Slave Wonder Womyn “Bondage Punishment”

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8 years ago

I have to defend @Bert, a) because all he did was express his opinion honestly, and he didn’t deserve the backlash, and b) he’s right. Hollywood is a beautiful girl, and I believe @Maxfrost when he says she’s a consummate professional. But her videos are beyond tame and lame–and for me it’s because of the incredible restrictions she has on what she will (and won’t) do or allow. I’m sorry, but if a guy has a woman as a sex slave and can’t even TOUCH HER BREASTS–well, suffice it to say I am unable to suspend my disbelief to that… Read more »

Maxfrost avatar
8 years ago

Hi Folks, For what it’s worth I’ll add my two cents as well. I’ve known Hollywood for a while and have worked with her a number of times. She is nothing less than a consummate professional and simply put is one of the best in the business. Keep in mind that she works with a lot of producers and some videos might come out better than others, but to say the production values are bad and the editing is poor in her videos seems to be coming out of left field. I’m not quite sure which ones Bert is referring… Read more »

BigZee avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Maxfrost

Re Bert,
Consecutive criticisms are not part of his vocabulary. If you ever see one, please do let us know.

BigZee avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Big Zee

That is a good effort but it needs some fine tuning.

8 years ago
Reply to  Big Zee

Don’t flatter yourself. I was responding to Maxfrost’s mention of constructive criticism, not your trolling post about consecutive criticism.

BigZee avatar
8 years ago
Reply to  Bert

I am flattered. You still have a few things to learn about constructive criticisms but you are making progress. Perhaps you can learn something from mine.

8 years ago
Reply to  Big Zee

Well let’s see…you’ve made three posts on this thread so far, and every one of them has been a personal attack on me and had absolutely nothing to do with the video or producer in question. You’ve collected 5 down votes for your efforts. My posts have pointed out problems I’ve noticed with the producer, and though critical, have been up voted 4 times. Now add the fact that you, by vote, are the most hated poster on this forum and yet continue to instigate trouble out of some sick desire to annoy people. That’s what I’ve picked up from… Read more »

8 years ago
Reply to  Maxfrost

Okay, full court press against me for being critical of Hollywood. That’s fair, I guess. Constructive criticism? Sure. If you want to charge top dollar for your vids (over a buck per minute) then show your customers some respect and make the vids professional. Don’t sell videos with sound problems. Don’t offer 3 pictures (sometimes blurry) and a written description as the only promo. Everyone does trailers now. If a performer blurts out the wrong name in a shot, take the time to do it again, don’t just leave it in. There’s some constructive criticism. But I doubt anything will… Read more »

8 years ago

Just wanted to give a BIG Thank you to” Bert” ! His slamming of “Hollywood” saying she can’t sell a stomach punch is pretty funny! Has he ever seen any of “The Trap series”? Perhaps not…. She has been in hundreds if not thousands of catfight/wrestling productions including DT, Maxfrost, Femmefatales, JMRolen to name a few… HP has over 750 great looking vids available at her site. She was also voted one of the best jobbers out there, making her newest opponents look great! So thank you “Bert” for your 2 cents, you just peaked many new customer interests in… Read more »

8 years ago
Reply to  HPM

Hey, if you feel like some criticism from me will increase interest in your site I’m happy for you. I’m pretty sure I called you a legend and praised some of your work too. I’ve been watching since the GLOW days, so I’m aware of what you’ve done. My point is simply that your videos haven’t shown much improvement over the years, while other companies have come to the fore and surpassed you in quality. It’s not personal. I’m sure you have a loyal fan base that keeps you in business. Good luck.

8 years ago
Reply to  Bert

We at Hollywould Productions do not mind constructive criticism, in fact, we are open to any suggestions that fans may have. However, we would prefer direct emails to us at rather than seeing it on an open forum.

If you have ideas for us to improve our videos, by all means please let us know.

8 years ago

This is a truly amazing video.

Hollywood looks hotter than ever in her “Slave” attire.

This is definitely a video to have even if others think otherwise, Hollywood is still one of the best in the game and a true legend of the craft.

Get this video and discover how great she truly is!!

8 years ago

Hollywood is a legend in the genre. There’s just no denying it. She did a wrestling vid for DT quite a few years ago now in a yellow and black bikini against that big dude that does most of their mixed stuff. Fantastic match. I’ll probably take some heat for this, but I find her own videos pretty awful. The production values are pretty bad and the action is pretty bad. Sometimes they are so poorly edited that there are scenes with her correcting other performers. And she’s never learned how to sell a stomach punch. Her belly always moves… Read more »

8 years ago

I’m a big fan of Hollywood’s videos…….she’s got a TON of great stuff out there. I would have more of these videos I just don’t like the downloading process. It’s the only time I have to buy “Tokens”……I think I got my downloads on the clips site which I hardly ever check out anymore. “The Beat Goes On” is one of my favorite Hollywood vids with her and Francesca…….amazing.