we will ever see Dillion Harper again or is she retired the orginal starwave videos were two of my all time favorites.

9 months ago
Reply to  Doug
dhallmu avatar
9 months ago
Reply to  bbsucks

No I meant on Heroine movies for still and a preview. Trying to see if it would interest me

xiphosprince avatar
9 months ago
Reply to  Doug

Toxicity was a lot of fun. And definitely one of my top 3 favorite films I had the pleasure of creating. Here is a compilation of screenshots that does not do the whole movie justice. Honestly, it’s just a good movie, and I feel worth it to watch.

Elevete avatar
9 months ago

Lucia went from getting angry at first to being the best studio so far. I hope it maintains this level

Pepe avatar
9 months ago

I hope a incredible fight Alicia vs McKenzie

9 months ago

new movie looks amazing,may I ask you what time will it start selling?Urgently!

9 months ago

what is going on with the thumbnails on this site?

havent been able to click and enlarge them for a couple months now

please fix?

9 months ago

I really want to see alicia and mckenzie to be a starwave again!

Last edited 9 months ago by UnkX
ME92 avatar
9 months ago

Pretty Bird 2, and that Superheroine academy gone wrong thingy or whatever it was are two of the stuff I look most forward to. It’s not only been a long time sine last Lucia, but it has been ages since my last one (Guardians of Justice I think, or the one with the same trio right after). So great to hear some news, and best of luck with the new place ; D

D_Hoffryn avatar
9 months ago
Reply to  ME92

I think it’s a film set gone wrong on the other one. I doubt that it will be our kind of movie (i.e. F/F). But I have high expectations for “Pretty Bird 2”. It’s been a while since I’ve been looking forward that much to a film I didn’t write myself.

ME92 avatar
9 months ago
Reply to  D_Hoffryn

Really, I could swear it was a superheroine recruitment something, but maybe that’s just wishful thinking, haha. I like how you say ‘our’ kind of movie, since we pretty much allign on every release ; P

ME92 avatar
9 months ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

Oh okay so they were two different ones, we just mashed them together I see xP Thanks for the extra update ; D

9 months ago

it’s not realistic for superheroines to stay in their underwear.. let them stay naked please

Ty Cobb
Ty Cobb
9 months ago

Mackenzie and Alicia together on screen is like seeing the DeNiro and Pachino of superporn. And Lucy has a world class ass. Nicely done. Could do without the blond though.

9 months ago

wow pretty bird 2 looks amazing

i hope the final breaking/corruption is somehow even hotter than the original!

Don1987 avatar
9 months ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

Dont know if i believe you, the first one is pretty hot! lol

jobman avatar
9 months ago

With the sale I guess it answers my question I sent you

9 months ago

Wow those stills look amazing. I’ve been looking forward to pretty bird 2 since you announced you were making it and it looks like an instant classic judging by those pics.

D_Hoffryn avatar
9 months ago

Good to see you’re back. And the preview looks very promising.

D_Hoffryn avatar
9 months ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

I see. I have to say though that breaking off communications in the middle of an exchange without any explanation is pretty confusing and frustrating for the people on the other side.

Dean027 avatar
9 months ago

Thanks Lucia for this discount. It will allow me to buy a new film. Could you also tell us what type of surprise fetish will be in your future releases?

Hual avatar
9 months ago

So glad there is a sale! Will defenitely pick up one or two older movies.

I have also been considering a custom film, but unfortunately, your website does not really provide much information.
For example, I wish there was a list of available talent, a list of potential locations etc.

Do you work all this out via E-Mail?

Hual avatar
9 months ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

thanks for your reply, will come back to you via e-mail

jeqtreqt avatar
9 months ago

These are all hot AF, but most importantly God Queen Xiphos!!!