Spider-Gwen vs Punisher (First Look) + Conversation and Podcast from SHL

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shzam avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Looking good, now just waiting for that email

On the trailer the grunts and flash of skin shown are starting to tingle my brain into guesses but don’t have a clue at the moment. Maybe Coco with her resurgence but doesn’t really fit…

Keen to have my questions answered!

2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

One of the things I like most from what I’ve seen of this trailer are the grunts the actress makes as she gets hit. The grunts and moans should not only fit the intensity of the hits, but also sound like the actress is actually getting hit, as opposed to sounding like they’re getting turned on, which is a common problem in the heroine peril genre. This is an aspect of peril that is overlooked by some, but can be a deal breaker for me. Often times when an actress gets hit it sounds less like they’re in pain and… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Dankian
yodafan avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Excited to see who the actress is. Is “Option 1” the one that you ended up going with?

2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Will Nathan Bronson be playing the punisher and while this is soft core will we still be seeing any nudity from the male performer? Thanks for the update!

2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Thank you!

2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

any news about the release?

Juanman8 avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Is the release soon?

1 year ago

prefer super girl,could you please add more scene of playing with her feet

2 years ago

When I clicked on the download button, it took me to a page that read, “Thank you for your preorder. Continue to look at HM for updates.” At first the download page said I had 5 attempts to download, now it is saying I only have 4. What should I do? Should I stop attempting to download so I don’t use up all my attempts?

Last edited 2 years ago by Dankian
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Okay. Thank you for your response.

ak_fan avatar
2 years ago

Ouuuuuu boy the trailer looks good. Any ETA on the finished product?

2 years ago

when the film will be released?

PartsUnknown avatar
2 years ago

Since you’re doing Spider-Gwen, I’d love to see your take on a Gwenpool peril film.

PartsUnknown avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Fair enough, I just like the Gwenpool costume.

bigums avatar
2 years ago

Soooo… The new girl on the block is Lily Lou, the first and so far the only actress (that I can think of) to do hardcore for another great SHIP producer. And let me tell you, she’s the total package. Acting, athletic, can throw a punch, can take a beating, and she can f**k too! I almost forgot that part. And if my eyes and ears didn’t deceive me, I think she likes the genre. If you haven’t seen the video, which shall remain nameless, for I don’t like trampling on a producer’s stream, do yourself a favor and watch… Read more »

bigums avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Awwww maaaannnn!!!! If, at first, you don’t succeed, yada, yada, yada. This one, too, “Third time’s a charm.” Do we need to blast her various pages to tell her that she’s missing out? But you know what? I can take solace in the fact that your eye for talent is on point as always.

bigums avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Fair enough.

Juanman8 avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  bigums

I saw the video she was so good. She definitely enjoyed herself in the video. Definitely one of the best Wonder Woman vids I’ve seen

2 years ago
Reply to  Juanman8

Anyone want to point me in the direction of said video? I’m interested to know.

D_Hoffryn avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  FilthyMaggoy


TheLecher avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Did the email regarding The Killing Joke get sent, or is that still planned for the future? I’m pretty sure that I preordered, but I haven’t seen an email, and want to be sure not to miss it.

shzam avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Obligatory end of month message of any update 🙂

Will say that regarding your above message around economy downturn while it hasnt really effected me what id kicking me in the teeth with these purchases is the exchange rate… As an Australian i’m getting shafted with a 0.65 AUD to USD rate…

2 years ago
Reply to  shzam

any news when it will be released?

2 years ago
Reply to  Mau

That’s one of the reasons I don’t pre-order anymore.
There can always be something in between, but I find this waiting and polite inquiries simply shit.
So when a Movie/Custom comes out, watch the trailer, you find it interesting, you buy it. Easy.

AWS Man avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

I never received this, just want to make sure I’m on the preorder list as I should be.

AWS Man avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

I’m aware, I’m saying I never received the email you said was sent to preorder customers.

AWS Man avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

I had preordered the Abbie Batgirl movie, but after the trailer was released I’d messaged you on this site asking if I could apply the preorder to the Killing Joke movie instead. You agreed at the time, but either the PMs on this site are broken right now or it’s deleted that conversation for some reason, so hopefully that triggers your memory or else I guess I’m out of luck.

2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

17 days ago – “I will write more on the forums soon“.
To this day – Nothing on the forum.

Dr G avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Get well soon !

2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Hope it leaves you as it found you.

Victor avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

I hope you get better soon.

seth887 avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

There are some news?

2 years ago
Reply to  887887

Of course no hah

Sugarcoater avatar
2 years ago

Just wanted to mention that any work with Alina Lopez is always an instant buy for me. With the outstanding Batgirl costumes used so far, I can only imagine how hot Alina would look wearing that outfit (or a shiny Supergirl outfit).
Loved the unmasking revelation of Alina as Spidergirl; hoping for a similar such surprise with Spider-Gwen.

Sugarcoater avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Thanks for the heads up, and thank you for making the films you did with her before she moved on. She was fantastic. Definitely two of my favorite purchases in the genre (and I highly recommend checking them out to anyone who has not yet).

dbr000kerst avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Damn!! That’s bad news.

2 years ago

Is it to late to pre order

2 years ago

Hey Damien still looking forward to watching this vid! Can you look into Brick Danger? He is a good performer and he has history with this type of work he played the joker in a primal fetish video and a ninja in another.

TheLecher avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  CovenWitch

He also did a number of pseudo-rape scenes for the Fetish Network.

Juanman8 avatar
2 years ago

is their any current update?

Dr G avatar
2 years ago

Would you consider making another movie with Riley Reyes ? Your other movies with her are great !

KOBEBRYA8j avatar
2 years ago

I would like the video as a hard core over a soft core especially since the actress doesn’t spread. Debooting thos converse is great thinking and more sex screen time. I’m fine with making a purchase of this film and I hope financially you’ll be able to reshoot soon because the hard core is so good!

Last edited 2 years ago by KOBEBRYA8j
KOBEBRYA8j avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Thank you for responding to my comment. If it’s just soft core I don’t think it’s a terrible idea as is then. I hope to see it soon

2 years ago

I will probably buy this film looks nice but to be honest I am very much looking forward to the zatanna voice over out of curiousity and obviously you don’t have to answer I was just wondering how long will the voice over be like is it just a few lines or will we be hearing whats going on in her head for alot of the film was just wondering keep up the good work.

Tonyxxx avatar
2 years ago

Can she orgasm in flims ? If she not orgasm I dont buy this

Tonyxxx avatar
2 years ago

Tags orgasm or not orgasm ?

2 years ago

Forced O?

2 years ago

“Sex scene: 6 minutes (estimated based on current edit)” – I’m little disappointed because of only 6 minutes sex minutes. I will buy it, but I wait when second trailer came out.

2 years ago

I pre-ordered it. 🙂

2 years ago

Definitely pre ordering this one! Very interested to see the fight scene in this one. Can you look into Aaron Wilcoxxx? He is pretty hot and I’ve seen him in similar content!

2 years ago

I hope there will be some wetting scenes in the film

2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

scenes which the heroine pees and wets her costume and the floor

Mr.Bleh avatar
2 years ago

Damien, I did read through all of that and just want to say thank you for explaining the situation you’re in right now. I think, sometimes, we as the general consumer, don’t realize how much of a Herculean effort it takes to make even one of these videos, and here you are balancing multiples (probably on a regular basis, by this time). I doft my chapeau to thee, sir. As for your question, I’m good with a softcore unmasking video with a short sex scene. I’d take it as is. It would help you keep your other projects rolling and… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Mr. Bleh
2 years ago
Reply to  Mr.Bleh

Are you referencing Paul Reiser from Aliens? That is a deep cut my friend.

2 years ago
Reply to  phoxy_brown

Perfect company man for Weyland Yutani.

Mr.Bleh avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  phoxy_brown

Exactly….but it was Alien II.

Mr.Bleh avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  phoxy_brown

Yes, that is the one of the roles I was referring to.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mr. Bleh
2 years ago

This looks really cool! Is Nathan playing the punisher? I would prefer option 1 I can’t wait to see this film! I look forward to seeing more of your great work keep doing your thing man!

2 years ago

Interested in making another film with death ending?

2 years ago

Just pre-ordered. I’m usually pretty picky with what I spend money on and this is the first time I’ve pre-ordered something without a trailer but like others have said you’ve definitely earned my trust over time and I’m more than fine for you to go ahead with option 1 (hoping reshoots are an option though if viable). Also I’m a sucker for spider-gwen.. 😀

2 years ago

How much to get a de-shoeing?

Nobody avatar
2 years ago

I would be fine with as is. If it’s ok of me to ask; I am curious if there are any KO’s?

Nobody avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Cool. Thanks for the response. That is enough to move my casual interest into pre-ordering action.

2 years ago

I’m just curious, Even though this is softcore, is this a first or rare appearance of softcore action for the actress involved?
I don’t need to know who she is, but If its someone who normally doesn’t go outside of PG content, that would make this even more interesting and exciting.

2 years ago

Not a fan of the converse shoes even if they are canon, but also I don’t care much about her hair colour…but it may only be me because in my ideal world she wouldn’t be unmasked…just fight and loose and suffer a humilliation (maybe torn costume) like the Invincible Angels videos from the old Sooperhero site. And man this is just a pipe dream…but having filmed an Spider Girl and now Spider Gwen video, a Silk film to complete a trilogy of Spider themed heroines would be killer, even if only half her face is covered so it wouldn’t fall… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by F L
2 years ago
Reply to  F L

Well my post wasn’t edited correctly, I say release it as is. You have explained your position and made clear the cicumstances. If the film does well, you can shoot something similar in the future for the fans of it if you feel you need to make up for the short sex scene!

Hope this does well!

2 years ago

It would be good to sell one movie at a low price and discuss the production of two films depending on the purchase requirements.
Personal preference: I like unmasking. I like the scene where I feel helpless.
Spider Gwen is a blonde, so if necessary, a wig or a yellow-haired woman would be nice

2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

If there are many buyers, it means to make the next episode.

2 years ago

I hope Damien will do a film with a spider girl character who wears pantyhose under the suit. So the de-costuming scene will reveal her second layer vulnerability

2 years ago

any bondage elements? gags? blindfolds?

nijigensaikou avatar
2 years ago

Whatever the choice you make, I will just order it. I Love SpiderGwen! Thank you for this work!

2 years ago

You’ve proven yourself on more than enough occasions for me to pick option 1. It’s clearly outlined, so as the consumer I know exactly what to expect with my purchase. I’ve never been disappointed with a purchase yet going back to Uninvited #1. As others have said, it would be better to proceed forward and keep the momentum going with future projects rather than spend time on reshoots. I view this as a one-off project that satisfies the tastes of a couple of us out there and not the norm, so I’m cool with that. Sorry to hear that you… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  phoxy_brown

Add Silk to the list!! And with no converse shoes or similar, bodysuits have that second skin appeal I don’t see the point in boots ^^

(Your preview pic is a perfect example)

dbr000kerst avatar
2 years ago

….forgot to mention. Really like the SH podcast idea.

dbr000kerst avatar
2 years ago

Option 1: As-Is. Have learned to like the hardcore sexual content but probably because you do it well but don’t think I would miss it if it were not there. I am a big fan of the cocky heroine putting up a strong fight before ultimately losing scenario. One of the reasons why your Alina-Spidergirl movie ranks up there as one of my all time favourites. May I ask if there is a similar fight sequence or sequences in Spider Gwen? Needless to say it’s a buy for me. Not sure why but also really like the fact that I… Read more »

dbr000kerst avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Many thanks Damien.
As already stated, it’s a buy from me.

2 years ago

I’m going to guess the actress is Coco. She’s been popping up recently with a bunch of different studios and Damien stated the actress only does softcore

TheLecher avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Jimbo

Damien also stated that this actress doesn’t do “spread shots.” Unless my memory is playing tricks on me, I’ve seen at least full frontal from Coco in the past, and I think spread shots, too.

2 years ago
Reply to  TheLecher

yeah, I thought Coco too, until he said no spread shots. Could be anyone at this point. I love the excitement. My other guess is McKenzie. She seems to be branching out into other studios now.

Gog1000 avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  TheLecher

She’s done one that I know of. Not Super Heroine stuff though. “Waiting for Marriage” from her early days. Spread that is.

Last edited 2 years ago by Gog
Hual avatar
2 years ago

I am sure that your “final” Option = sale on your old videos would also bring quite an amount of money

2 years ago

Honestly, I don’t like sex, personally. Which is why I don’t buy from this subgenre. It’s expensive and irrelevant to me. The forty dollar price tag on this one might make the cut but I’ll have to see the trailer first. Maybe sooner if you’re usually will pass, but people like me MIGHT even it out. Just something to think about.

2 years ago
Reply to  Miles

Yeah I would take a long fight and the heroine gradually being hummiliated and worn out rather than sex….sex at the end maybe as a finisher but not my cup of tea.

I bought the Spider Girl one for the heroine and the fight even if short was at least long enough, but the price tags don’t justify this most of the time.

2 years ago
Reply to  Miles

I feel you. Im more in for the sexual perils than the straight up penetrative sex

Jackreacher2557 avatar
2 years ago

Love your work! I would love option 2 as I have loved all your hardcore work, but I can understand it’s the actress preference, and can work with the as is release, I LOVE your unmasking releases! Would love to see a hardcore sequel!

herosmasher avatar
2 years ago

Option 1 and would love a good superheroine podcast

2 years ago

I’m gonna make my predication; Gwen is Melody Mark

shzam avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Batman2

That was my guess originally as well. But we now know the model is probs softcore only….

Would have loved melody as Gwen though. She fits the bill perfectly.

TheLecher avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Batman2

Melody Marks does hardcore.

2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Is she available for customs?

Mr.Bleh avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Too bad. I’d LOVE to see a sequel to Therapy.

Maskripper Org
Maskripper Org
2 years ago

Oh yeah! Looking much forward to this one and can’t wait to see a trailer or more images. I love the whole unmasking movie idea where you don’t know who is behind the mask! Love your movie with spider-woman as it offers so much of what I love. A great costume and mask, a hot actress, peril, gassing, and a VERY good unmasking. For future unmasking movies I would recommend: Spoiler. The version with the full face mask. I imagine a black latex mask would be great for unmasking struggle as it stretches very nicely. The unmasker could then yank… Read more »

Maskripper Org
Maskripper Org
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Well, I am hoping you will do more!
But if not, any videos with great unmasking struggles, mask damage, unmasking attempts, and unmaskings are HIGHLY appreciated… at least by the unmasking community 😉
P.S.: I already pre-ordered it and made a post on the special forum to promote it a bit.

Last edited 2 years ago by Maskripper Org
Toxic Janitor
Toxic Janitor
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

I did my part

yu266734 avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

I did my part. Looking forward to this video.

2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Option 1 has my money. If a different version happens, that’s good too.

shzam avatar
2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Did my part 🙂

To clarify is the release date:”next month… maybe” now locked into next month?

Was the only thing putting the release at risk the options (1,2,3) and now you’ve locked in for us to be happy for 1 before purchase we can look forward to it? Any indication of begining, middle or end of month?

Obviously there’s always unknowns as your in the middle of editing but keen for the release as soon as possible?

2 years ago

I’ll buy as-is. I like that it’s cheaper, and unmasking gets me excited to see if it’s someone I know or a new actress. I prefer the hardcore, but I am ok with softcore since it’s cheaper. Some of my favorite actresses only do softcore i.e. Coco

2 years ago
Reply to  Damien Woods

Random thought in actresses, would love to have Mia Malkova back in the genre. Now that she is enhanced, she would fill the costumes differently than before. Love her big or small, up top

Uh avatar
2 years ago

I’ll be down for option 3, love the unmasking. Also always keeping an eye on the Killing Joke! Thanks for the honesty

Dr G avatar
2 years ago

For me: 1) Sell the Spider Gwen film as is. Bad things like this happen to everyone. Better to focus on future films than waste money to try and fix/make it better. I’ll probably still enjoy it as is 🙂 2) Would not mind a sale of your films, especially some of the older ones that I might be missing. 3) Crazy idea to help you recoup money, but what if you did a group custom where you control everything for the film but people can contribute money for elements/ideas that they want to see and that you approve of.… Read more »

cy061127 avatar
2 years ago

The screenshots look amazing, Damien!
I am definitely going to pre-order it, and I would prefer Option 2. But I don’t really mind if you release the film as is. Hope this helps!

2 years ago

Besides it being short are you happy with how the sex scene plays?

2 years ago

I’m fine with any of the options for Spider Gwen. I’ll gladly buy AS IS, or gamble on the possibility of a reshoot. I’m in it for the character, actress reveal, and hopefully some beatdown. Thanks for the transparency and keep being awesome!