“Scarlet Betrayal” from Lucia Films

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Sugarcoater avatar
6 years ago

Speaking of sequences we like, I love seeing the heroine held up by her top. The villain grips the top part of the uniform and stretches it out as he drags her up to her knees or pulls her around the room.

6 years ago

I saw the video and I just want to congratulate the studio for their decision (well, that’s a custom but it still counts) to create a peril video with not a superheroine in it! Don’t get me wrong, I like superheroines as well, but you can see them everywhere these days. It’s good to see a police story once in a while! Coco in her business attire/agent uniform is amazing and I would really like to see her in the same outfit more than once. The only thing that I would add to the video is more strangulation (and especially… Read more »

Max avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Dr

Yes the business outfit is very nice and sexy! Its a pity for me, that there is no chloroform content in this clip. Would be nice to see her again in that outfit with maybe at least one chloroforming scene. Or see Coco anyway in a future clip from Lucia getting the chloth, you guys did such a good job in Prisoner Eternity for this kind of K.O. method

redmanx avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

I think Coco looks even hotter and sexier in these everyday clothes! This is the best performance Ive yet seen from Coco. I was not always so enamoured with her acting abilities but now I believe she is one of the very best in the genre. The movie itself is excellent with a very good, believable plot and two excellent villains and incredibly brutal, well choreographed fights which Coco handles superbly, as she does the sexual content. Lucia Films are setting a spanking pace!

Endofallthings avatar
6 years ago

Well..it’s the “Dark Universe”…dare I ask…does Scarlet survive beyond the end of the video? It’s not a deal breaker for me if she does, but I do like a bad end…

Endofallthings avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

Just the answer I was looking for…you have a customer!

BigZee avatar
6 years ago

Although I rarely purchase HIP and SHIP videos, I bought Scarlet Betrayal as I was intrigued by the trailer and the possibility of the film containing sustained combat action. I was not disappointed. I have to say that this is a pretty terrific video. It is a first rate production; lighting, cinematography and camera angles are great. I was most impressed with the combat action, it was sustained back and forth action with the heroine holding her own throughout much of the film. She is gradually worn down until she is defeated, quite the beatdown. The number of punches and… Read more »

redmanx avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Jacques

I totally agree!

6 years ago

I just wanted to pop in to give my review of the movie. I’m the one who ordered this custom. 🙂 I was all around very impressed with the movie. I asked for brutal action and boy did Lucia films deliver. The choreography is the best I’ve seen in the genre. There are tons of creative moves on display here, and lots of hard hits. A lot of SH films where the heroine is double teamed tend to have one villain stand around and watch while the other does all the work. I’m very happy that this is not the… Read more »

6 years ago

Does it contain KOs or just beatdowns?

6 years ago
Reply to  Mibo

As I have bought it now, I have to say it’s great. But some more KOs would have been great. Other than that it’s really fantastic…new level…

6 years ago

Purchased. Fight somehow goes through 3 phases while still remaining fresh. Heroine gets legitimately defeated each time she succumbs to the villains – it doesn’t feel forced by the script. The pacing of this video was outstanding – someone took care to ensure that each portion/phase of fighting, humiliation, and sexual peril lasted exactly as long as it needed to before it felt drawn out. And that ending. It was refreshing as hell to not see an absurd build up to those last moments. You get to see the heroine defeated from multiple angles like many fans enjoy, but then… Read more »

Teh Nub
Teh Nub
6 years ago

To those who bought, could anyone tell me how much belly punching there is in this? Specifically how much belly punching while she still has her clothes on?

6 years ago
Reply to  Teh Nub

Also, just to piggyback, how many low blows?

redmanx avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Teh Nub

I lost count!

Raymond Reddington
Raymond Reddington
6 years ago

For those who were anxious to buy this, the product is online on the SHG website.

6 years ago

I purchased it as soon as it went online. I really enjoyed it, Coco put in a great performance as did the rest of the crew. The fight scenes are very good.

6 years ago

Looks really great! In my opinion, Lucia Films is a rising star in this Genre.

6 years ago

I like Coco.But some new actress in our genre would be very welcome. Just my opinion.

Bobb avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Fite

I’m with you 100%. Then again as a Layla fan I certainly wouldn’t complain if she was in this many movies.

6 years ago
Reply to  Fite

Some more Ashley Lane Videos would be great but Coco is always a good choice too

Darkwrath016 avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Fite

Here’s my hot take on this one. I feel as though this is just a natural consequence of customs era we now live in. That along with Coco, who is an R-rated actress, living in the same area as so many other producers who for reasons unbeknownst to me all seem to live in the pacific northwest. Coco is probably just the most available and cheapest R rated actress (no offense). Virtually all the others save for Amber and Belle, live in California. That just means having to dish out more upfront cost for hotel room, transportation and air fare… Read more »

cratchit avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

I am sorry about the past tense, “was considering”. I would love to read such an article!

BigZee avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

I am a co producer/executive producer. I work with a French producer and we use only French women. I pay for the complete custom. Usually we do a two day shoot with plenty of outdoor footage. There was even a scene filmed right at the entrance of Le Louvre and one inside an airport terminal. My story focused videos feature a lot of dialogue as per a very detailed script. Yes the films can be quite expensive, north of $3000.

6 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

I hope she doesn’t burn out.

Her frequent experience is probably helping her raise the bar to the point that out-of-towners may not be able to clear it.

6 years ago
Reply to  Fite

I personally don’t mind seeing same actress repeatly, as long as she performs different ways in those videos. For example, Coco’s acting in the last couple of Lucas work is fairly refreshing, and IMHO , superior to many her previous works. As long as we keep that it’s fine to me…

HonestFish avatar
6 years ago

the first one was awesome. all of the dialogue that hinted at what happened before made it all feel more personal. so glad that one is being made about their past!

Kevlar avatar
6 years ago

Looks amazing! Those low blow situations look especially awesome, a lot is to do with the reaction shot and Image-13 looks great! Love the Secret Agent angle. Love the skirt. Love the panties. And loving what looks like more combat action. I only recently picked up Scarlet Reunion, but really enjoyed the number of times Coco fought back in that one. The fight choreography and camera angles looked especially professional too, a step up from what I’m used to. Even the sexual scenes which I don’t normally care much for much were particularly good e.g. Coco actually getting her crotch… Read more »

Darkwrath016 avatar
6 years ago

2nd time in as many videos you’ve intrigued me Lucia. Definitely getting this one when it comes out.

6 years ago

So I’m guessing the tentacle one is out late this month/early next month can’t wait. You seem to be a great editor by the timing of filming and the length of time before upload.

6 years ago

Nice haha