“Sundown” – a Luciafilms Custom Film

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10 months ago

finally got around to this and its amazing overall! one little critique for lucia though for future releases that i hope they take 2 heart:

panning away immediately after the open eye death kinda kills the scene. u gotta linger on it for the end of the film not pan away

1 year ago

Any updates on what’s the next movie or when the next movie is releasing.

1 year ago

I just want a Mckenzie kissing scene … is that too much to ask … 😀

dds avatar
1 year ago

It would be cool to see the extended vampire bite scene in a separate part. Probably some of the footage was cut during editing.

dds avatar
1 year ago

Great movie !

1 year ago

hey is this an open eye death at the end therewith the heroine???

Sugarcoater avatar
1 year ago

Forgive me for posting this idea for Lucia on a thread for a video already made, but there didn’t seem anywhere else to post it. Lucia, any chance you might consider creating a Gold Avenger character like the super heroine from the superheroinecentral.com site? It would be a great nostalgic flashback to the early 2000s. And the costume with the high cut leotard in shiny gold material with the thigh-high boots were stunning. I’m thinking Coco in that role would be an absolute gem. I’m trying to create a commission, but was hoping in the meantime this might be a… Read more »

Sugarcoater avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  sugarcoater

For further reference.

dhallmu avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  sugarcoater

100% this character and costume was fantastic. Also miss the days where costumes used “power sources” like the SHC Brite Star Gem or the Gigi Allen Emerald character. Really miss those days

1 year ago
Reply to  Doug

Same. It makes costume destruction, or even the potential of it, much more perilous!

phlfan avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  sugarcoater

Agreed. Would love to see this.

1 year ago
Reply to  sugarcoater

I would chip in to this commission. I really liked the old school SHC, even with the goofy voice overs from the villain and feel like it’d be fun to see that come back in some form.

1 year ago
Reply to  sugarcoater

Agreed. This is a great super heroine costume. And it brings back this good old superheroine central days However, it would be good if the belt (or scarf) would sit above the thigh cut. Also, at the bottom back of the costume it would be good if the v-shape was a bit broader giving her a sexy but graceful look.

bob jones
bob jones
1 year ago
Reply to  Fantasizer

not that long ago pamela voorhees did a video called parallel divergence where she’s hanging there depowered with her giant udders flopping because her power skirt gets torn off making her weak as a kitten.

phlfan avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  bob jones

That was a very good video. I’d like to see more with Pamela; whatever happened to her?

MANUEL waisman
MANUEL waisman
1 year ago

O tan bien secuestrada torturada y violada por los nazis

1 year ago

Hola soy de Uruguay quisiera ver a wonder woman capturada y follada por Gargantua.Felicito ha Lucians por sus trabajos gracias

Nowsawyer avatar
1 year ago

ese es el simio verdad?

1 year ago
Reply to  Nowsawyer

Si como el de la serie con Linda Carter

1 year ago

Hi can anyone please say if she is corrupted or dies at the end? The responses about that below don’t seem too sure thanks.

1 year ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

Thank you @lucia for posting this. All of the films in this niche are expensive now and knowing what kind of ending the film has is very helpful to help determine whether or not it’s worth buying for fans like me who enjoy the death endings.

hmprofile avatar
1 year ago

I don’t understand this vampire. If I was Ludwig, there are more places I would bite than just the neck. I mean it’s Mckenzie. Cmon Ludwig, take off your glasses.

1 year ago

Can u also release a sequel to imperiled, staring Alicia, showing the after life of Starwave, like at the end she submits willingly to madam oblivion finally.

1 year ago
Reply to  Batman

Like she realize what was going with herself, and tries to get out of there, but again supressed by madam obilivion and others finally she accepts her life as a completely broken and submitted sex slave for madam oblivion and her goons.

1 year ago

Please release Alicia C. Moon videos soon…..

1 year ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-


HolyMolyDude123 avatar
1 year ago

I am a simple man. I see McKenzie and I buy. Grabbing this one this weekend.

1 year ago

Always love seeing the gorgeous McKenzie and while I appreciate this was some else’s custom I think it was a missed opportunity to see her in the Vampirella costume.

1 year ago

I hope the next Lucia movie is Alicia Moon Starfire movie eagerly awaiting that one has soon has I saw the instagram post.

1 year ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

Out of curiosity, what is the timeframe of making one of these movies from filming to releasing? I’ve always wondered how long an average one would take to create.

1 year ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

That was an interesting read, thanks for replying to my question, it really puts it into perspective, the effort that goes into making these films.

1 year ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

Thanks for the reply that’s is definitely day one buy for me one of my fav character.

1 year ago

shgmedia just disabled paypal payments after 10 years. i would suggest changing that before they lose tons of customers

1 year ago
Reply to  therealdon

I don’t know the specifics at all but I have a sneaking suspicion it’s not something they just decided to do that they have the capability to snap their fingers and undo. Apparently payment processers are a pain in the ass for adult content providers.

I have to believe shgmedia is doing whatever they can to make sure you’re able to give them money as conveniently, securely, and regularly as possible.

ME92 avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  therealdon

Okay so apparently they’ve slowly started adding Paypal back, but it seems to be depended on the seller atm (don’t ask me why). I just bought the newest Tbfe’s ‘Betrayed’ and there the option was prefund or paypal, and paypal worked. As for this one from Lucia, only prefund and credit card are available.

The only info reads:

“Payment options may change depending on which seller you are purchasing from. Different sellers may display different payment options”

1 year ago

still no word on death or corruption? feel like that should be mentioned in the content description (undera spoiler of course)

1 year ago
Reply to  ted

Yup. Agreed. I’d like to know as well before buying,

Nic cage
Nic cage
1 year ago
Reply to  ted

Spoilers !!!! She gets bit and passes out almost in a dying way . By the end of it she’s defeated. Hard to say if it’s death though

1 year ago
Reply to  Nic cage

Thank you!

1 year ago
Reply to  Nic cage

ah i might pass now, i dont really like the vague endings. need the corruption or death to be clear.

was already kinda iffy because you cant use paypal anymore too

Nic cage
Nic cage
1 year ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

Sorry Lucia I was still in awe at the rest of the movie I didn’t focus 100% at the end

Pepe avatar
1 year ago

Congratulations, a fantastic movie. I see your instagram please update on the movie with Alicia C Moon and McKenzie.

Pepe avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

Please quickly, xD

Thanks and congratulations to your team and you for these videos

Last edited 1 year ago by Pepe
SJ057 avatar
1 year ago

wow this trailer looks great

AlyAdmirer avatar
1 year ago

Nitpick–and I *realize* that I’m nitpicking, don’t flame me guys, this is by no means an observation meant as a dealbreaker–but it bugs me just a little that Ludwig has a reflection.
That’s it. That’s the extent of things in this trailer I can find to criticize. 🙂

1 year ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

Sooooooo maybe vampires in your universe do have a relfectiom

ME92 avatar
1 year ago

Lucia is on a roll lately, nice to see! 8 )

I’m still holding on until the next f/f flick however, so I haven’t even been able to test if I can still buy stuff at Netcode yet, but my gut feeling says no so maybe the waiting for the next f/f flick is a blessing in disguise until all that is sorted out. Nevertheless, keep it up ; )

1 year ago

Shut up and take my money

MyNameIsURL avatar
1 year ago


That’s it, that’s the comment!

1 year ago

damn this looks good! is is a corruption end or death? either is fine lol

1 year ago
Reply to  lawl

I hope it corruption. It looks great. I grew up watching vampire movies like the Hammer Movies so this one movie I will purchase.

Don1987 avatar
1 year ago

At work waiting ALL DAY to watch this! Super excited about the messy facial, been wanting that again since dolorfer. My favorite scenes!

YugoVang avatar
1 year ago

what is going to happen to her next

depo man
depo man
1 year ago
Reply to  YugoVang

i hope what happens to you next is you fall into a bottomless pit and get hit by a speeding truck on the way down, and then catch on fire

Nic cage
Nic cage
1 year ago
Reply to  depo man

And then pied in the face?

ME92 avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Nic cage

I don’t know what makes me more facinated… Yugo’s catchphrase or the fact that Nic Cage himself is avidly active on here 8 )

1 year ago
Reply to  depo man

depo no one likes you

Sugarcoater avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  depo man

Go easy depo. Some people have to have their thing. This is Yugo’s—he’s just going to post the same message for every release because it’s somehow humorous to him. It’s not hurting anyone, and it’s not doing much of anything other than adding one short post to a thread. Let it be.

1 year ago

Does she die at the end?

AmesFan72 avatar
1 year ago

Mckenzie is an insta-buy for me, sadly with NetCode doing away with PayPal I will not be able to purchase. It looks amazing though Lucia! Great job!!

Reynold avatar
1 year ago

Looks great, just wish we could see more penetration visually ie the fake penis in her pussy during sex scenes, like Bad medicine with the missionary scenes. But as always good job

Reynold avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

I would assume she’s fine with it because I think she has done it ie in hubris but if she is no longer fine with the more sexual aspect then no worries, coco in a hardcore film would be great too, she’s done hardcore recently I think

1 year ago
Reply to  Reynold

Coco has done hardcore recently? Which film? The day coco or McKenzie do a relatively hardcore film is the day the heroine genre peaks.

phlfan avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Anon

Yup. Would love to see the name of any Coco hardcore.

phlfan avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

Can’t wait. Loved Bad Medicine.

Nic cage
Nic cage
1 year ago

Net code locked my account for 24 hours for some error I have no idea . How do I unlock it ?

D_Hoffryn avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  Nic cage

I’d suggest you contact them about it.

Nic cage
Nic cage
1 year ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

I got it thanks!My agent is on it for me

1 year ago

pantyhose and debooting??? oh my god!

Elevete avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  33sp

yeah, It took a few years to come true but it finally did

1 year ago

This looks great as always. not a big Vampire person, but the production value, and MC conent make me want to buy this. Can I ask, in the second half, on the bed, is there any dialogue?

Dr G avatar
1 year ago

Great to see McKenzie back in action ! 🙂

David Walcott
David Walcott
1 year ago
Reply to  -LuciaFilms-

She is awesome. Looks great!

depo man
depo man
1 year ago

McKenzie looks as gorgeous as ever! but for me this is probably a pass, not a big vampire guy and the costume doesn’t do it for me. would love to see McKenzie don the Starwave costume again sometime! god i love that on her 🙂 also, as a side note, the vampire angle of this reminded me of the Paris Slayer series and got me thinking, will you ever do a mini series plot? i know most vids now are customs so its hard to commit to a series, but always felt a 6-8 part superheroine series if done right… Read more »

saxman314 avatar
1 year ago
Reply to  depo man

I’m not a big vampire person and the costume isn’t my thing, either. I bought it, though, and I’m very glad I did. She is a superheroine, not just a random vampire hunter, and the video is super hot!

Damien Woods avatar
1 year ago

This looks great, vampires and superheroines are a great mix

Nic cage
Nic cage
1 year ago

This looks great! I’m going to buy it tonight. No pie scene though, but it’s a vampire theme so I’ll let it slide