“Sunder Family Ties” from The Battle for Earth

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8 years ago

Why no Gorilla Press in so many of these videos? That is my favourite move to see especially when a woman gorilla presses another woman! So how abut a huge black woman to gorilla press a cute white blonde super girl, that would be awesome to see!

Sugarcoater avatar
8 years ago

So I’ve been having TBfE withdrawals. No release in February?! What’s on the horizon Allen? I gotta get my heroine fix!

8 years ago
Reply to  Sugarcoater

Right! What’s in the pipeline? Keep checking their site 🙂

8 years ago

panthose/barelegged, mask removed, transformation, number of low blows, etc. Pretty soon all this is going to be the least of our worries.

8 years ago

Is her mask removed ?

8 years ago

The bar has been raised.
Best reaction (almost ever) to verbal action….” what would you do!?!”….
…to all involved ya got it RIGHT

8 years ago

Lows blows?!? How many?! We’re they good?!!

8 years ago

You just struck a nerve…how about Solaria gets turned evil. Sunder goes looking for Solaria to salvage her best friend since she already lost her sister. And then Solaria attacks and systematically destroys Sunder! Oh man, the possibilities!

Sugarcoater avatar
8 years ago

Sunder vs. Solaria…?

8 years ago


Sunder is as good as it gets. Incredible costume and heroine character. Hope to see more vs a female villain possibly. Please, more from this heroine ! Tremendous job.

ak_fan avatar
8 years ago

The concept of the sex was that if she cums, her sister dies. So under those circumstances, she wouldn’t be able to enjoy it given the narrative.

Sugarcoater avatar
8 years ago

Does she at all get into it? Would love to have a heroine actually begin to enjoy being sexed up and talk dirty back to the villain. MY HOPE for a future TBFE or Rye caliber video: Perhaps in the Amber as Ms. Marvel (in the black costume…?). Or perhaps Blair as Solaria or Redwing. It could be set up as the heroine, having been pounded by the villain in a previous encounter, begins to have sexual fantasies (a few fantasy sequences are shown, with the heroine (in costume) on her couch playing with herself until she cums. But the… Read more »

ak_fan avatar
8 years ago

Some internal monologue, I can’t remember 100% but I don’t believe Sunder talks dirty or curses.

8 years ago

Ditto with Sugarcoater on the internal monologue plus how “explicit” is the content
Thank you in advance

Sugarcoater avatar
8 years ago

Just curious but can anyone tell me if there is any internal monologue? And does Sunder talk dirty or curse at all?

8 years ago

Best outfit and best actress in my opinion! Great movie! Hoping for more in the future

ak_fan avatar
8 years ago

Thoughts as I watch:

-Love the little outfit Amber’s wearing as she does yoga
-Her Sunder outfit is really really attractive, and the fight scenes were well done!
-I like the test at the end and the way it was phrased as a “release” to tie it back to how the guy’s brother won’t see release from prison.

8 years ago

That is one of the hottest looking outfits I’ve seen! Fits her nicely!

ak_fan avatar
8 years ago

Really looking forward to this! Literally was thinking, “hmmm, wish there was more Amber McAlester stuff” earlier this week and then this gets posted!

8 years ago

Sixthing the request for amber in the black ms marvel costume lol

8 years ago

Fifthing the Ms Marvel request and seconding Sugarcoater on the hair volume aspect.

Sunder’s costume does look great though. Nice change from the traditional one piece leotard look.

Sugarcoater avatar
8 years ago

“Fourthing” the suggestion for the black Ms. Marvel outfit for Amber (or Cassify or Gigi). Preferably a shiny material that is high cut.

And if possible, perhaps add some volume/curls to Amber’s hair. Sorry, random extra detail/request.

8 years ago

Thirding the Ms Marvel comments. That costume is criminally underused in this entire genre, and Amber is an ideal candidate to be using it.

8 years ago

I’ll second Andrew’s comment: Amber needs to be in a Ms Marvel costume!

Also, are there KOs? If so, what kind/how many? Looks incredible!

kungfuandy1984 avatar
8 years ago

Held off buying the last release because I wasn’t a fan of the actress but I will buy anything with this one. I would love to see her as the black costume Ms Marvel.

8 years ago

Seems more or less all AOH, plus the girl tells me nothing…I’ll pass.

8 years ago

Amber is the hottest model in this genre! I wish she would do nudity, if so she would be the best EVER!

Allen would you ever consider doing like a female Punisher type character? Amber (or Coco if she came back) would be perfect!

8 years ago

Looks hot. I’m bummed Stella isn’t in costume getting trashed though. Maybe in a future video?

Sugarcoater avatar
8 years ago

And Amber looks so damn good in those heroine outfits. Allen and Rye have done some awesome work with her!

8 years ago

Thanks Allen! And OMG Stella, way to make me fall in love all over again (and again and again!!)

8 years ago

It’s pretty safe to say at this point that TBFE has surpassed the master to become the best in the genre. He just gets the genre and the fetish, something I think a few have forgotten. Bravo man!

8 years ago

Two comments on this one…. So Amber Amber McAlester super!! (no pun intended), but who plays the sister, should I know this?? She’s cute!

2: Weekend release perhaps???