“Spectrum v Sister Fate” from NGC Championship

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mid2018 avatar
6 years ago

Can those who purchased this video comment on the debooting sequence?

RobHinx avatar
6 years ago

This is the first video featuring Spectrum that I’ve bought. I must admit that I thought some were facial expressions during the beat down were a bit wide of the mark; it’s almost as though she’s portraying horror rather than pain. Having said that, her sobs towards the end, when Sister Fate is really putting the hurt on her were spot on, she sold that beautifully. I like the way she cried out ‘Please let go’ in a similar to Bluebird in Broken Wings II. That figure of eight hold (apologies I don’t know if that’s the right name) is… Read more »

6 years ago

Spectrum is such a babe

6 years ago

I’d love to see Sister Fate destroy Hotshot on the ring.

Mr.Bleh avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Deckard

Yeah!…but make it a real back-and-forth, with both heroines “on the ropes”, so to speak, alternatively. Lots of bearhugs (please), with the point of the match being that one has to successfully hog tie the other….oh yeah, I’d buy that one!

6 years ago
Reply to  Mr.Bleh

Me, i’d rather that it would be Sister Fate giving Hotshot a one sided beatdown with lots of punches to the face. Hotshot has a lovely long hair and i think face punches are great to capitalise on the beauty that is to see hair flowing about from a reaction from being punched hard. I’m not particaully a fan of prolongued wrestling action like bearhugs and all other wrestling fight stuff. They can be great to look at moderation but most fight sites, and this is no exception, i’m affraid to say, overextend those sequences. While at the same time… Read more »

6 years ago

So hot

Darkwrath016 avatar
6 years ago

On one hand, I am SUPER stoked for the return of Spectrum, my all time favorite heroine/actress combination. This actress in my opinion is just amazing to watch on screen. I love watching her portrayal of the mighty heroine Spectrum. She’s the best. This also looks to be an epic one sided beatdown and humiliation which I’m all in for. On the other hand, I can’t bear watching my beloved heroine slide further into jobber territory with an upcoming record of 0 wins and 3 losses. There wasn’t even a poll so one can assume that this was such a… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

Funny enough, i prefer to see my favorite heroines lose a fight in the Championship arena.

Darkwrath016 avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Deckard

99% of the time, it’s the case that I prefer watching heroines lose. Spectrum’s a little different. Between NGC’s story arch, the way they’ve written Spectrum and the actress’s portrayal of her, I’ve come to care way more about Spectrum as a character than I do as a heroine in peril. Unfortunately, that’s having unintended and frankly ironic consequences.

6 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

I read you, friend. I really understand you. Its just that for me female heroes, including super heroines like in NGC, i always prefer to see a female hero to eirher lose a unballanced fight in her disfavour or to see her lose a fight or even at the recipient of a one sided beatdown. For some reason, i connect and sympathise kmore with female heroes if they are the recipient of prolongued punishments in a fight. And always if they have long hair, as i love to see the hair flowing around as reaction to a strong punch or… Read more »

mid2018 avatar
6 years ago

Are both of Spectrum’s boots debooted?

6 years ago

Can this be released on Friday please, looks awesome cannot wait!

6 years ago

YES! The mighty Spectrum debooted! Just look at that lovely nylon covered foot!

6 years ago
Reply to  Spectrumfan

I noticed that foot fetish, namely debooting fetish, is quite prevalent among fem fight fans.
Me, it’s seeing long hair (especialy blonde, light brown or red) flowing about as reaction from the impact of a strong punch/punches/kicks to the face.

6 years ago

Ha! Not leaving this one up to a vote? It’s almost like you know exactly how that would end up, already.