New Videos from Sleeperkid

The future is now and the series continues… Atemi, the SKW universe flagship video game based character series, is back and bubbling with excitement. We fade in on the gorgeous Sumiko standing guard outside in her usual Atemi garb, unaware that her arch rival, the beautiful Eden, is close by. With a devious smile curling on her face and the understanding that she has the opportunity to get the drop on Sumiko, Eden steps out from the trees and begins the searing hot conflict with a bang. Per usual, these two battle it out in a stunning display, with stealth and assassin techniques that leaves each combatant dazed and confused.
Sumiko doesn’t notice that Eden slowly creeps up behind her, and before she has an opportunity to, Eden clamps an HOM on her rival. Sumiko struggles to breathe as her eyes roll back and we watch as the life force drains from the beautiful wrestler, giving Eden enough time to casually walk around and punch Sumiko in the belly, knocking her out cold. Eden tosses Sumiko over her shoulder and walks off. Round one to Eden.
But Sumiko would not be outdone, as round two starts with Eden on guard, her confidence brimming because of her holstered gun by her side. However… a holstered weapon cannot help if you can’t hear your assailant coming as Sumiko moves in to return the favor. She slaps an HOM on her target and enjoys watching Eden’s struggle to fill her lungs. Eden can only fight for so long before her arms drop to her side and her head begins to wobble like a bobblehead, her body falling completely limp. Sumiko knocks the air out of Eden with a powerful belly punch and tosses her over her shoulder and walks on. Mark one victory for Sumiko.
In true Atemi, back and forth fashion, Sumiko now stands guard waiting for whatever battle arrives at her doorstep. Which comes quicker than Sumiko would probably have hoped as she feels Eden’s arm wrap around her throat and powerfully squeeze it like a constrictor around its prey. Sumiko fights, chokes and scratches but it’s not enough… her eyes roll back in her head as she feels the pressure on her windpipe sending her off to dreamland. Just before she goes out, Eden releases the chokehold and sends a whopping punch to her opponent’s belly. Sumiko tumbles limp to the ground, allowing Eden to pose victoriously over her choked out rival’s unconscious body. Eden… Victory number two.
And now… it’s Sumiko’s turn, as we see Eden arrogantly waiting for her opponent to show up as she feels she has taken a commanding lead in the match. A hole definitely too deep for her opponent to climb out of, but Sumiko shows her grit and tenacity as she sneaks up from behind and locks in a powerful sleeperhold, crushing the neck of her opponent. Eden chokes as her eyes open wide and her tongue sticks out, and is eventually out cold. Sumiko ends this round with a thumping belly punch, pushing out what little air remains in Eden’s lungs and sending her crumbling to the ground unconscious. Sumiko looks at the face of her unconscious opponent with the hopes of leaving her an invaluable lesson on the inherent dangers of overconfidence.
The back and forth action of this assassin style Atemi match does not stop from the very beginning, as these two stunning wrestlers, at the very top of their game, knock each other out with pistol whips, neck chops, belly punches, knockout spray, kicks to the head, syringe attacks, more HOM knockouts and plenty of OTS carries after victory. Administered knockout gas, tandem knockouts, tight sleeperholds, temple pressure point knockouts, nerve pinches, armbar chokes and thunderous low blows leave both Eden and Sumiko (and the viewer) gasping for breath.
Another installment of epic proportions in the Atemi series, the beatdowns and knockouts suffered by both combatants are beautifully crafted for the viewer’s enjoyment. Sumiko and Eden’s unrelenting assault on one another is sure to crown a victor in this rivalry once and for all, but only time will tell who will ultimately come out on top in this marvel of beauty and skill.
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Agents Jacquelyn and Constance have volunteered for a VR demonstration to show off lethal and non lethal sneak attacks. After reporting to the VR station, they emerge into the simulation, wearing their spandex spy-suits. Jacquelyn gets the drop on Constance after sneaking up behind the seated agent and putting her into a sleeper hold, whispering into her ear as Constance’s eyes cross and roll before finally fluttering shut. With her prey knocked out, Jacquelyn indulges in a little boot removal, luxuriating in each moment until Constance starts to come back around, only to be taken out with a nerve pinch to the neck that makes her slump back into the couch once again. After Jacquelyn collects Constance boots for a trophy, she leaves her there, passed out.
In the next round, Jacquelyn hangs out on the couch, as Constance pops up from behind and slaps her into a tight sleeper hold. Jacquelyn struggles as she gasps and writhes, her eyes crossing until her movements weaken and her limbs go slack, eyes closed and passed out. Constance indulges in a little limp-play before removing. Jacquelyn’s’ boots in payback, unzipping them slowly to reveal hose-encased feet. Jacquelyn starts to come to but Constance is ready with a hard right across the jaw, sending Jacquelyn off to dreamland as she picks up her boots and leaves.
And so it goes as the agents take it in turns to attack each other with surprise choking, leg scissors, neck snapping, head presses, dragon sleepers, knockout spray, stabbing, knockout mist, neck slicing, neck stabbing, strangulation, sleeper holds, and stun sticks that leaves Jacquelyn in a drool covered mess. But who is the real winner?
Eye Rolling
Eye Crossing
Sleeper Hold
Nerve Pinching
Dragon Sleeper
Neck Snapping
Boot Removal
Knockout Spray
Knife Play
Knockout Mist
Body Suits
Neck Slicing
Neck Stabbing
Stun Sticks
Neck Snapping
Double Cross
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See special “director’s cut” trailer HERE!!
We fade in on a devious would-be supervillain named Alex threatening SUPER-SPARROW with a hidden bomb, set to be activated from the comfort of her camera-filled lair. Sparrow scoffs at the idea and attacks with belly blows, a body of steel block that nearly breaks Alex’s hand, and a forced foot kiss! Alex promises to hand the detonator over, but when Sparrow opens its casin, she sees that it’s a kryptonite shard! Sparrow gasps and slowly starts to lose her strength as Alex laughs. She forces Sparrow against the wall and presses the shard against her chest until Sparrow slowly goes to sleep, her powers completely gone! Alex takes her cape away and slams a krypto-fist into her jaw, sending her flying…only to finish her off again with a sudden press of the shard into her chest!
Alex continues her torture, pressing the shard into Sparrow’s bare foot and chest, knocking her out yet again. She makes Sparrow kiss her bare feet moments before putting her out for good…pressing the shard against Sparrow’s temple until the heroine finally loses consciousness. A final victory pose seals the deal as Alex emerges triumphant!
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We open up to a dialogue between agent Paisley and technician Faith discussing the specifics of today’s test for the augmented reality training program. Paisley is assigned with defeating each sentry, modeled after Faith, at varying levels of difficulty. Should she fail, the program will be reset and she receives another attempt. Soon after, Faith begins the test and Paisley seeks refuge for her first trial.
Our first sentry awaits the intruder as Paisley quietly sneaks behind and applies a taut sleeperhold that effortlessly devitalizes her as she goes limp in her grasp. An efficient neck snap dispatches Faith before her pulse is checked by the assistant. Paisley then poses over her easily defeated foe.
The next level of challenge is met with Paisley challenging the sentry to a free shot, but Faith is easily subdued with a technical reversal, punt to the groin, daggering neck jab, and clean neck snap that sends her into a convulsing fit before resting. Dissatisfied with the gradual level of challenge, Paisley demands an increase to level 5 and her wish is granted.
For the next sentry things seem meek as Paisley handily locks in a sleeperhold, but is soon countered by a couple elbows to the midsection. The ladies exchange a few punches before Faith gains the momentum and administers a sleeperhold of her own. Paisley is brought down to a knee but an improvised defense leads her to a boot knife that’s driven into Faith’s thigh before being thrusted into her gut multiple times. The defenseless Faith then suffers from a critical throat slit causing her to wither away between Faith’s thighs as she deteriorates. Paisley’s prosperous result then turns the sentires to level 10 where her competition oozes competence..
Paisley’s sneaky approach is caught by Faith and the ladies knuckle up before one another. The beauties exchange facial blows before Faith mounts the advantage and Paisley goes for her trusty knife. Faith exhibits her Judoka skill as an arm shoulder throw flips Paisley to a vulnerable position. Paisley’s then trapped in a rear figure four headscissor as she madly struggles for freedom. With her foe potentially subdued and disarmed, Faith mounts her for a dramatic stabbing, but Paisley reveals more pocket sand as she quickly draws a gun and fires leading to Faith twitching helplessly on her back. Paisley then executes a triple tap with her pistol that puts an end to her writhing adversary. The cocky Paisley is then invited to the “experimental” level 11 sentry and things become more interesting for our heroine.
Paisley goes for her previously attempted sleeperhold on the more capable Faith and eats a flexible head kick for her troubles. An arm flip throw followed-up by a sleeperhold put her in a compromised position. The agent finds herself on the other end of the spectrum as her airway is squeezed till she’s in a slumber. She goes limp in Faith’s grasp before a neck snap leases the rest of the air in her lungs. Faith poses atop her vanquished foe before the next run.
The next test leads to Faith testing her dextrous capabilities as she dodges multiple punches from the aggravated Paisley with her hands behind her back. Faith demonstrates her augment by blocking a punch with her skull and combos into a ferocious groin kick. Paisley falls to her knees in woe but her open throat is thrusted by a trachea tap that spells the end for her battle. A neck snap sends her crashing face forward before Faith poses over her victim.
Paisley ramps up the aggression as a shove from the rear leads to a mounted squeezing of Faith’s windpipe. Faith easily brushes off the assault with a trachea jab of her own that has Paisley clutching her own in anguish. It’s open season on her throat as Faith delivers more thrusts as she gasps in misery. Faith then mounts Paisley’s neck between her ankles as she preps for a vile twisting neck snap that suppresses her.
For the next test Paisley attempts to use a garrote to gain leverage but her rival is far more capable as she’s countered by a single hand choke to overcome her attmept. Faith adequately outlasts her opponent before another foot is placed upon her midsection in dominance. The tide has surely shifted as the momentum is in Faith’s favor.
In the following round Paisley approaches with a knife drawn as she goes for a sleeper plus stab combo, but a few elbows allow Faith to break free. Faith makes short work of her assailant with a critical trachea strike and roundhouse kick that leave Paisley defenseless and gagging. The killing blow is dealt with a throat slit that forces Paisley to convulse in Faith’s lap. Another win pose and slight change to the ruling comes for the next rounds of testing.
The ladies start off face-to-face and Paisley’s frustration is getting the better of her. She recklessly rushes to grapple with Faith, but is swiftly reversed into a guillotine choke that floors her effortlessly. Paisley passes out in Faith’s clutches and is finished with a neck snap before being posed over again.
With three chances left for Paisley to succeed she pulls out all the stops as she tackles Faith to the floor, knife in hand. A massive chest stab is blocked by Faith and the duo tussle in a test of strength before Faith flings her to the side. Faith manages to gain leverage as she mounts Paisley, disarms her, then goes for a brutal throat stab that Paisley manages to block. The pair tussle again but Faith’s superior strength comes into play as the knife is forced into Paisley’s throat making her a gagging convulsing mess. A foot over the chest concludes the round for Faith.
The two knuckle up again and Paisley’s strikes are meaningless to Faith’s superior hand-to-hand skills. Another trachea strike sends Paisley into a gagging daze leaving her ripe to a deadly and skillful technique. Faith rains multiple rapid punches into Paisley’s torso hitting numerous pressure points that result in a delayed reaction sending Paisley into a twitching fit. Faith then wraps herself around Paisley from the front while constricting her airway before a neck snap and win pose end the round.
Knife combat spells the theme for the following round as the twosome tangles for the upper hand. Paisley manages to disarm Faith and get a slice in causing her to become overly confident. Her parade is soon put to an end as a front face kick rocks her to sleep face down on the mats. Faith retrieves both knives before setting her up for a vicious double neck jab that spells defeat for Paisley and another glorious win pose.
Desperate times call for desperate measures as for the last round Paisley pulls a pistol and blasts Faith against the wall. Faith slumps downward into a twitching heap before the presumptuous Paisley demands to be released. To her disbelief Faith stands up from her supposed slaughter and whips a knife from her waistband that is accurately flung into Paisley’s throat. Paisley falls to her knees as she engages in a frenzy of retching and gagging before collapsing face down. She’s overcome with convulsions that slowly fade as her eyelids flutter to a close.
Technician Faith steps out admiring the work of her experiment and thanks the senseless Paisley for her contribution. Unfortunately for Paisley, the technician sees it fit that she recovers naturally as opposed to being reset, sending a message of humility before heading back to her lab. The poor assistant is left attempting to revive the defeated Agent as her talents will soon be needed, but it’s of no use.
Sleeperhold KO
Neck snap KOs
Arm breaker
Crotch kicks
Throat strikes
Throat slit KOs
Single arm shoulder throws
Rear figure four headscissor KO
Limb checks
Triple tap KO
Standing twisting neck snap KO
Garrote choke
Guillotine choke KO
Throat stab KO
Pressure point punch flurry
Frontal seated sleeperhold KO
Face kick KO
Double neck stab KO
Knife throw KO
Win poses
Pulse checks
Eye check
Instant replays
Knife play
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Pretty interested in this production. Do they open for customs or not?
Yes, he posts on his twitter all the time about customs and how to contact him
Email: for customs 🙂
@SKW I saw a preview pic a while back with Tilly as Wonder Woman getting wrecked. Is that coming out soon?
It will be!!!
It’s also available for pre-sale via Send us and email and we can quote you a price!
“Director’s cut” trailer for Super-Sparrow is blocked. Google Drive TOS violation of some sort
should be fixed