“Starshot v Hotshot” from NGC Championship

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6 years ago

Next time we get a one sided beat down in ring can we get the Heel to do some fake pins on the girl she’s beating up? Like break up the pin without the girl kicking out for more punishment before finally finishing her off? And maybe day something like “I’m not done with you yet” or “you’re not getting out of this so easy” and laugh about it?

Darkwrath016 avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Bobster

This has actually happened before though. Check out Virtue v Miss Suppression championship match where Miss Suppression either two or three times knocked Virtue to the ground, pinned her and before the count of three pulled her off the mat to continue punishment.

6 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

Nice dude, didn’t know I’ve downloaded most of the one sided matches but must’ve missed that one. Would still like to see it again. Or an Iron woman match thats totally one sided and the heroine gets pinned a ton of times. I think another guy mention this idea already on another video thread but I have to say I agree with this idea too!

6 years ago

Hey, thanks for getting back. No I don’t have that one. Not a big fan of Zillions outfit, wayyy too covered up for me. Would like something like that with any of the more scantily clad heroines on the receiving end though. I may stop check this recommendation out going to look for preview pics now.

Jeff avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Bobster

You really should check it out! She may be more covered than the other heroines but she really is a knockout, so to speak. And I must say so is Harbinger. if anything their acting pretty awesome in my opinion. I really loved the way Harbinger moved in Season 3 episode 7 or 8 I believe

Dr_Mabuse avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

Yeah, if you like to see a heroine really put through the ringer, Harbinger v Lucy Z is a must-have. I’m not a fan of Lucy’s outfit either, although my problem is more with the color (looks like a sports club uniform) than with the coverage or fit (the fit is *very good*). Harbinger is great as well, her look and her moves.

Darkwrath016 avatar
6 years ago

Sigh. I haven’t stopped re-watching this since it came out. Starshot is such an amazing woman and such a beautiful heroine to watch. I pray to the gods that we see much more of her in 2018. There can never be too much Starshot.

6 years ago

If every episode from now on is starring with Starshot i wont complaint. Loved the video. Loved the girls. Loved the member gift with the stunning infinity girl. Loved starshot long hair.

6 years ago

On a much lighter note, I’m a huge fan of Hotshot’s hair. Its stunning to look at. I hope she doesn’t do like Wonderstrike and cuts it shorter.

Darkwrath016 avatar
6 years ago

Let’s start this review off with Starshot. It’s one thing to see pictures of her and say, “oh my god! She’s gorgeous”. Quite another to see her in a video. And quite another thing to see her in a video of high quality and little grain. I was totally captivated by her throughout the video. Naturally of course anyone who’s enjoyed Starshot’s previous work will find a lot to like here as well as she hasn’t lost a step in her selling ability of peril. Like I’ve said before, besides making the right noises in pain (oh wow that sounded… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

I really enjoyed your post. I don’t agree with everything but that doesn’t prevent me from enjoying the read.
I do have to add to you also my desire to see Hotshot in her own adventures. I’m sure the NGC people have something interesting planned up for her. And like you said, i do hop it involves quite a few peril situations for the newly arrived heroine.

6 years ago

Keep doing you

6 years ago

Hello. Before i start my digress, i’d like to make a shorter good natured observation on the concept of veteran. Satrshot being aroundfor a year already makes he r a veteran. Reminds me of the RAF pilots during the Battle Of Britain, if you had been in more than 3 sorties and survived you were a veteran. Compared to Hotshot, Starhot certainly constitutes a veteran. Those are my two pences on the matter, be I right or wrong. My dear NGC, the topics you addressed above are about some things i have posted in my coments so i feel like… Read more »

6 years ago

While the fight was not completely to what i would had prefered, i do have to say, Hotshot looks even prettier than she was in her first video, which is saying a lot. I really love her long hair.
The other girl is also quite a looker as well. There’s no shortage of good looks in this videos… only punches!

Dr_Mabuse avatar
6 years ago

Friday at last, and this week’s release does NOT disappoint. Personally, I thought there was enough punching and appreciate the variety of combat moves. I particularly enjoy the clinch holds in these fights, with the opponents leaning into each other and testing their strength. We get to see the heroines struggle and clinches raise the tension in the fight, as either one could potentially come out ahead. Starshot’s my fav, of course, and it’s spectacular to see her again. As others have noted, she’s absolutely stunning in defeat, and I enjoy her obvious frustration with her poor start in the… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Dr Mabuse

” […] she [Hotshot] seems like the kind of young, talented neophyte heroine who will get in over her head.”

That’s what I’m hoping as well. And with some luck, finally we get a video where she is punched a lot by the veteran villains.

6 years ago

Even on a rainy day a day with a new Hotshot NGC video is like a sunny spring day. She has become my new fave NGC character. This is, of course, my own personal opinion about the video. To wit: The good stuff: – Hotshot is back. – Production values are really good, as always. . Hotshot is back. – Starshot is pretty good too. – Hotshot is back. My nitpicks: – Video is too short – but isn’t that true to all good things? – There’s still a great paupacity of punchings and face hits. I’m aware the whole… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Deckard

Hotshot doesn’t take punches? Again? Another wasted episode for me. Thanks for the info.

6 years ago
Reply to  Besugo

She takes some punches, but not much enough to even register in the fight. I do think this lacking of punches on Hotshot has been the greatest missed opportunities of her videos.

Darkwrath016 avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Deckard

I mean it depends on what you consider “some punches” and what you consider “register”. I guess if you’re looking for a video full of punches, like last month’s championship match, then yeah sure. Its woefully short in that regard. But last month was a boxing match. This month is a regular fight. There’s quite a bit of variety in the action here. Also, Hotshot got her share of punches in the beginning. And anyway, I think you Hotshot fans got the best move in the match which was Starshot’s modified stunner to Hotshot resulting in the latter lying flat… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

I pray for a fight with Hotshot full of punches like a boxing match or the likes of it. I beleive she is long overdue on a fight match like that, and hopefuly where she is the recepient of a lot of punches.
Until then, fights like this one, while entertaining, seems to be lost on her.

Darkwrath016 avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Deckard

You know what Deckard. I completely understand where you are coming from with your last three paragraphs. I’m going to go about it a different way though but I think we end up saying roughly the same thing. I find the championship is kind of turning into a strange parody. Speaking from a strictly storyline basis, like you said, Hotshot should have had way more trouble against Starshot because she’s a rookie and Starshot is a junior heroine at this point. Naturally I also feel as though the wrong girl won precisely because Starshot is more experienced. The championship records… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Darkwrath016

What you said, Darkwrath. This. Risking repeating myself, my only problem with Hotshot, and it just aplies to her, and only in a question of internal consistency, is that she just have her fights too easy against veterans girls. She’s always the one who gets the less punches or punishment in a fight, i feel no peril at all about her. This is what i think she is getting close to be a Mary Sue. Which i would hate to see happen to her, as i have said before, i like her pratically right on first sight right from her… Read more »

6 years ago

Regardless of who wins, this is an instant buy for me but I have to say that it’s mainly because of Starshot. I absolutely love watching her perform, and she is soooo sexy when she’s defeated! 🙂

Wrecker avatar
6 years ago

I don’t know that I’ve ever anguished over a decision as much as I have this one.

Mr.Bleh avatar
6 years ago

…one of these days, that announcer guy is going to be the winner. 😉

6 years ago
Reply to  Mr.Bleh

He is a winner. He’s always so entertaining. Kudos to the actor.

6 years ago

Hope that Hotshot will take more than two hits this time. She needs to be part of a video where she’s beaten up hard, like the last Deja Vu video.

Mr.Bleh avatar
6 years ago
Reply to  Besugo

They both do. I know Starshot shows the agony of being beaten down really well.

6 years ago
Reply to  Besugo

I’m sorry to disappoint, but she doesn’t take all that much more than she took in her first video. It barely registers.

Darkwrath016 avatar
6 years ago

Also, let me see if I understand NGC’s April lineup correctly. Starshot this week, Comet Girl sometime following and Spectrum sometime after that (or vice versa for the last two). You can’t do that NGC. That’s way too much awesomeness in one month.

AlyAdmirer avatar
6 years ago

MAN, I love Starshot’s hair down look…

Dr_Mabuse avatar
6 years ago

Yes! How much good news can be packed into one post? This much: – Return of Starshot (with her hair down!) – Return of Hotshot (anxious to see what she’s capable of, in and out of the ring; will she be appearing in a non-Championship video any time soon?) – A Championship match between two scoreless combatants who both look like they’re willing to go all out for a win (and put each other through the ringer to do it) – Infinity Girl footage for the Members Gift (from a fantastic but tragically short video) – Sneak preview of a… Read more »

Darkwrath016 avatar
6 years ago

Is it Friday yet! Is it Friday yet! It’s only Monday? BLAST!!!

Honestly, I did not think it was possible for Starshot to get any more beautiful from her outing in The Decider but somehow she has managed to surpass even that stratospheric bar that she had set.