“Marvel Girl: Black Magic” from Secret Heroine Films

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6 years ago

Quando vai voltar a marvel girl? Pfvr td mundo quer ela devolta

mcarvalh avatar
6 years ago

In my opinion this movie is a strong contender for best of 2018. We are just at the beginning of 2018. If this movie is an indication of what we can expect, I would say that it will be a great year for fans.

Sugarcoater avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  MCarvalh

I think that might be a slight overreaction. I bought this one and liked it, but there isn’t much different than the usual action, the setting is typical of these videos. I really like the heroine and the villainess is quite good. But best of 2018? I’m thinking that might be a bit of a stretch.
Again, I bought this and liked it, so I don’t mean to be disparaging. I just don’t think it should be overhyped.

6 years ago

Mr Hero…I am in love with Marvel girl. This has to be the best costume ever designed.
Halsey is like the girl next door….love that beautiful face and gorgeous body.
I like the storyline…only thing missing was a good chloro and/or bearhug with her
squeezed unconscious and her red leotard riding up.

Any chance we see Marvel Girl again ? is a custom a possibility ?
Thank you for this great heroine. Please I want to see more!!

6 years ago

Loved the special FX. Need moar in this genre! And love Halsey. Very sexy.

Decendingskulls avatar
6 years ago

In the previous Marvel Girl film, when Marvel girl finally orgasms, she appears to burn in a magical curse fire as she loses her Marvel Girl identity and collapses dead. I’m wondering if this death ending is similar. I really liked that.

shzam avatar
6 years ago

Anyone know the run time?

6 years ago

umm hey guys the video is available now at https://shg-media.com. And I must say it was fucking amazing!!

ME92 avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Blank1

Fan-fuc*king-tastic news, thanks for the heads up!

senordescartes avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Blank1

Full review?

6 years ago

Not as good as the first Marvel Girl but this looks pretty good. Wish we can get that Raquel Mercedes girl back. I’ll still buy this.

6 years ago

looks really cool, can’t wait!

Brad avatar
6 years ago

Thought for a sequel: Halsey Rae as Marvel Girl teamed up with Ashley Lane as Supergirl. Lots of super power use and lesbianism.

Sugarcoater avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Brad

Put her in the black and gold version of the costume!

Mr.Bleh avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Sugarcoater

Actually, I prefer this costume!

6 years ago
Reply to  Brad

I would buy that if Halsey is in either costume, but I wouldn’t mind the black and gold one.

6 years ago
Reply to  Brad

It would be nice to see a little lesbianism in some heroine peril videos. Especially if it’s a female villain playing with Ashley Lane like she’s her own personal playtoy. That would be a best seller.

6 years ago

Is it ‘soon’ yet??

6 years ago

Wow. That’s a buy for me.

6 years ago

Does she wear pantyhose in this?

ME92 avatar
6 years ago

First of all I want to say, when I first noticed Halsey in Heroines of F.U.R.Y Part 1 I was immediately taken back by her preformance and stunning nature. Few videos since then has had as many “revisitings” as the 1st part of that triology had for me. This one which also features her nemesis (as I like to call her since she’s almost alway the villainess in Halsey’s flicks) just makes it even better. Few has been better as a villainess in my opinion and their chemestry in Heroines of F.U.R.Y part 1 was absolutelly fantastic. With all that… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  ME92

Any chance you know the actress name for the villain? There’s something about her, would love to find other stuff she has done, away from the heroine genre, thx 🙂

shzam avatar
6 years ago

Absolutely love both of these actresses and public humiliation is my kink so can’t wait for this. any rough ETA

ME92 avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  shzam

January was mentioned back in the Sale’s post from last month, but that is very vague indeed =P

6 years ago

That costume and Halsey Rae are AMAZING.
First time we have ever seen her with bare legs.
She is so sexy!! Hope this is the first of many adventures
for this Marvel Girl !

ME92 avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Peter

Agreed, we’ve had way too little films with her as of late, so hopefully that will change =D

Decendingskulls avatar
6 years ago

YESSSS I will be so looking forward to this ermahgerrrrrd