“PARASYTE” – a Luciafilms Original Film

The year is 2028. An alliance between Dr. Skullion and MADAM OBLIVION has resulted in the catastrophic collapse of the world as we know it, with only a few heroes and villains having escaped the subsequent round ups. One of these final few rogue freedom fighters is Karol Danvors, once known as Captain Marvelous (Chimera). Responding to rumors that a defunct lab of Skullions holds the key to their defeat, she is ambushed by the insane Parasyte (Christoph) who has rigged the building as a trap for any would-be heroes. This lunatic super-villain maintains his own freedom by using his unique abilities to track down and disable what few meta-humans remain.
Worse, Parasyte has been ordered by Skullion to make use of a machine that creates a digital copy of its victims for the mad Doctor’s eternal enjoyment. To make these copies, the target must endure a gauntlet of pain and pleasure in order to create their digital duplicate.
Will Captain Marvelous defeat Parasyte and escape the trap? Or will she succumb to his fiendish ingenuity and end up slain? Or worse…
The resistance needs the Captain more than ever. May she succeed where so many others have failed before! The future depends upon it.
Producer Notes: This experimental film includes a fair bit of actual impact and connection thanks to the talents and endurance of these particularly skilled performers, pulling in flavors of actual BDSM and physical combat. While not every impact in the film makes real contact, many of them do, lending the combat and endurance scenes a much more realistic feeling than what we can typically accomplish. This goes for implements and physical strikes both. If the film goes over well we will investigate exploring this kind of content further, albeit much like with hardcore offerings, what we can do with who is based entirely on talent preferences.
Huge thank you to Chimera for their amazing first showing! (Sans a brief cameo in Blue Canary!)
Other important news at the bottom of the post.

-Actual Impacts (Read Above)
-Actress Debut
-Powerful Heroine
-Insane Villain
-Lots of Combat
-Superpowers (Plasma/Draining)
-Bear Hug
-Power Draining
-Hair Pulling
-Belly Punches
-Forced Orgasms
-Forced Oral
-Simsex from Various Positions
-Light Nudity
NEWS: Big news on the e-mail front. We’ve decided to give up on our current e-mail service and move it to a more stable one. We really enjoyed our domain name and its custom integration with our website but after years of continued problems we just need to move on. We’ll be updating the website and all locations we can find when we do.
For those of you who do not know we’ve been having issues with our e-mail client for years now, with lost mail, and just… endless endless kickbacks as pictured below. This is what we usually wake up to when when it is e-mail time. We actually respond to most of the e-mails we get and they just get bounced back a week later. It has really caused our communication to suffer over the years. The integration would have been cool if it worked, but it is clear it will not. Time to move on.

In other news, we are extremely aware that payment processing is being a nightmare right now. We can’t/won’t get into it, but suffice to say our genre of entertainment has no end of troubles in that regard. Just know it is being worked on to the best of everyone’s abilities.
In general things are pretty dire right now, but everyone is doing their best. It gets harder and harder, more expensive and more expensive, to do this every year. Thank you everyone who has been, and continues to be patient with all of the invisible battles maintaining a business like this includes. Battles we can’t even talk about for fear of X-Y-Z. Just know that we love the fans, the projects, and that we will keep doing this as long as we are able.
The Luciafilms Team~
Bonus Content – We got scammed!
As everyone likely knows, we make 95% of our outfits in-house thanks to our wildly talented seamstress. However, for an upcoming film, we chose to take a chance on a store bought. The character was Huntress… and well…… We’ll just say. It was. Not. Like. The advertisements….. Behold.

Fortunately, our seamstress carved out the time to make a proper replacement and after a big delay we are thankfully back on schedule! (Sorry for the bad cell phone photos!) The Blue Canary sequel with Huntress will be filmed this week. Look forward to updates on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/luciafilms/ and huge thanks to the client for being patient while this tragedy of fashion was mended, haha. We sure hope some villain doesn’t destroy it!. . . . We can’t wait to film!

Buy this film and many others at-
Some whippings and impacts in this movie are real?
She has bruises and they look real, not heavy ones , but the whips and look real pain
Please Tell me something!
Just had to say love the movie Lucia! The actress for her first time did an amazing job in my opinion and I for one love her look. I have seen some other comments below and I agree with there is just something so hot about seeing a woman that looks like she could kick your ass getting dominated. Hope to see a lot more of Chimera in the future as a heroine. Also her look really reminds of Rhea Ripley if we have any wrestling fans here. Looking forward to your future projects Lucia keep up the outstanding work!
Would love to see Rhea Ripley tied up in a Wonder Woman costume. Love the fact she has a tattoo of Wondy’s face on her right thigh – not that I would ever look at a women’s legs at all.
While I’m also not into heroines with tats..why not? It’s not like the people who complain have complete monopoly over this genre, and while this piece may not exactly be up to some people’s taste, I’m sure it will be to other people and there’s nothing wrong with that. Besides, she seems to have decent acting skills and sells peril quite well As for the upcoming film, can’t wait. Huntress played by none other than Alicia Moon… discovering the dark truth about the corrupted Mckenzie in horror while she herself is probably captured, all bound and humiliated; gagged and drooling… Read more »
They posted some pics of it on their IG. Can’t wait for it
This looks really promising. I was hoping that Lucy and Xiphos would return in their roles from part 1 as well, and there they are. Should be great.
Just looked these up and what a line up. Gonna be an instant buy from me.
Whats their Insta?
When is it coming out?
Loved it! Sure, this actor isn’t the typical superheroine buxom babe type. But it’s kind of fun seeing such a tough looking chick get brought low by a vicious villain. I’ve always had a bit of a fetish for a lesbian heroine getting beaten and forced by a male baddie and this video very much scratches that itch. Hoping for more like this XD
thanks for the great video
I’m looking forward to a sequel with the same actress, same character, and a lot of LOWBLOW with the theme of crotch attacks.
I thought she was great and i’d love to see her again as a hero, big fan!
I don’t like the idea of having a superheroine covered in tatoos and piercings. I completely understand the seek for abilities and look alikes, but in this case I feel like it doesn’t fulfill the intended purpose.I don’t feel interested in getting this one. Lucia has great actresses to perform as heroines
She has more profile to be a villain, (body and attitude).
maybe as a villain, but as a superheroine? hard pass – the tats, hair, and physique don’t really align for a heroine for me
also the costume, while probably very well made, doesn’t work for me at all
till next time!
Chimera did a great job in this video, I would REALLY love to see her as a villain too!
Same here, I loved this vid, I loved how bulky she is. Makes me wanna see Rhonda Rousey as Capt Marvel. She’ll make a great villain someday.
She looks great, and if you don’t like her body, fuck off. The actors who participate in this genre deserve your respect.
It’s called freedom of speech. If you don’t like it move to china , I’m sure the Chinese government deserves respect too
Acting like a douche bag loser incel has nothing to do with “free speech”. You incel losers always try to hide behind that as a reason for acting like a misogynistic turd. Then when someone uses their “free speech” to call you out on your disrespectful behavior, you cry and whine like a hypocritical little 5 year old child, and say something predictable like “go to China”.
Yeah, “freedom of speech” also extends to calling out incel scum like you, mental midget. Cry more about it, loser.
This is the self projecting guy I was referring to
^ This guy thinks that Heroinemovies.com is the government, lol.
You ever watch a movie and think , meh I wasn’t fan of the actress . This is the same thing . The amount of times you say incel comes off as self projecting by the way .
I never called you an incel, that was the other guy.
This is the 100000th time this uneducated opinion has been corrected on the internet, however here it is:
“Freedom of speech” in the US means you can’t be arrested for non-threatening speech. It doesn’t mean you won’t be banned by a messageboard moderator, kicked out of a private place, or that your message is in any way useful.
It also doesn’t mean someone can’t reply and criticize. The same law that protects you protects them as well.
“She looks great” is purely a subjective opinion, which is fine so long as you don’t criticize others for disagreeing. And “deserve” has nothing to do with the matter. Being rude in criticizing an actor or actress is one thing, but voicing one’s thoughts on an actor or actress is fair game.
Even I don’t like tattoo, but I still want to say she is great. I like short haircut and strong body! I especially love those actual impacts. So, thank you for making this movie and hope to see more like this.
I will not buy the movie as I only am into F/F, but I must say I’m disgusted by some comments here in regard to the actress, I think first that she looks great and it seems that she tries hard to sell a performance, therefore respect! Some have long hairs others have short…. I mean come on, really!? I’m looking forward to the future productions from Lucia I’ve been an avid buyer of your studio for a couple of years and I’ve never been underwelmed by any of the films I have purchased, the promess is always kept and… Read more »
I LOVE the actress , the character but please more aoh whipping front and back with bruises and broken costume…
The movie look great, must buy
But please more aoh whip punishment and torture
Any films with Ariana Rogue in the works?
Major respect for your seamstress coming to the rescue! (and fingers crossed that’s Xiphos under that costume…)
Also, I’m fully on board with Chimera. If I had the money I would cast her as some sort of Tomb Raider-style character ASAP.
I’ve been dying to see Coco as Spectre again.
Some of her best work I think!
Have you ever looked into clips4sale for your videos? I’m currently afflicted by the issues with buying from netcode and I’d love to support your videos. I’m not sure about the back room dealings, but if you could set up a clips4sale account, I’d easily buy this video from there.
Some of us like Rocky Road ice cream, and others don’t. Not fair to everyone if they only serve one flavor. I agree—Op’s comment sux.
We whole heartedly agree! On all accounts.
I prefer more nudity and sex.
Well, this has about as much nudity and sex as most of our videos, but certainly not as much as some! Hopefully some of the others on the horizon tickle your interests a little closer to home. ^_^
Hopefully Chimera sticks around, she looks badass af. I’ll admit I prefer a different look for heroines, but I am very excited to see her go. Gonna pick this up to she her acting chops, but I have several ideas that she would be a perfect fit for. And since you are getting your email cleared up I’ll be able to send them to you easily. 😀
Chimera did a fantastic job for their first time! And while certainly an atypical look, we chose them for their endurance and willingness to endure more physically than we typically dish out. Something that is an extreme rarity amongst actors. (Who tend to not like bruises. =P)
Chimera indeed looks like a badass heroine.
Not a fan of tatoos myself but her strong looking body the short hair and the tatoos (especially when the jacked got rid of the sleeves and showing her shoulders) is a great combination.
I hope to see her again.
Main reason i purchased the vid is cuz of the hot looking heroine (thats the reason for most ppl in the genre i think).
P.S. She (Chimera) has THE unyielding superheroine jawline <3
What a damn degenerate comment.
NOTE: LuciaFilms, when you delete this clown please get rid of mine too so I do not like a jerk again. XD
Yes, delete this rudeness.
But that’s such a funny gag at this point. How could we not? (Pointlessly rude comment deleted.)
This sucks the video has alot of themes I love but the short hair just kind of ruins it for me oh well maybe next time.
A fair preference! But the model was chosen for a specific talent, and then we found the closest character we could. Rest assured, 98% of the heroines still have long hair. ^_^
Yep not the feminine character I associate with superheroines. Hope the buyer got what he was looking for but I’ll pass on this.
A superheroine covered in tattoos will always be a complete turn off for me.
A fair preference and one we are pretty aware of. As echoed elsewhere, they were chosen for their abilities first in this film, with us adapting to their looks. We did include a bit of explanation into the tattoo element in the plot though. Namely that in these rough future times, the heroines have gotten a bit more edgy as well.
But we get it! That remains a pretty heavy staple of our hiring practices. Though finding people in portland without tattoos is like looking for a needle in a haystack blindfolded. =P
Please ping me when you get a chance about the custom we have in the works. Looking for a status update. It’s the movie set one
Will do! Pretty sure your e-mail is actually one of the bounce backs that is literally in the photo below. We’ll reach out to you tonight! ♥
Still waiting…
Hey! The new site is not up yet and everything is getting kicked back. Could you message us on Instagram? Barring that we will just message you under a temp address tomorrow. Maddening issue.
DM sent!
Congratulations on your decision to do something about your e-mail troubles. It was long overdue in my opinion.
And I hope that bought costume was as cheap as it looks. Though that’s hardly possible.
If only it was cheap. We got scammed pretty hard. But… you live and you learn.
Im certain im asking for ending spoilers. But I gotta know. What’s happening with the plastic bag at the end there? Is that the ‘imprisonment’ ?
Looks cool
Pretty much! I wish this site had spoiler tags, but we’ll say you’re right on the money. It is extremely brief though, so I wouldn’t buy it for that alone. If that vibe interests you, I highly suggest Toxicity with Xiphos, that has a more feature length aspect like that.
xiphos is bad ass….seeing her massively expanded funbags flop around out of control and hard core to boot as supergirl was a bucket list item come true. thank you.i have all of her videos. love seeing her breast expansion progress over the years. it’s like cheesecake that’s at the perfect level of richness that you can just keep eating and not get tired of. as stated, supergirl is my favorite, and shes perfect in that role. it’s just like…ohhhh ya. thank you lucia. hope she does more. i know it’s a bunny trail from this video but i wanted to… Read more »
what happen next
Only the sales know!
not a fan of the look of the actress. in the very least a wig would have helped. that being said, i recognize different products cater to different bases. in the future, an original ms marvel costume with deep V pussy cut, actress with long blond hair and giant tits like how the comics used to have her before the woke shit where like, they felt she had to be flat chested otherwise girl readers would feel threatened….that’s something i would really look into buying. especially if it has her comic nemesis, “the brood”….id love to see an actress with… Read more »
“giant tits like how the comics used to have her before the woke shit where like, they felt she had to be flat chested otherwise girl readers would feel threatened” god look at this loser. you’re just outing yourself as an idiot if you unironically use the word “woke” little tip: this is a porn site, so things are a little different. but the actual comics and movies are meant for many ages and it makes sense that they dont want the female heroes in ridiculous outfits because they’re understandably trying to reach a bigger audience that “men who want… Read more »
If you can virtue signal on a porn site why can’t he say woke ?
Criticism of a part of the post makes sense, but you can’t make up part of his post Bob. Where did he write “all women should have long hair”? You can imply he is insinuating that, which is a stretch since he’s only referencing a specific Ms Marvel permutation, but you can make up a quote and then criticize the quote you made up!
i didn’t say anything untrue….these people in charge of comics CALL THEMSELVES woke…duh…THEY openly say they gave ms marvel a mastectomy so that the female audience didn’t feel threatened. i merely criticized that factiology calling it “shit” because it presumes that all females cant look at huge bazongas without feeling threatened…when in reality it’s the writers who are pink haired land whales who are writing these comics for their own private office fanfic circle jerk purposes. they dreamed of a day of how they would recreate the comics in their own image, if they ever got in control…and then they… Read more »
yeah, you’re a fucking moron and you dont know what you’re talking about.
typical incel loser. wish this site would do better as to just remove shit like this.
i guarantee ive had more pussy than you. calling people incels because their opinion threatens you personally as a pussy licker wont get real men to back down you limp bud light drinking schlub.
Decades ago women in comics showed much more cleavage. See Phantom Lady and Rulah (great Matt Baker art), and Sheenah.
i got 8 likes, you got 2, including yourself
Will say (as mentioned a few times elsewhere) the model was chosen for their physical abilities and willingness to endure actual impact first, and then a character was picked out that fit them as close as possible. In this case the short hair made them a good fit for that Cpt. variant. Not every movie is going to be exactly the same, nor is every talent going to be down for the same thing. There is definitely an aesthetic we typically veer towards but on occasion a scenario lets us experiment outside of it. In this case being the impact… Read more »
“Talent” XD
Love to see a strong heroine brought low.
Us too!
Have only seen the preview so far, but the actress looks amazing. Very strong and heroine-like. Looking forward to see more of her.
They did an extremely good job with the action scenes. Very fast learner.
Change is good for everyone
not all change is good.
Nice, sorry to hear its so difficult to produce in this industry, i hope you can carry on making your great content for years to come, as you are one of my favourites. Any films with lucy in the works?
Yes! Though unfortunately her next two roles are as a villain. We’ve got something special and focused on her cooking for the future though.
To be honest, i prefer her as a villain, she’s such a great actress.
Not possible to pay with PayPal anymore. Is a shame.
Is a shame guys, wanted to buy the movie, but doesn’t accept my payment methods. Hope you find a solution soon.
Yeah I just saw. Ownership had changed apparently.
I haven’t tried the credit card option since I made an account like 7 years ago, but I do believe debit cards did not work back then or it was US cards only. If they do now I guess it’s not a problem, but if not then uh-oh…
It’s always nice to get a proper update from a producer and Lucia is one of the best at fan interaction. Keep up the great work and hopefully things will get easier/better soon ; D
A lot of great stuff on the way, and far more, we hope!
Hi, Blue or Black Canary sequel? With Mackenzie again?
It is the sequel to Blue Canary, yes! And McKenzie will indeed be in it. Picking up from her last predicament.
has mckenzie got a breast growth fluctuation like xiphos? she seemed to have lost some size but then started to swing back the other way. would love to see a plumper version of her.
any way we can get a superheroine bra size chart? would like to see how the heroines stack up.
You should ask her directly on instagram or her onlyfans! Phrase it just like that. I’d be curious to see how she responds. Please report back!
whats her instagram or onlyfans? hard to find witho only a first name. i’ll definitely get back to the community if i find out!
iriswitch on ig, her OF is posted on here somewhere if you search it.
Her OF is psyche_della_luna